Did my father strike my gentleman for chiding of his fool?By day and night he wrongs me; every hourHe flashes into one gross crime or other,That sets us all at odds: Ill not endure it:His knights grow riotous, and himself upbraids usOn every trifle. I like thinking about the red dress and the television and you and your father. Sent away to the same place my mothers clothes went, I assume. that, in noble souls, worth alone ought to arouse passions; and, if my love sought to excuse itself, a thousand famous examples might sanction it. 21 Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays 1. Monologues for Teens "Tommy Boy" Plot - A Sophomore in high school, Tommy, is a fun-loving lad, who absolutely loves to hang out with his pals. She has been led on by boys, and had her heart broken more than once. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. Watching for any kind of reaction. I was gonna die there, totally alone. London: J.M. But those phrases were invented by professors at universities. What do you know? It struck me as amusing. Um, these, uh A preoccupation with my own mortality. And thats when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket. But to be honest I feel like the real opportunities are the ones that fall into your lap. Let me help you with this., A monologue from the screenplay by James V. Hart & Michael Goldenberg. Be gone!Exit SCARUSO sun, thy uprise shall I see no more.Fortune and Antony part here; even hereDo we shake hands. And I realized I was the ugliest girl alive. Thinking about my whole life, how . Nobody's Flood Gender: Male Length: 60 Seconds Monologue Type: Dramatic Character/Setting: Michael (18/19) talks to his brother about the moment he found out he had AIDS. Ive come to ask you for another three days time, at least, in order to forget you. I had to test it, you know? She refuses to take Martinas baby, Sofia, should Martina die, because she prefers to remain focused on her education. We would lunch someplace while shopping. Right?!. She has learned that her friend, Martina, a gang member, is HIV+. Sometimes she goes a whole week. . Pick a comedic monologue! I think you dont want to be with someone like me. I never heard a sound like that. And I wouldnt blame you if you walked away right now. Thats their line of crap. Standard Broadway repertoire includes Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Stephen Sondheim, Leonard Bernstein, Jules Styne, Bock and Harnick, Kander and Ebb, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, etc. Oliver M. Sayler. She gets the winter passion and I get the dotage? Embrace it. ), A monologue from the play by J. Thalia Cunningham. Lawrence Harbison has selected 100 terric monologues for men from contemporary plays, all by characters between the ages of 18 and 35 perfect for auditions or class. A monologue from the play by Tennessee Williams. O inimical old age! Home | Uncategorized | 118 Dramatic Monologues For Men, A monologue from the play by Martin McDonagh. 44 Dramatic Monologues For Teens. And she tries to explain, you know, sometimes you cant have exactly what you want but thats why we have to compromise. I dont really think it matters what that thing is . I still dont understand it. He is sternAs I am heedless and the slaves deserveTo feel a master. How I loved you! It hurts so much. You dont really know why you dont like them. I think you miss the other type of guy. A monologue from the play by August Strindberg. Its not even the lies that hurt, you know? . Copyright [2023] Mighty Actor, 84 Dramatic Monologues For Women (Powerful & Emotional Pieces), DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (BOYS), DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (GIRLS), 21 Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays, 20 Dramatic Monologues For Women From Tv-Shows, 19 Dramatic Monologues For Women From Movies, 24 CLASSICAL DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR WOMEN, 19 Dramatic Shakespeare Monologues For Women, Loves Labours Lost in Plain & Simple English, King Henry VIII In Plain & Simple English, Why Houston Is One Of The Best Places For Actors In The South, 41 Irresistable Movie Monologues For Females, The Top 5 Reasons Actors Should Move To Atlanta. I was still the same waist size since high school. Even Ser Gregor couldnt stop him. (beat). Not even my parents. Weiss. Pray can I not,Though inclination be as sharp as will.My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent,And, like a man to double business bound,I stand in pause where I shall first begin,And both neglect. Anger, which I guess is a variation of rage and sometimes it gives way to panic, which in my case is also a variation of rage. I suddenly found I couldnt write any more. Hold on. Outta order. I have this thing about not seeing people in the flesh. Im Han Nguyen born in Saigon, daughter of Le and Bin Nguyen. A few years later my dad got remarried to a lovely woman. Can we start over? I used to be the same. . Really? And I had said, you know, we could talk about it. Between them, the death of a father has interposed so little hatred, that the duty of blood with regret pursues him. To whom should I complain? Kelly added it all up and knew she had to let me go. . This is the best I could come up with, okay? Ed. Which gave my mother relief, because it meant that in the bad times, there would be good times. And if there are any irregularities to be found, rest assured they will be. Fairies and. Monologues from Plays Browse hundreds of great monologues from plays for men and women of all ages. Tis thouHast sold me to this novice, and my heartMakes only wars on thee. Your moms with someone. . So busted. Like that time, I came home. The fact is that no item of clothing has ever moved me in any way except one. There was a long shear of bright light, then a series of low concussions. That is, until it peaks, like your 61. That cannot be up to anyone else. But I can tell you this: he wont sell anybody out to buy his future!! Bethink thee, sister, of our fathers fate,Abhorred, dishonored, self-convinced of sin,Blinded, himself his executioner.Think of his mother-wife (ill sorted names)Done by a noose herself had twined to deathAnd last, our hapless brethren in one day,Both in a mutual destiny involved,Self-slaughtered, both the slayer and the slain.Bethink thee, sister, we are left alone;Shall we not perish wretchedest of all,If in defiance of the law we crossA monarchs will?weak women, think of that,Not framed by nature to contend with men.Remember this too that the stronger rules;We must obey his orders, these or worse.Therefore I plead compulsion and entreatThe dead to pardon. Out of Water 9. It wasnt much but it was twenty-five cents more than he had. Why did you do that?Doesnt matter now. I asked you a question. You put me on that stupid Weight Watchers Diet. See, he could have took and bought him a can of shoe polish and got him a rag. Consider for a moment the world a rat lives in. They must be contrasting pieces: one dramatic and one comedic, or one classical and one contemporary, totaling up to five minutes. And it was the algae, right? Or which of your friendsHave I not strove to love, although I knewHe were mine enemy? In my dreams. (Pause. A monologue from the tv series created by Vince Gilligan & Peter Gould, Hi. At that point I panicked. The world gets colder week by week as the world slowly dies. In my fantasy world, had my mother lived, I would be extremely well-dressed. Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. Maybe I wont be around. Read the play here Folger| No Fear Shakespeare, Watch the movie 2010 (Helen Mirren)|2017 (Royal Shakespeare Company). Not a carpenter. Swimming for the coach. However interesting as the thought may be, it makes not one bit of difference to how you feel. But tell that to the inmates who are kept in cages and told that they dont have any rights at all. And in the middle of this burning I am supposed to envision my life, Mary. THE BELLES OF THE MILL 20 Dramatic Monologues For Women From Tv-Shows 1. Yea, like some witch,She drugs the cup of wrath, that slays her lord,With double deathhis recompense for me!Ay, tis for me, the prey he bore from Troy,That she hath sworn his death, and edged the steel!Ye wands, ye wreaths that cling around my neck,Ye showed me prophetess yet scorned of allI stamp you into death, or eer I dieDown, to destruction! Sir, call to mindThat I have been your wife, in this obedience,Upward of twenty years, and have been blestWith many children by you: if, in the courseAnd process of this time, you can report,And prove it too, against mine honour aught,My bond to wedlock, or my love and duty,Against your sacred person, in Gods name,Turn me away; and let the foulst contemptShut door upon me, and so give me up. A monologue from the play by Arthur Miller. At least when you are gone, you are gone. I killed my family. fires] in order to extinguish my own. And then quiet again. Press Esc to cancel. Were hungry!, Theres thieves for you, my dear! He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved. I was free. It makes tomorrow all right. I miss you. You are Fraulein . ), Isnt that right? Im damned if Im gonna stand here and have you tell me youre in love with somebody else! Learn Manage Settings I wake up and I think.again? (Pause.) Audition Monologues The monologues below cover a wide range of styles, ages, and genders. My impotence set in a year ago. If you fail to beat the current, you will drown; if you get too close, you will be bitten. It was only faith divided us. Only sky above us now. I dont know if Charlies silence here today is right or wrong. I couldnt bear to see her in another womans arms. The hair goes, and the waist. Friends, be gone;I have myself resolved upon a courseWhich has no need of you; be gone:My treasures in the harbour, take it. He who least regardsSuch brainsick fantasies lives most at ease. F*** it. Yet be patient in hating me, as I am in loving you. He danced with me and none of the other boys could say a word. film also had a synchronized musical score performed by, louise miriam dillie keane born 23 may 1952 is an olivier award nominated . You chose to murder my daughter. It was the most precious moment of my life so far. That kids long gone and this old man is all thats left. Clever enough to learn what poison you used to murder Myrcella. ), I dont know if it was a girl dressed like a guy or a guy dressed like a girl dressed like a guy. And so it was it was leading me away from where I was supposed to be. (Smiling) Oh, you got a murderous rage in you, and I like it. What may be the danger,I know not: he hath found it, let him quell it.Must I consume my lifethis little lifeIn guarding against all may make it less!It is not worth so much! Free audition monologues for women, men, girls and boys. Awesome songs to use for musical theatre or opera auditions. Its life, boiling up inside of you. You know, I guess Ive been heart-broken too many times. Well one night I heard a noise thieves creeping in! Now, is this kind of behavior in an officer of the law in some way questionable morally? . A monologue from the screenplay by Joe Penhall. I was gonna get sick, or get injured or something. You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt your dreams forgotten. But today, you decide. I am not yet divorced, Im being investigated by the FBI, Im carrying the child of another man and Im not really a junkie. sighs] must my heart prepare itself, if, after such a long, painful struggle. Mostly I worry about food. You can think yourself lucky if one fine morning your little precious doesnt cut her sleeves off or come home in the evening without shoes and stockings. I could be as good or as bad as I felt like being. Did I tell this,Who would believe me? A monologue from the play by Pierre Corneille. And if its not okay its not the end. Dramatic Monologues Actor, writer, and Backstage Expert Mallory Fuccella knows the importance of finding a dramatic monologue with the correct tone, and she's here to help. He really did. And why?! (Beat.) Daddy said I could. And I kept explaining I hadnt actually said yes but at that point . Do you still spend your nights dozing over a textbook in that leather chair as if youre really there? No, know Soranzo,I have a spirit doth as much distasteThe slavery of fearing thee, as thouDost loathe the memory of what hath passed. Our age offers us abundant and glorious examples, my brother. Ah, you say that isnt true. I hurt badly! No one had such skill with his spear. Im not crying for myself. Today, it is headed in another. I turned back to look at your little body, a naked scrap of promise lying in the dust. Precisely. I try. I know movings a big deal. Hold it till my next birthday. Since then, its You seen his portrait downstairs? What I did was awful, and Im so sorry. I yell: Hey there get out of here! And they turn on me with their axes I warn them to stand back, or Id shoot and as I speak, I keep on covering them with my gun, first on the one. A monologue from the tv series written by David Benioff & D.B. All I know is the child is my warrant and if he is not the word of God, then God never spoke. Rodrigo, thy valor renders thee worthy of me; but although thou art valiant, thou art not the son of a king. Who I am is a 53-year-old woman from Memphis, Tennessee, named Anna Mae Harkness. And Jules talking about how were gonna live together when she goes off to college and sleep in the same bed, and be together forever. Edwin Bjrkman. But I couldnt. Professional profile for Charles Martinez an actor, voice-over, singer, playwright, casting director, director, producer, marketing/business, stage manager, musical . . I can't do this. Who the hell you think youre talkin to? F*** what your mum and dad did to you and your brother. Because Im a good policeman. I never had a son. But he was wrong. admits] no man without honor, and thy jealous pride, by this foul [lit. I havent come here on any but equal terms. Black kids dont go into the cafeteria and shoot up everybody or stalk teachers and shoot them. let them alone:The marshal and the archbishop are strong:Had my sweet Harry had but half their numbers,To-day might I, hanging on Hotspurs neck,Have talkd of Monmouths grave. O yet, for Gods sake, go not to these wars!The time was, father, that you broke your word,When you were more endeared to it than now;When your own Percy, when my hearts dear Harry,Threw many a northward look to see his fatherBring up his powers; but he did long in vain.Who then persuaded you to stay at home?There were two honours lost, yours and your sons.For yours, the God of heaven brighten it!For his, it stuck upon him as the sunIn the grey vault of heaven, and by his lightDid all the chivalry of England moveTo do brave acts: he was indeed the glassWherein the noble youth did dress themselves:He had no legs that practised not his gait;And speaking thick, which nature made his blemish,Became the accents of the valiant;For those that could speak low and tardilyWould turn their own perfection to abuse,To seem like him: so that in speech, in gait,In diet, in affections of delight,In military rules, humours of blood,He was the mark and glass, copy and book,That fashiond others.