will my chihuahua accept a new puppy

Introduce your puppy to new situations. In thr beginning my dog was all about him but my partner usually ignored him and gave attention to my other dog (he found the bouncy Jack Russell behaviour to annoying). Dog with lung infection, should I avoid dairy. Even a reserve deposit. - 13 lbs 5 oz. That's horrible. Written by. Due to their small size, an adult Chihuahua’s weight can easily creep up. But sometimes it doesn’t. In most cases, with time, your new puppy and your cat will come to accept each other and may even become friends. She barks, growls and tries to bite the new puppy. Some common reasons that make the older dog fearful are listed below. He has snapped on him when he went over to get closer to him on the couch but no one was bit. In order to make the transition smooth, you should plan each step of the process—from the d\gs’ first meeting to the steps you’ll take to keep the peace for the first few months. Veterinary behaviorists note that dogs of the opposite sex tend to get along the best, followed by two males together. Are you able to see the new dog before you pick her up? Because our feline friends are so different from dogs, however, they do need some special treatment to help them become accustomed to a new environment and their new furry family members. Only allow your Chi into the room when you can be with them all the time. With time and patience on your part, all family members, whether two-legged or four-legged, fuzzy, scaled or feathered, can learn to live together in harmony. My first main problem was my kitten hates being separated (she came from a house where is lived with dogs so this process was really to get my dog use to a new addition to the household) and she would meow whenever I would separate her to her room. In the case of young puppies, you may have a strong bond before you know … So you’re thinking about getting a new puppy with an older dog in the house and wondering how your old dog will feel about it. We have made sure to give Jada tons of attention aswell to show her she is NOT being replaced but I believe she is very jealous. Food and water bowls. While it's true that dogs have a pack instinct that may make it natural for them to accept new family members, they also have territorial instincts that can be threatened, even by a puppy. This may seem like a no-brainer, but the first step to bringing in a new canine companion is to first think about how compatible they would be with your own charming Chi. Take them out in neutral grounds so no one has any territorial earges etc. My dog hates it … Also remember, each Chihuahua pup will have its own personality. Still have questions? The type of reaction (the puppy will get) is dependent on the gender, breed, and personality of the resident dog. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. The nature of dogs is that they don’t raise puppies … We keep Jada and our cat food bowels and water bowl in the laundry room and now Trixies aswell but Jada is suddenly possesive of the whole room. - female (spayed) However, each situation is different and you should assess the reactions of both animals before you allow them to remain together unsupervised. Oddly enough I also have a female pit who adores them both, and have noticed that if Shorty gets too close to Tinka, Frisco also gets short tempered. How to get my Pomeranian-Chihuahua puppy to accept his leash? - 7 lbs 6 oz She is probably worried that she will loose her place to the puppy. Any advice from people who have lived with chihuahuas and cats would be greatly appreciated! My beagle is old so she like to just lay with him, although he’s not too thrilled with it. While still at the breeders, rub a cloth on the new puppy until it's covered with his scent. While being best buds won’t cure things (my dog will even … Exposing your puppy to new situations and people early on helps to establish future habits. I have 3 dogs, and my youngest one is a chihuahua. Sounds like Frisco is trying to be sure that Shorty knows that Frisco is the alpha dog. Now Pick up Rosie and give her some love. Leave this cloth lying around your house for a few days prior to the introduction of a new puppy; your established pet will pick up that scent, and won't be quite so shocked when the new dog arrives. Be prepared to spend the time needed to train and socialize your Chihuahua puppy. First start when they are both relaxed. After awhile Rosie should equate loving and holding Penelope as something positive for herself too. It's bedtime, or whenever Frisco wants mommy time, he becomes aggressive. Thank you so much for your help! Adding a new dog to the family can be a fun experience for everyone and if you approach it with a positive mindset (and some patience) your dogs should be pals in no time. I've been visiting her once a week since we first met her a month ago, and lost week I bought her a blanket to keep with her so that she would have something comforting when she first arrived, but maybe I'll get it early before I bring the cats over. However, some will not make joining their pack easy for the newbie! The Chihuahua dog breed‘s charms include their small size, big personality, and variety in coat types and colors. Will my 8 year old female dog accept a new male puppy? I've only ever owned large dogs till now, but I was a groomer for 4 years and also volunteered at my local humane society as vet assistant for initial animal intakes as well as a dog behavioral & socialization trainer, so I have interacted with a lot of small, scared dogs. Chihuahuas can be hard to housebreak due to their size, but they are very smart so once you start they should pick up easily. SHOW DOG OR PET CHIHUAHUA? You can also feed both your dog and the new cat on opposite sides of the door, too, creating a positive picture of the other animal in each pet’s mind. A pup or adolescent will most likely accept either. So we rescued a new Chihuahua puppy 12 weeks old. I called the breeder and he told me that i should try butting some small pieces of meat in it but she still wont eat i dont know what to do. Or will my pup eventually give up trying to play with the cats? My oldest is a Beagle and the other one is a russel,chihuahua mix. She is 5 weeks old and she wont eat her food. - 13 yo People often over-estimate these tiny pups’ abilities to “hold it” for extended periods of time. Have household meetings to discuss what is on the minds of everyone in the home. Strong bones and joints: Chihuahuas are fragile enough due to their precious stature, so it’s important that your puppy grows strong bones and joints. Here are some of the issues you'll face when introducing a new puppy, and tips on how you can smooth the process of acclimation when bringing a new dog into your household. Sometimes Eko slips away from us and darts right for Bastian’s Bed and pounces on top of him. However she gets along great (and always has) with our cat. Put her down, give her another treat and pick up Penelope for another snuggle. It’s an experience not to be missed. An old dog's … Introducing a New Cat For some Chihuahua owners, the idea of a kitty companion for their pint-sized pup is more appealing instead, and many cats might find that living with a Chihuahua friend is fantastic, too, especially as they’re close to the same size. I know that all my Chihuahua’s all use their blankets and Kalyn likes to have her own little pillow or doggy too. Before you actually walk in the door with your new dog, it’s a good idea to have an introduction ‘game plan’. It can be normal, especially at first, for your dog to want to protect the things that are important to him, like a certain sleeping place, or even you! I just want to do right by her and my kitties!! We have a chihuahua for 3 years now, I think she is 7 years old and we are getting a new German shepherd puppy in a few weeks, what should I do to prepared my dog for the new puppy and how to introduce the puppy to the chihuahua? How can we stop this? The new dog’s gender might be more important in your decision than you may think. Please check with your veterinarian before taking medical advice, introducing a new food, treat or supplement, or to confirm  anything else I suggest here to be sure it is a good fit for your dog. I don't think the best time to adjust to walking around with a teeny tiny dog is when we're all carrying a bunch of extremely heavy boxes Both of these reasons for this timing are wonderful—if it works out. They will eagerly explore their surroundings and lick everything in sight, so it’s important for new puppy owners to puppy proof their home to keep a curious Chihuahua puppy from going where they shouldn’t. Surprisingly, female dogs, including Chihuahuas, tend to want to argue the most with other females! Wait until you feel confident that the dogs are comfortable with each other before offering valuable treats such as real bones, rawhide, pigs' … Brain development: Every dog parent wants their new puppy to develop to their fullest potential. It’s hardly surprising that you want to take your puppy out to experience the wonders that exist beyond the confines of your home – to meet fellow puppies, break in their lead and be stopped by endless streams of passers-by, all craving the chance of a cuddle with your new best friend. Ive been through this too with my two chihuahuas , As you probably know chihuahuas are very protective and possessive over certain things i would advise you try to introduce them slowly taking it day by day hold the puppy while sitting on the floor and face its bum towards jada let her come up to it and let her sniff it but be careful just in case she snaps because chihuahuas are very unpredictable and try feeding them separately , if you give her time she should accept the pup :) gd luck hope i helped ( enjoy your 2 chihuahuas 2). Don’t feel that a dog cannot learn a new name, and don’t feel that a dog can’t learn a name completely dissimilar to his previous name. The puppy wants to play with the cats, and they would prefer he not. Finally, don’t leave your Chihuahua alone with a new dog until you’re very sure that they’re comfortable with each other and can play without disagreeing. Size is another factor that comes into play here too. This is particularly important for Chihuahuas who tend to prefer indoor staying indoors. Introducing your new puppy to the existing cat is likely to be a stressful experience for both animals; however, if it is done correctly, both pets can be kept safe and reasonably calm while a positive relationship is formed. Would getting my pup a smaller, younger puppy (he is 35#) a companion help? Amy Shojai. Initially I supervise very carefully and CLOSELY every one of my bird's and cat's / dog's move. Looking to adopt a Chihuahua or Chihuahua mix dog or puppy near you? Calmly remove your Chi from the room if they start to bark or chase their new four-legged family member, however, and they’ll soon learn that a show of bad manners means that they don’t get to interact. Our new apartment building is a 10 minute walk away from where a huge 4th of July fireworks celebration will take place, which kind of sound like the worst thing for an already shy dog to deal with while she's already trying to adjust to so much change. Establishing a fixed and consistent set of interaction rules. So I have had my chihuahua Jada for 2 years. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. As far as the older dog is concerned, the new puppy or dog must learn and earn their place in the pack. How can i have my 2 older male Chihuahuas to accept my 9 week old Chihuahua/terrier puppy? Whatever your puppy does, you must react properly or he will learn the wrong things. Chihuahua’s like to use blanket to cover themselves when they feel cold. As far as the older dog is concerned, the new puppy or dog must learn and earn their place in the pack. In this scenario, many older dogs behave just as they would in the wild. and hopefully they will go well together. First, find a safe place for your new pet’s cage or enclosure – a restricted room with ‘no-dog access’ is best, if possible. Feeding guides are only guides. Once your Chi decides to open welcoming paws to a new family member, however, it can be smooth sailing, and many Chihuahua lovers notice that their petite pups soon become the best of buddies with the new addition (which makes for adorable photo ops too, of course!). Adding a new puppy is an exciting adventure, but special considerations should be taken when introducing a new puppy to a home with a senior dog or dogs. They may try to keep the new arrival from approaching. Introduce your puppy to new situations. By ignoring, and/or growling at the new puppy or dog, they are displaying … Young birds are usually not very scared of other pets. This should end in a few weeks if all it is is her lettin the pup know. Unfortunately, the happiness of bringing home a new puppy can be dulled when you realize your older dog doesn't share everyone else's excitement. The new dog has no expectations of your home, so he shouldn't be upset by whatever feeding spot you choose. If you do, you will never regret bringing a Chihuahua into your home. Give one to Rosie and then pick up Penelope and love on her briefly. She was froim a very good and educated breeder. It is well to define in your own mind the purpose for which you want a dog, and convey this to the breeder. Learn about The Spruce Pets' Editorial Process. Although your 3 year old (or 5/6/7 year old!) That's just mother's instinct. Also read our Chihuahua Dog breed information profile. To find a dog trainer near you, visit the Association of Pet Dog Trainers web site. If not its worth getting a dog behaviourist out who can describe how your dogs are behvaing. For example, try to have the pair meet in a park or on the sidewalk in front of someone else’s home. But you may be able to help Rosie to stop having tantrums when you pay attention to Penelope. Most foods for Chihuahua puppies contain DHA for exceptional brain and cognitive development. Since Chihuahua puppies are prone to hypoglycemia due to their small size, owners should leave the food where it is available to the puppies at all times. You can prepare your old dog for the introduction of a new puppy in advance before you bring the new puppy home. Additional information - While I have already been approved, signed all documents, and paid her adoption fee, I asked her foster mom if she would be willing to keep her a little bit longer while we move and she graciously agreed. The initial meeting is important, so you'll need to prepare to improve your chances of success. Remember, I haven’t seen the dogs myself and don’t have a detailed history of their behavior. If you have young children, check out my Best Dog Breeds for Children … My dog is very possessive of me and will grow at the new puppy when he goes anywhere near him. In most cases, with time, your new puppy and your cat will come to accept … The more your dog encounters new experiences in a safe and comforting way as a puppy, the more likely he will be to accept new environments as an adult dog. Even if your pup can’t get into the cage, just being within your dog’s reach can be very stressful or even dangerous for smaller pets. it needs time though before jada will understand that the new member is indeed part of the family. Some may be more laid back while others may be full of energy. As a reaction to that, dogs either become aggressive or fearful. Get your answers by asking now. Once you can all agree to get a new dog, you can then discuss details like what kind of dog to get and where to get the new dog. First impressions can make or break the future relationship between your existing cat and your new addition. I can't imagine what you've been going through. What can I do for my adult dog so she doesn’t puke in the car so I can take her and her sister on walks? Keep your Chihuahua on leash as they meet, allowing your cat to approach your pup on their own, and rewarding both of them with tasty treats for calm and relaxed behavior around the other pet. Many Chihuahuas enjoy snuggles with larger canine companions, however, so don’t necessarily discount a bigger pooch pal. Here are 10 Tips to Help you Spot a Puppy-Farm Chihuahua You purchase your puppy through the website without seeing it. My dog is brilliant with everybody, especially my … At this tender age, puppies are generally fully prepared to leave behind the comforts of their siblings and mothers, but also can readily accept people as companions and "pack leaders," too. Do this several more times and then repeat the whole process several times a day over the next few days, gradually increasing your snuggle time with Penelope. If you’ve purchased a new dog or adopted an adult rescue, you want initially to introduce her to your Chihuahua, which should go as smoothly as possible. The addition of a bird, lizard or other small pet, like a hamster, rabbit, or guinea pig, can be a whole different ball game for your supervision is always key when your Chi is interacting with these pets, as they might tend to think more of this new animal as a toy or even food! PS - this site has been so helpful for me as a new small dog owner, and there has been lots of information on this site that I hadn't been able to find elsewhere. Step 4: Relationship-Building For Your Adult Dog and Puppy Your dog is probably jealous of the puppy because they’re not really friends yet. For the first few days, carry a pocketful of treats. He has always been aggressive towards strangers in our home, but not outside of the home. Chihuahuas are smart dogs, and as long as you are consistent with your training and you are patient with your new Chihuahua pup, your puppy will learn what is expected of him and will soon adapt to his surroundings. Oh Connie, I'm so sorry! I have a 2 years old Chi(Penelope) and I've had her since she was 9 weeks old gets a long with other animals never had an issue with her, we recently got a mom chi whos 4 yrs old(Rosie) and her 2 month old pup( Ariel) Ariel is totally in love with Penelope as Penelope is super playful. Also, there are different types of growls. Chihuahua Puppy Supplies To Have Before The First Night. How should we find loving homes for them? You can read our detailed Information guide about dogs for potential new dog owners. Odds are, eventually older dogs will accept a new, younger dog. Introducing a new puppy to your older dog is an important start to their lives together. There are a few reasons for this: If so I would see if you can get some items that belong to her ( a blanket, some toys, etc.) Providing that your new puppy is generally a cheerful little soul and has not experienced any negative consequences of being around people, bonding with a new puppy is generally a very quick process. When your new cat first comes home, keep them apart in a separate room for the first few weeks with their own food, water, litter and toys. Don’t punish either pup if this happens, since that could increase animosity between your Chihuahua and the new dog, but instead, distract and remove each of your furry family members to a different room to give them some space. Tiny breeds have very unique, individual needs and if you want your chihuahua puppy to be healthy, happy and safe in his new home, it's important to know what these are. But Frisco definitely can be aggressive to Shorty. They accept sniffing, but get upset with him when he mouths, barks trying to initiate play, etc. I took my 10 month old chihuahua back to the breeder so we could see the new puppies. I have literally been dreaming about this little guy and it's finally time to bring him home! I have never seen Jada so flipped out! I can also ask on our facebook page for more ideas if you want me too. A new puppy can bring life and energy back to an old, cranky dog. I want to be able to focus entirely on her and her adjustment when she first arrives It’s normal for the new cat to growl, hiss or even swat your Chihuahua at first, especially if they’re not accustomed to dogs or your pup seems overly enthusiastic about play. When I rescued my first Chihuahua, I was hooked on the breed. When there is a new dog in the family, there is usually a lot of uncertainty as to how the existing dogs should interact with the new dog, and how the new dog should interact with his new family. He gets along with my daughter's dogs, why not the new Chihuahua puppy? I used to train my cats by allowing my birds to walk all over them. Choosing your new dog should also be a group process. Exposing your puppy to new situations and people early on helps to establish future habits. Your new Chihuahua will want to explore and familiarize itself with its new home. Or take her some new stuff and let her have them for a few days to get her scent on them. What can i do for them to get a long better?? I imagine shopping for a puppy before her arrival brings about the same feelings pregnant women get when shopping for their babies. Getting your old dog used to a new puppy can be a daunting task. I'm not sure you will be able to curb the behavior with Rosie getting upset with Penelope for being too rough with Ariel. So I have had my chihuahua Jada for 2 years. Step 4: Relationship-Building For Your Adult Dog and Puppy Your dog is probably jealous of the puppy because they’re not really friends yet. Most terrier breeds were bred to hunt vermin of various sizes and types. My boyfriend and I just rescued an 8 month old hound mix and my dog who is 5 years old will not accept him. Getting a new dog or puppy is a massive commitment, so make sure you have researched the breed fully and have the time and commitment necessary to care for the dog. chihuahua puppies are big business and a target breed for puppy farms and back street breeders. 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I _____agree to the terms set forth in this contract with chilove chihuahuas and the breeder Deedra Jenkins the deposit is non refundable , unless the puppy becomes ill or dies in my care, and another puppy of the same sex cannot be provided within 90 days from the date of the death of the puppy. Artemis As in all situations, be sure your cat has perches at [human] eye-level or above where he can escape from the attentions of your puppy … We've only had Rosie & Ariel for about 4 days now. That way they will both know each other’s scent. Here's my recommended schedule (what to teach, when to teach it) for training your Chihuahua puppy. If you happen to be the center of conflict, get up and move, or distract each pup if they seem to be invading each others space; keep in mind that it will be normal for the occasional disagreement to happen, however. 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