why was the predator tied up in predators

Edit, The trailer featured a few lines and scenes that didn't make it into the final cut, which is normal for a film that hasn't completed editing by the time the trailer is released. It's left open to viewers to decide. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently? Metacritic Reviews. It was likely because the City Hunter was severely wounded and was either having difficulty breathing or the mask held a sort of stimulant to keep him going until he was able to treat his wounds. The other motion comic entitled Crucified tells the story of how the Classic Predator was captured and tied up in the hunting camp. He says to her, "Don't worry, it's not fatal. Before striking the final blow which would kill Royce, Isabelle shoots Beserker center-mass with her sniper rifle, causing an exit wound which brings Berserker to his knees. They wanted the group to work together and the only way that would be possible is if they could all communicate with each other, so they chose people that all understood English. Predator films have always been a source of contention among fans. It sounds much funnier in Russian. Herbivores are predators of autotrophs, but why do they have predators, and sometimes those predators have predators? As Edwin begs for his life, Royce assures him that he won't kill him. they have hunted human beings (sparing pregnant women), yet locate the extraterrestrial beings plenty greater complicated. When Nikolai came close to him and poked him with his M134 Minigun, the captured Pr… Then once again it was time to run until the final stand. Trophies may not be their biggest priority (as evidenced by the Special Forces soldier they find after escaping the traps, his chest was blown out but he was left there to rot, his skull and spine intact), so Tracker may simply have dispatched Noland as quickly as possible. The Tracker didn't know Nikolai had a bomb strapped to him and wouldn't be able to survive such a large explosion. So there were two different types of Predators, but both the same species. That just leaves more questions than answers. Edit, In the real world, maybe. Because the scene was deleted, it may not necessarily be canon. Though other parts of his conversations such as "...back home I was a murderer...a freak...but here amongst the monsters, I'm normal, I like it here, I want to stay" imply that he was simply going to murder her as he thought the Predators brought him there to hunt with them and be an equal to the Predators themselves. Edit, A web search on Archaefructus lianongensis shows that Archaefructus is an extinct genus of flowering aquatic plants with three known species, Archaefructus eoflora, A. lianongensis, and A. silensis, that have been dated to the early Cretaceous period (125 million years ago) in Liaoning Province, China. Where can I find Hemingway's quote "There is no hunting like the hunting of a man..."? Now, the universe's most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter, and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA from other species. By 2003, the development of Alien vs. It was long enough for him to become rather isolated and strange enough to create an imaginary friend. Edit, With the fire masking his heat signature, Royce rushes the remaining Predator from all sides, disorienting him, so the Predator switches from tracking Royce's heat signal to tracking his heartbeat. In the near future, a mercenary named Royce awakens to find himself freefalling over a tropical jungle. They hunt for the buzz of it. It is hinted in the film (and confirmed by Robert Rodriguez in a live chat with fans on ustream.tv) that the reason the Predators are hunting like this is to help themselves "evolve". Kind of a mating ritual. Come on! Royce thwarts this by shooting the hull of the ship and alerting the Predators to their hideout. (2) He is a doctor but is also a serial killer (like Hannibal Lecter, or the film From Hell's version of Jack the Ripper). Edit, The creature came from the cages they find earlier, covered in insects, and is another being that these Predators are also hunting. He carries a small medical kit on his person, which includes a scalpel.3.Walter Stans (Walton Goggins), a famous mass-murderer who was days away from being executed at San Quentin. Therefore, little is known about him but it has been suggested that he was likely a member of the United States army due to the pixel-gray Army Combat Uniform fatigues he was wearing.10. If the film takes place on an alien planet, why does the jungle look like one from Earth? There are a few theories on this. Predators are "large activity hunters." I assumed it was a form of torture. As they exit into the sewers, Nikolai is shot in the back by the Tracker. Warning: SPOILERS for The Predator ahead. What are your favourite George Clooney movies? At the time it was revealed, they still had nowhere to hide and they knew the Predators would use dogs to flush them out if they couldn't locate them. They try to explain it like the difference between wolves and domesticated dogs. Royce realizes it's a trap and the group decides to leave him, Isabelle shoots Cuchillo in the back to put him out of his misery. In fact, the Predator will kill an unarmed person if they are a threat or worthy of combat. After landing in the jungle he is immediately confronted by several other heavily-armed individuals, including Mexican drug cartel enforcer Cuchillo, Russian Spetsnaz soldier Nikolai and IDF sniper Isabelle. Had Stans raped and then murdered people he would be considered a serial killer. Another reason that's been suggested is that the skinned bodies were deliberately left hanging as a warning to other humans in the area, either taunting them or letting them know that they are also being hunted. While unlikely, it's possible that Edwin had studied paleobotany at some point. Did Topher Grace's character really die at the end? From which site I can watch Star One 's Detective Omkar Nath (DON)? Anna in the first movie was clearly a noncombatant, even from what the Predator could see: She was smaller, physically weaker, unarmed, and tied up—clearly, to him, she was not worth hunting. Edit, Not long after Predators' release, Robert Rodriguez had stated that Fox has green-lit a sequel. The likely explanation is that the ship belonged to the Classic Predator's tribe and when the Super Predators captured Classic, they rigged the ship with explosives, either as a booby-trap for potential rescuers of Classic, or in case Classic managed to escape. Sequels with lengthiest time since previous movies. The Yautja attempts to fight back and escape, but gets captured by the more numerous Super Predators and is strung up onto a totem structure. They hear him calling for help and find him in a clearing sitting on the ground with his back to them. There is also a deleted scene in which he admits he was a doctor and was addicted to prescription meds that resulted in him hallucinating a woman attacking him while he was operating on her. Also, 20th Century Fox has been known to employ such marketing techniques as adding things into trailers or heavily editing R-rated movies to PG-13 to maximize box office revenue, then release the uncut version on video. The Predator was able to see exactly where they are. Why was the Classic Predator tied to the metal monolith and why did he fight with the Berserker Super Predator? However, the English language is the third most common first-language spoken in the world after Mandarin and Spanish, and if you include those who speak English as a second language it is likely the most common language on Earth, so it's not as far-fetched as it may seem. They, like Nolan say, are like dogs and wolves, the Supers probably caught the Classic hunting in their territory or took over his hunting grounds and took him prisoner. What if the people being dropped on the planet were too disoriented to realize they had a parachute on while falling? Are the main Predators all Super Predators? the human predators in our world. Yeah I didn't like the idea of there being 2 species of predators either. He put it on underneath his jumpsuit, when he is laying on his stomach after he is shot, a close-up of the wound reveals the metal plating. (Please note that there are fan rumours suggesting that Hanzo's "mortal" wound was left slightly ambiguous as he was the only one to not have a definitive death, opening the possibility of bringing him back. (4) Four years based on subtle hints that he may have been abducted during the Vietnam War, i.e., he is wearing Vietnam-era pants, and many of the weapons he has, such as the claymore and the hand grenades, were Vietnam era. )Edwin: Reveals that he is in fact a serial killer, he attempts to kill both Royce and Isabelle in order to stay on the planet. The Predator is now tracking down its new victims in Shane Black's sequel – handily titled The Predator – so we thought it was the perfect time to look back on … He went off his meds for 3 days..." Stans is also seen showing genuine care and concern for other members of the group, something serial killers are only capable of pretending to do. Directed by Shane Black, the latest movie in the franchise introduces the biggest Predator so far - an 11-feet tall monster called the Ultimate Predator.Defending the planet this time around is a bus full of veterans being treated for … It is possible that the Predators in this film are seasoned hunters who have passed their initiation and simply hunt for entertainment, which would explain a game preserve. Nine elite warriors, all unknown to each other, are parachuted while unconscious into an unfamiliar jungle. Edwin (Topher Grace), a doctor who seems out of place among the group of professional killers. The total available energy doesn't go up with increasing complexity of the food web, so why aren't there just more herbivores and no predators? Nikolai then lifts up his shirt to reveal he has a claymore strapped to his body and detonates it, killing both of them. In the film we see the Crucified Predator of the Jungle Hunter Clan is tied up in the camp area. Predator (2004) (2004) and AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (2007) (2007). Have you seen any female looking predator before or any short haired-one for that matter? If you gave Kenny Powers $80 million to make a movie, it would probably look a lot like The Predator.Shane Black’s reboot of the long-running sci-fi/action franchise feels like it … Of all of the '80s movie monsters, one of the most fondly remembered is the Predator. Why would Royce alert the Predators to the hideout? Also, Classic may have been tied up for some time so he may have been severely weakened and malnourished and he still put up a decent fight. In a deleted scene, he admits to having been a surgeon addicted to drugs. OLIVIA MUNN. Making this film series more of a loosely tied together anthology series. All of their deaths in this film are the result of toying with their prey instead of just killing them or not taking into consideration that humans are more agile and can set elaborate traps as well. (It's also possible that he just scavenged those weapons and materials.) Get your answers by asking now. Isabelle (Alice Braga), a CIA Sniper equipped with a Blaser R93 LRS2 precision rifle mounted with an Elcan DigitalHunter scope and an HK45 sidearm with compensator as her sidearm. Does a "season" have defined parameters or does a new season begin when the previous round of Predators has either killed or been killed by their prey? okay now i just finished watching the predators movie.... and i'm sitting there like wtf.......... heaps of things totally confused me... 2 species of predator why? Also, this helps explain why sometimes the scenery switches from Jungle, to forest. Banding together for survival, they soon learn that they are on another planet and that they are being hunted by a group of predatory aliens who hunt humans for sport. Hunters are also known to cut off body parts, e.g., antlers, claws, fur, heads, etc., as trophies. Predators is a 2010 American science fiction action film directed by Nimród Antal and starring Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, and Laurence Fishburne.It was distributed by 20th Century Fox.It is the third installment of the Predator franchise.. The Super Predators are probably even more self-confident, seeing as how they hunt the Classics. All the characters in this film were armed, even if it was as minor as a scalpel. He was third on the FBI's most wanted list, suspected of killing 38 people, and is armed with a shiv, much to his own chagrin.4. They quickly encounter several more people dropped from the sk… Evolution of the Species: Predators Reborn This is a the main bonus feature which lasts for 40 minutes. His ship has some super valuable cargo that he was bringing to us. The reason why Predators think that humans are worthy opponents, is probably due to our resilience, and our weapons can actually hurt them, so it makes it even more prideful for the predators when they are able to kill us, it is an honor thing, they hunt us the same reason they hunt aliens, for bragging rights, and to prove themselves. How do you think about the answers? The scene with Royce and the laser target was in the film but it was only with one laser target and not several as in the trailer. Predator took precedence, and the project remained dormant until 2009 when Scott again showed interest. The Crucified Predator is seen being hunted at the waterfall by Falconer and Berserker. Edit, Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter. Holding Isabelle close to him, Royce says, "Now let's find a way off this freakin' planet." This is probably the most subtle homage.Stans' spine and skull are ripped out the same way as Billy's in the original.The use of "Long Tall Sally" by Little Richard during the end credits.The Classic Predator inspects Royce as the original predator did to Dutch before their final duel.The films score features Alan Silvestri's musical motifs from the first Predator film. Whether you're out hunting, fishing or hiking, the adrenaline surge of coming face-to-face with them certainly ranks high on the blood pressure scale. Therefore they were both breathing oxygen. Edit, Awards As he plummets to certain death, an emblem on his chest lights up and the canopy deploys automatically. They are like cavemen who knows how to build flying machines carrying high tech clubs and slingshots. They quickly encounter several more people dropped from the sky into the jungle, inclu… Cuchillo (Danny Trejo), a Los Zeta drug cartel enforcer from Baja, armed with two H&K MP5K submachineguns. The small projectile then expands within his body into two spikes that shoot out and impale him from the inside.Noland: After offering the group shelter in his hideout, he tries to kill them by smoke asphyxiation. Some insist they're canon, others say they're little more than big-budget fanfic. Note - this is strictly referring to the films and the corresponding canon comics. Edit, The over-all design of the "Classic Predator" is a direct homage to the original Predator.Royce says, "What are you waiting for? It could also be a hunting ground that is only used by the big Super Predators and not by the "Classic" Predators. What are some anxiety provoking type documentary/movie? He didn't kill you because you weren't armed. In this movie, we learn that the Predators' practice of picking out the most worthy warriors from each species has an ulterior … They put him in there to mix up the group dynamic. Edwin gets his leg wounded in a bear-trap type object, to the point where he can't even stand, but he seems to be walking later on. Then they probably thought they were safe in the ship with Noland. Near the end of the fight, the Predator notices a trap that Dutch had set for it. A lot of my movies have trailer shots that I shoot just for the trailer, so that people haven't seen the movie already but they get the feeling of what it's supposed to represent. The film is also said to feature animals and plants that are not from Earth. Role played by Permit Setty.. He was toying with Dutch and brutally beating on him instead of killing him. He has numerous weapons that he's scavenged in his hideout but he is shown to have captured the Predator's cloaking technology and he carries some sort of alien rifle. Super Predators don't operate on the "honor system" that the Classic Predators do. The Super Predators open fire on the humans, killing Mombasa, but the others escape uninjured. ... NASA Says 2020 Tied … Predators are actually hermaphrodites. But we think this particular Predator was actually coming to help. You will meet them doing various things with resolve, but their interest rarely holds because after the other thing ordinary life is as flat as the taste of wine when the taste buds have been burned off your tongue. The humans track some of the Predators' seriously vicious alien dogs back to the Predator camp - and find, among the skinned bodies of beasties, a Predator tied crucifix-style to an alien artifact. Edit, In the film's script, there are two alternate endings, one of which features an appearance of Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Dutch from the first Predator movie. He scavenges the planet for whatever tools he can find. No sport." As he nears the ground, a parachute on his back automatically opens, and he floats down to the ground. He is able to breathe perfectly fine and the Elder Predator didn't have his mask on. In the trailer there's a scene with Royce with multiple Predator laser sight targets on his body, but it wasn't in the film. Viewers have suggested a few ways that a "season" can be defined. The two Alien vs. I'm here! Well, predators are very barbaric, they do that. They bypass the galaxy finding for sparkling species to seek. Actually there is only one predator species. Is Archaefructus liaoningensis a real plant? This would serve to further obfuscate how long Noland had been on the planet, but only if he was placed in any sort of stasis in the time between being abducted and being dropped into the strange surroundings. You digg? Edit, No, that Predator is dead. The Earth's sun moves a lot in just an hour, so if he didn't notice any significant change within that time, it would cause him considerable concern. Getting up close and personal, they realize that he’s actually just taking an enforced and uncomfortable nap, at which time three Predators show up to unleash an attack that relieves Mombasa of his internal organs. Stans could very well have been a hitman for a syndicate or something along those lines; he may not have done it simply for pleasure, but because he was contracted to do so. Robert Rodriguez admitted this shot was done for marketing purposes: he needed a shot that would "crystallize the idea" of the humans being stalked by the predators and so filmed a scene specifically for the trailer. Why are the predators abducting people to hunt? He seemed rather put off when Stans makes a comment about raping women earlier in the film, though this could have just been part of his guise to seem normal (or he may have felt somewhat embarrassed/exposed by the mere mention of the notion). If the ship had belonged to Berserker, he likely would have just pushed a button to have the ship land again instead of blowing up his only means of getting off the planet. Many say the AvP movies aren’t canon which, while being a possibility, there was never an official statement decanonizing the AvP films. They infest a number of physique with their youthful. Stans was a convicted mass murderer and as far as the creators of the film have suggested, he is not in fact a rapist. Whether Berserker didn't know where Isabelle was before that or thought her of no consequence because she was paralyzed is up to the viewer. There are two possibilities: (1) days on that planet simply last longer, and Royce meant that the sun's movement is barely noticeable, not that it stays in one spot permanently, (2) one of the many planetoids we see shortly thereafter moves in front of the sun at some point and causes an eclipse. different alien species have visited their homeworld and accidently unfold the extraterrestrial beings to their homeworlds. Edit, Stans is a mass murderer, not a serial killer. ", which supports this theory, though it's not inconceivable that he was going to rape and kill her. Reluctantly becomes the de-facto leader of the damn stupid humans going to rape and kill her Predator! Stans survive getting shot by the `` honor system '' that the Classic Predator and Berserker could control the tied. 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