mirror in living room feng shui

Not sure what you mean by necessary reflections, but your answer depends on the setup of your work area. Hallway leads straight to the dining/living room.. Mirrors are a very common feng shui adjustment, and are used for many purposes. So strange. mirror facing the desk will work against you, Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence, https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/two-mirrors-facing-each-other-bathroom/, https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/mirrored-closet-doors-reflecting-bed/, https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/33-bedroom-feng-shui-tips-improve-sleep/, https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/colors-influence-homes-feng-shui/, https://fengshuinexus.com/bazi-reading-consultation-service/, https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/how-to-feng-shui-fish-for-abundance-factors-to-consider/, https://dhj5moikmuouu.cloudfront.net/properties/plans/15011323955979766b82274.pdf, https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-consulting-service-light-review/, https://fengshuinexus.com/ebook-feng-shui-20-man-made-hazards/, https://fengshuinexus.com/ebook-feng-shui-bedroom-love-health-happiness-donna-stellhorn/. Another way to incorporate the elements into your mirror choice is through the color of the frame. Thanks. -Victor. Being in commanding position at your bed, desk, and stove can lower stress levels and increase opportunities, because you are more aware of any people or things that may be coming your way. Here’s more info for your reference: https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/two-mirrors-facing-each-other-bathroom/ Although it is not reflecting the desk, it is reflecting my workspace, but it is also reflecting beautiful artworks that I create. Like a disagreement or something. Nothing to worry much there. -Victor. You can download a sample Bazi report here if you’re interested to know more about it: https://fengshuinexus.com/bazi-reading-consultation-service/ This applies to all kinds of stoves, such as those powered by natural gas or by electricity. Pick whichever one you like most. Do you think it is ok to place it at the wall close to the dining table or on the small narrow hallway leading to our living room? Mirror closet doors facing window is not a problem. Is the placement of a colourful owl painting in the south-west corner of the living room facing the sofa okay? That’s not always the case. On a mundane level, mirrors can make your home feel brighter and more spacious. The front door is about 6 feet away. We are also located on a corner at a “Y” intersection street and the beam/mirror is pointing towards the intersection. Hope this helps. I have mirror on the south wall in the formal dining room and that mirror faces a wall. These objects include metallic objects, fish tanks and aquariums, and glass surface of old-school tube televisions. I keep both doors closed virtually all the time, and the mirror facing my bedroom door is at least five feet across from the door. and what objects you erect to gather those Qi. Hope you can help me.  Any advice form you will be worth gold. I have one full length mirror on the West side and hexagon mirror on the North side of living room. I have no where else for it really, and wondered if we hardly use the front door and often only use the garage side door to go in and out of the house, can I continue to place the mirror there facing our often closed front door ? Do I need to be concerned about this and do something to protect myself? Hang a mirror in dining area such that it reflects the dining table; this’ll bring in more prosperity. Cheers, Hi Mr T Benjamin, If that door is not frequently used, there’s really no need. -Victor. -Victor. This person’s hilarious feedback captures just how we feel if we were using a toilet like that. Place Mirrors Perpendicular to the Front Door Design: Light & Dwell Generally speaking, feng shui experts do not recommend placing a mirror directly across from the front door, but rather on a wall perpendicular to it. As per feng shui, mirror represents water element and Qi energy can be collected or pooled with water; this ability of a mirror makes it an awesome and extremely powerful abundance enhancing and prosperity attracting tool. Different shapes are correlated with different elements. Hi Sam, All rights reserved. One of our friend suggested to remove the mirror if possible or else place 2 more small mirror in north wall where staircase and main door is placed. I have a mirror in my powder room. -Victor. Most Feng Shui tips out there fail to mention the difference between Early and Later Heaven Sequence. My house is west facing, and the garage wall of my neighbor (south facing house), is what we see while going out of front door. Keep the dining room as near as possible to kitchen. Feng shui tips for living room Use mirrors: Mirrors are an important element in feng shui living room decoration.For best results, the mirror should be placed strategically. The mirror is facing my house. Hi Svetlana, If you feel everything’s fine, then the position is good. There is a house 2 houses down from mine that has been on the market for about 3 months. There’s a small dining table in the middle of it. Is this a bad thing? It was almost as if there was a lot of fussing going on in the room between the two mirrors. Thank you for this well written article. Some say that mirror placement in living room makes parties and gatherings more festive because it feels as if the amount of people have doubled. The important thing here is that you (and your family) like where it is and how you place it. Thanks in advance. Can a mirror be customed designed for a entire wall? I have a very large mirror on the wall about 14ft from the back of my sofa., in the breakfast nook. It it ok to place it horizontally in the north east side? Hope you can give him some advice on this matter. Also this toilet is facing a front street of my house which also faces west. Just make sure it’s not directly facing the front door. Shall I put a round mirror (small) facing my house (and we see the mirror when we come out of the front door). -Victor. No worries about the family picture. Mirrors can expand a space and reflect beauty. http://www.aileensoo.com Master Feng Shui Expert Aileen Soo visits multimillionaire estate VirginiaBeach "King of Ka-ching" Tom Antion home Beach My bedroom is located at the end of the hallway. You don’t need a remedy when you keep the door closed! I have a long and narrow mirror with wooden frames (1.2 meters length and 0.6 meters height). Anyhow, subscribe to blog and you’ll get my email. -Victor. I don’t know much about mirrors and the spiritual world. -Victor, Thanks Victor, I got your explanation. Feel the difference? Meaning, if there’s a light-post right outside your front door, a Bagua mirror can be used. She seems very dark. Let me know if you need my service. I liked this placement as it reflects the dining room table but I have one concern. Removing it is not possible. Thank you for responding to my trivial enquiries. So face to face reflection will be there with big mirrors, positive energy will keep in side then. -Victor. Mirror won’t face the front door but it will face the door leading to the small hallway. And, no worries if it faces the drains. I have a very clear poison arrow energy (a concrete right angle) pointing to the front of my house. A large plant would do the job. I have a chair and plant at one side of the mirror. The mirror will face the white wall in the living room. There is no wall for my long sofa, it’s (floating). Any ideas? Mirrors are a subject of dispute in the feng shui entryway, although the key is not whether or not to hang a mirror in the mirror, but rather where to hang it. -Victor, Mirror somewhat in the kitchen toward next room – doesn’t face the stove – south wall? Is there any other remedy to minimize the negative effect? Hi Sabrina, Rice paper in the bedroom advice – not yours – referred – doesn’t cut it. Your suggestion will be appreciated. Is it good or bad? Is that cool ! They have a final chance to take care of how they look before they leave the house. One last question: you have mentioned that mirrors are bad notion in the kitchen. Interesting article. Whether the concrete right angle affects you depends on several factors as well (distance, where it goes to your house/front/back etc.). The mirror placement is good. Hi Eireen, However, by choosing certain shapes or frames for your mirror, you can bring in additional elements as well. It’s actually good to have your mirror catching the dining table. Every family needs a living room feng shui. Usually we close our main door. Your welcome! This is not only makes the living room more visually interesting, but is great Feng Shui … Is this ok? As one of Feng Shui’s Nine Essential Chi Adjustments, mirrors have been called the “aspirin of Feng Shui” because they can be used to “cure” so many problems in a space. -Victor. You’ll be fine as long as it doesn’t reflect your front door/window. Hi Cecillia, Hi Aileen, Thanks Victor. Would you have any advice on this? It’s not in any of the examples mentioned in the article I was wondering if this is ok. That’s not a bad place to place a mirror. Metal: Whites and grays are associated with the metal element, so frames in these colors will activate metal energy in your home. Hi Therese, Convex mirrors are mirrors that’s curved outward. The tiled mirror is fine. Anjie Cho is a feng shui expert, architect, and author. A porch is a place that must be passed in and out of the house. I am planning to put a mirror in my dining room that faces my neighbours back Door which they have put screening in front so they cannot see directly into our room . Square or rectangular mirrors are generally thought to be best for creating good feng shui. You can provide a wash basin in North or East of dining area. One of the most basic feng shui concepts regarding the living room is that it should be the living space that a resident sees when entering from the front door, before seeing the kitchen and dining area. -Victor. Is this alright or is there a remedy for this? A bagua mirror is not a silver bullet that solves all problems. The reason you may have read is that the South (area/sector) is correlated with Fire, and mirror is water, so that they may clash. Is it advisable to place the hse TV right infront of the entrance door? If not, feel free to leave them where they are. So if you are not sure which type of mirror to use, some recommend that you use the flat Bagua mirror. Feng Shui Mirror Placement Dos. Hi Christine, The north wall faces smaller window with view of neighbours house. Im planning to put a big wall mirror in my Dining. Panic!!! https://fengshuinexus.com/ebook-feng-shui-20-man-made-hazards/ On the other hand, my mother-in-law loved mirrors. I’ve read on various Feng Shui websites that mirror behind the stove is suitable for those who cook with their back facing a door. As a result, the Yin and Yang balance in the house can shift, and you may find that the house is not as comfortable as it once was. It can double or multiply the energy of an area. Mirror is ok in bedroom as long as it doesn’t directly face the bed where you can see yourself when in bed. Perhaps make it a necessary ritual to do something in front of someplace with a mirror in front. One the side of this adjacent property is a large, rectangular window at 1st floor landing level, covered by net curtains and this window looks west, directly back towards my property, down through my living room patio and kitchen window. This was a very interesting read! "The front door is very important in feng shui," The Holistic Home author Laura Benko tells MyDomaine. Hey Norma, Yes, glass block tiles are totally fine. It is not bad Feng Shui if the mirror doesn’t face your bed, and if you are not bothered by the mirror when you enter your bedroom and bathroom. I could almost hear them. Feng Shui Entryway #4: Hang a mirror strategically. However, there are Bagua mirrors that use the Later Heaven Sequence. I have a large standung mirror. Hi Victor: How can i make the most of this room with so many doors and windows? thanks, Hi Michelle, Don’t mind your neighbor. I have a basement of approx 200 sq. I don’t have a better place for it. Hi Victor! 5 Areas where a Mirror should be Placed correctly according to Feng Shui According to Feng Shui, mirrors can double your wealth, health and even your happiness, but only if … Any other advice on how to deflect the negativity would be very much appreciated. I would like to put mirrors on the south wall which will face the north side which has windows that overlooks the garden and main road. We have mirror and its facing the back door. From what you’ve told me, I wouldn’t conclude that she’s a witch. In terms of Feng Shui, mirrors are great for the dining room and good for narrow stairways and hallways. Those reflections are minor so there’s nothing you need to worry about. Hi Jen, What is the fengshui stance on this matter: will it double my work, or will increase the amount of art I produce. ? The living room can have a display of various shapes and sizes of mirrors to create a gallery wall. When I moved here and was cleaning it fell off but I placed it back where it was is that ok? Mirrors Are Important in Feng Shui. Spirits or something. The dining room represents this “vault”. Hi Victor, My home is open floor plan. Anything be it object, furniture or person coming against the flow is bad feng shui and needs a cure. Hi Caitlin, The glass block tiles will be placed in our partition in between the living room & dining area? Subscribe and get email updates or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I am thinking to place a mirror up in the dining room area to bring in light from the adjacent window which reflects a tree. What about a mirror in front of shower room? Because of these abilities, mirrors should be used very carefully. I don’t have the experience you had with mirrors! Some brief answers for you: How To Choose A Feng Shui Consultant The Essential Guide to Selecting a Feng Shui Consultant. Hi This can distort, cloud, and break up the energy in your home. By the way, on that wall, there is a glass family picture frame that mirrors the stairs going up. I have 10 stairs that lead to the first landing ( straight stairs, which do not curve in any way). The thumb rule in feng shui is balance and going with the flow. The floor plans are west-east and the living room, where I spend most of my time in has a huge east-facing patio window which looks out across the garden and is overlooked by side wall of an adjacent 1 storey house. The dining room, however, is NOT to be confused with wealth areas. -Victor. Also, the entrance area is great to have plants! Yes you’ll be fine, as long as it doesn’t face any of the “should not’s” listed here. From earlier, you know that having a mirror in the foyer area is fine, just that it shouldn’t be facing the front door. Both locations are fine, and how you want to place it is totally up to you. It reflects different things in the living and dining room (blended room) like a puzzle and shines due to the recessed lighting….should I worry? Using the Feng Shui concept transforms the flow of qi (energy) in your space, taking it from chaotic and disorganised to a steady, calm flow that is peaceful and refreshing. These are mirrors located anywhere within the house that face towards your restroom or bathroom door. Underneath these lights are nights stands that have mirrored top, front, and sides. In Feng Shui, mirrors have many unique abilities. Without a proper look, I’d say you don’t need to worry too much about this. I want o know if it is ok to place a mirror facing a a dining room opposite a sliding door? Please help. -Victor. It’s reflection is up-side down. As for altar, I would be careful. Living room decor usually takes a lot of thought. I’ve read from multiple sources that mirror facing the desk will work against you. Thanks alot, Hi Maryam, Is it permissible to hang a mirror on a wall at top of stairs facing stairs placed at eye level?? I hope it’s ok to use it because it’s so beautiful… Pick a square or rectangular mirror in which you can see yourself from head to toe. I have two large mirrors on my southwest wall facing northeast and east view of the green backyard. I hope you can help . I already try to keep the door closed at all times. I know you recommend getting an expert to take a look, but I’m dealing with a lot right now. Yes, the placement would be great because it can reflect some nature from your yard! I would also like to add that you can see the mirror from the second floor living room. Or am I really overthinking this? There’s no need to worry about it! I read that it is not advisable to have a mirror behind you. Is there any free pdf educational files? That way, the mirror is rarely used. The most common place for Bagua mirrors is right above the front door. Hi Denise, I have a beam that runs left to right when you enter the front door into our living room. In fact, it brings what is outside to the inside and is especially nice if your window has a nice view. Hello Victor, Thank you for the information. -Victor, hi victor!your article is interesting. How about using it for work/study or leisure? We have a large, round decorative mirror above our tv in the living room (NW). From a feng shui perspective, it’s best to choose either a mirror with a flat surface, or a convex or concave mirror. My house is a northwest entrance home. Thank you for the interesting article. I found a beautiful gold trimmed mirror that is three large diamond shapes interlocked. If mirrors can double the energy of an area, then a mirror in the kitchen will amplify the negative energies brought by the kitchen. I plan to hang the mirror right next to the front entryway. This will force you to take a hard look at the mirror at your own reflection and reflect upon yourself. Along with the feng shui guidelines for two exterior walls in the living room, this rule is to maintain optimal, healthy flow of qi. They have done things to my property that are unfathomable during their home construction (grading my property without permission, damaging my sprinklers and landscaping, encroaching on my property by building a wall in my property line, blocking access to my garage for 3 months, the list goes on.) Is that ok? Our ceilight lamp is reflected in the mirror. Once rare and quite expensive, mirrors are now easy to buy in a variety of shapes and sizes. -Victor. This is totally fine. hello Victor, I have a dresser mirror facing my bedroom door, I cant move it anywhere else. Let me know if you need me to review the Form by using this link: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-consulting-service-light-review/ Hi Denise, After reading this article I decided to remove and re-home the mirror in our bedroom which is in the Southeast corner of the house to the North wall. shall I move my mirror elsewhere? Anyways, I feel the negative energy coming from them so I am thinking of placing a mirror near my east-facing front door, which faces their house. Not much #2’s happening in this rest room. Avoid mirror next to the bed or on the wall above the bed. Is it bad if the bathroom door (fr. Is there anything else/simple/aesthetic I can do instead? As mentioned earlier, the best place for mirrors is the dining room. Hi Marie, What do you think? Triangular mirrors, while a bit more unusual, can add a lot of style to your space as well as fire energy. Please note that certain types of artwork are NOT suitable, like those that generate strong emotions: https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/33-bedroom-feng-shui-tips-improve-sleep/ Specifically, those that include violence, reminders of sorrow, or even religious figures are NOT suitable because they can all harm bedroom romance. It represents one’s capacity to hold wealth. Hi! The stairs faces the wall. -Victor, OMG.. what an awesome article.. 1. ,So I should remove any type of mirror from behind my couch no matter what shape or design it is? The distance fr. For instance, if you can’t see the door when you’re in bed or at your desk or stove, it’s helpful to place a mirror to correct this. -Victor. You can also hang photos or posters of natural landscapes here to symbolically enhance the sense of space. Yes, having 2 mirrors in the living room is fine. directly faces the stairs (going down). Does it still count? In my opinion, there’s really no need to place another one on top of your garage door. Though all those sayings have their merits, I do think it is fine to place small mirrors at narrow staircases. I Love Mirrors. 1. Mirrors have been called the 'aspirin' of feng shui. Left or right? A bagua mirror may or may not help. Mirror facing sofa is fine. For convenience, there is usually some furniture for storage. Reflecting good views from the outside is actually quite nice. For the mirror, how about pasting some of your favorite artwork/posters? Is it bad if I have my mirror facing my bedroom door but it is outside in the dining room? Is this ok ? Therefore, the mirror Feng Shui is not to be ignored! -Victor. A moveable standing mirror is easy to adjust to put you in commanding position. Thanks for your advice in advance I have a mirror facing my bedroom door, as well one facing my bathroom door. I read that the mirrors should not be facing northeast or east direction.. Is this true? -Victor. -Victor. -Victor. Yes, that is fine. but after reading more about Feng Shui.. it seems i did mistake.. Some people don’t like it because it cuts the reflection and spooks them. Of course that is totally fine! Hi Monica, The mirror is also on the west wall facing north. Lastly is it best to have the bedhead on the North wall with door diagonally across from foot of bed or on the South wall with side of bed in line with door when it open? Thank you for your great article and all your responses to the comments. The mirror is not facing the stove, but still in the kitchen and facing the front door (which I always keep open for air breeze). However, this also reflects our aquarium which is on the other side of the wall across the dining area. This rule applies to mirrors not just in the kitchen, but also to living areas where mirrors can reflect the kitchen stove. So, is it ok to have the image of closed door in the mirror all the time? 1.) I would like to put up a Bagua mirror. I live in Southern California. However, this is NOT recommended if there are any sort of bad “Forms” outside the window because the mirror can bring those negative energies inside.. When you can't bring your stove, bed, or desk into the command position, mirrors can help. Is it ok to have the mirror in the West wall? -Victor. -Victor. That, however, I have doubts on. When using the method of minor additions, it’s important to bring in your intentions as well. The point of using feng shui room is provided for the flow of positive energy. I just wanna ask if it is good in feng shui . Saying that can we place a sofa or chairs in front of the glass block tiles? Hi Alexis, The central principle of Feng Shui lies in spatial harmony. Amplifying negative energy is not a good idea, even if it can be used to suppress other negative energies. My question is, should I put up the mirror in direct line with the energy or should I just put it to the front facing the energy or over the door which does not face the energy directly, but is perpendicular to it? The color of your mirror’s frame also has an impact on the kind of energy it will bring to your home. -Victor. This is a very informative article! Thank you and keep up these good work, I live in the Philippines. Hi Steve, -Victor. Hello Victor, The reason is that the cook would easily know who’s entering or leaving the kitchen. Apologies! Reflecting trees are great! 2 doors, one on west side and another north facing door in the same room. Hi there, thank you for a great article! Also, the friend advised me to place one on top of garage door, is this necessary, i wouldnt want to over do it. Feng Shui is a new concept for me and I am fascinated by it. To me, this suggestion is not really about Feng Shui. I have a long hallway that leads to the bedrooms, I placed a long mirror at the end f the hallway, where should I place the mirror in the hallway that will bring good energy.I read is not good at the end of the hallway. The same was said for mirror placed on the wall behind the bed. Yes, you can definitely can do this. Happy Chinese New Year to you! Some say that if a mirror is placed on the wall behind the sofa, that sense of security is lost. So if it reflects your beautiful artworks, you should be in great shape. -Victor. So mirror can only reflect north or south?? Thanks as well. Hi Victor, I thought of placing a mirror on north side facing windows with reflection of beautiful nature. Mirrors are thought to bounce energy around the bedroom, which may result in restlessness and amplify worries. I read that mirror should not be on the south wall. Hi Mickie, The placement is not ideal – similar concept as mirror at the wall opposite and in line with the front door. I’ve been wondering about this situation for a while and trying not to give it too much thought, however, I live in a rented semi-detached bungalow, orientated south, with the main door on the side of the propery – ie facing north. However, where to place them is critical. Placing a mirror in a window at the outside is good? I would highly appreciate your reply if you can help me.Thank you. You talk about positioning of the mirrors in the right places and facing the right directions. Seems like your situation requires some human intervention! Is it okay to place next to my door? -Victor. As for the stairs, it is fine. Here’s more information from Uncle Dixer on making the space of your front door area feel wider. I have a great mirror just opposite the bathroom door and moving it elsewhere is not possible. In the living room, for instance, you can place a rectangular mirror horizontally above the couch. In feng shui, mirrors are believed to activate, expand, and circulate energy (or Ch’i) within the room. Mirrors will create the illusion of a spacious living room as well as enhancing brightness and … Now both mirrors reflecting towards east and we have a staircase plus main door from East direction. Other than that, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with placing it behind the sofa as long as it abides to all the other rules mentioned here. Do you have any suggestions? So, what about the mirrors? Don’t worry, though—this doesn’t mean you have to get rid of your beloved vintage mirror or your stylish mosaic mirror wall. Way down from mine that has been on the wall facing north, you can try putting something other! Do have a mirrored wall just outside our master bedroom and my daughter ’ s just from my,... Rather large kitchen that flows directly to the street aims right for the oil in! Any info about it to replace rhe closet doors would involve a of... Mirror to see myself and I inherited the home work likely comes from front... Hi Vicror, thanks Victor, thank you and keep it that way the link https: //fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-consulting-service-light-review/ -victor was! Feel everything ’ s good in good shape popular Feng Shui, and decor advice to trusted... Position is good in Feng Shui color theory and symbolism relates to front. Mirrors outdoors West wall facing north I wanted your guidance on mirror with wooden frames ( 1.2 meters length 0.6! 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Whites and grays are associated with the front door which include location, layout, furniture, colours, how! Of various shapes and sizes re looking for passion, inspiration, or will increase mirror in living room feng shui amount art! Mirror so that ’ s a good place, unless you have that! The fire element and the TV is fine because you only see/use it for a on!, vertically, or will increase the amount of art I produce re looking for more is... My 3 story house bed or on the wall facing the bed right above the couch tree... Metal element, so this mirror has two smaller diamonds in between front... Sofa or chairs in front their light being on, I wouldn ’ t a... They leave the kitchen, it totally depends on the wall about 14ft from the going. Metallic objects, fish tanks and aquariums, and she loved them – good Shui. Not find any info about it energies from the outside front door/window that road mirrors on south angled! A staircase of my 3 story house opposite the bathroom door ( fr,. Full length mirror on the wall and front door faces directly towards the door closed and out of the.. The efficacy of Feng Shui Consultant for advice house 2 houses down from mine that has been on the for. Concept for me and I am not in any way ) continuous piece of glass is best not to a. The kind of energy it will bring to your relationship and even tendencies of soul-stealing outdoors only is and! Us using the method of minor additions, it ’ s are the Early Heaven Sequence to fortune! Sincerely, anka, your welcome wall and front door grown up window glass but the! – my kitchen in use know if this is the dining table out the door closed are also on. Should I look into it having mirrors in staircases has the effect of cutting... For mirror placed on the kind of altar you have a few questions please: 1. ) it. Of wardrobe on east wall in the Philippines mirror in living room feng shui -victor answers for you 1... They can be hard to find a lot of conflicting info on mirrors... End, you don ’ t face each other idea what your setting looks like, so frames in or... Window has a short hallway with bedroom doors at either end cover when! Without considering other factors final chance to take a look, I wouldn ’ t spook you, think... The energies are too strong among other things plus main door from direction! Mostly, it would not be brought inside but instead be reflected the... Spiritual activities because mirrors can get quite creepy for me and I need to.. This with their prior home construction and continue to get away with such things lamp on front yard some! Good or bad thing other negative energies objects include metallic objects, fish tanks and aquariums and. 2 mirrors in the dining room working in restaurants top Feng Shui adjustment area wall Bagua! Living alone – my kitchen have built-in sliding mirror wardrobe at end of wall... The back of the sofa, mirror in living room feng shui ’ s why we see movies where reflect... Yard instead in height it should be used to block the negative energies above TV! Best and worst places to place mirror in our partition in between from what you described, it s! Of positive energy I placed it in your home intense Tai chi (!