how do you feel about working overtime

If you get "burned out" then you are less effective for your patients. In those cases, you may say, “Yes, I can work overtime and weekends. You can end up drained of energy and creative ideas, lowering your productivity and stagnating in your career. If you’re stuck in an overtime saga, you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of increasing your time at work. Work overtime definition is - to spend time working at one's job in addition to one's normal working hours —often used figuratively. Working late is effectively pointless if you don’t actually have any work to do. Even retail or service jobs can offer you more peace to focus when you're not officially "on the clock," leaving you to work while someone else is scheduled to take care of customers. Numerous individuals report an absence of inspiration among their employees and regularly ponder what to do about it. Why do you want to work for us, and not for one of our competitors? "How do you feel about overtime?" 548227, reg. Salaried employees often stay late for no compensation, and no recognition if their boss has already gone home. Your colleagues will also appreciate it if you can help handle customer issues that normally would have to wait until the next day. If it is a salary position, most of the time they will not ask this question because they expect you to work overtime. There are several benefits to putting in the extra hours, here we uncovered everything you should consider if you want the best results for your efforts. Overtime income gives your budget a boost, helping you pay off bills, expenses, credit card or loan debt. Answer sample 2 Generally I feel that the work can be completed on time if we work sincerely and utilize the work hours. . One of the benefits of working overtime is that it allows you to make money at a job you're already familiar with. Many employees feel forced into overtime because of the volume of work and their bosses' demands. If you are consistently doing overtime (as it seems) you should be rewarded for it. All rights reserved. Night shifts are good. It's Better Than Working a Second Job. If there was no need to work overtime, or to work different shifts, interviewers would not ask the question. However, this question reveals you a simple job interview trick: Sometimes, the answers are directly in the questions. On the other hand, lengthening hours at more physical jobs can be increasingly dangerous to your wellbeing, with fatigue and overworked muscles potentially leading to accidents and injury. Some states have more restrictive laws on … Salaried workers are hit the hardest, with a full 25% saying they log a … Resentment of increased workloads. On the contrary, my hubby works about 60hrs a week while he is on salary for 40. Basically, I don't support working overtime for a long period. 2. … And work doesn’t end for many people when they leave the office. Or is working overtime just a huge burden where you struggle to complete your assignments and only manage to do so in double the amount of time it would take you normally? How would you deal with an angry customer? How do you feel about overtime? I am able to work (fill in the specifics).” This is a three-step communication. 4. This question is a good way to see who would actually be dedicated to the job. With a second job, you'd have to carefully schedule your day around commuting between the two gigs and home, eating up more of your personal time. 1. “I work a job in banking that is 50 hours minimum, 55 is most common and occasionally goes up to 60-70 (working weekends, etc.). Some businesses require employees to work around the clock, so it is not unusual to be asked, "How do you feel about working nights and weekends" during a job interview. Extra money motivates many employees to work overtime, but the sad fact is that 59% of UK workers don't get paid for putting in those additional hours. You make more money than usual, but you may also end up getting overworked for a job with no career advancement potential or benefits. Whether you believe it or no, the overtime working somewhere affects your performance. This can also endear you to your colleagues if, for example, you can answer insurance questions for employees that never get to see any of the 8-to-5 human resources staff. Now there’s always the chance that your boss is not the … If working Sunday would put you working past 40 hours, and you aren't salaried, then it would be overtime. How to calculate if overtime is worth it. Some workers like to set aside any additional salary for a future vacation. For some jobs, staying late or coming in early means overlapping with another shift of workers. A smaller company might not appreciate having to pay overtime every week. Also, psychologists have found that the human brain can’t focus on tasks for more than a few hours at a time. Do not disclose more information about your schedule than necessary. While working the night shift has its own challenges, a shorter and steadier schedule without overtime will likely be better for your health. Don't feel guilty about not doing the overtime. Hourly workers may get paid the same rate as usual for extra hours, but miss out on time and a half or higher calculations. Any overtime I work has to be approved, but we are not forbidden to work overtime. Check out on your performance: First, you say “yes.” Second, you define the terms by telling them what you can do. You should tailor your answer without misinforming the hiring manager. Overtime usually allows you to just extend your hours at the same location. Answer. If you must stay late, try to avoid sitting still the whole time, glued to your computer. It … Skip negative comments about working overtime, since long hours may be typical at the company. Opinions vary when it comes to this hot topic, but if you ask us, we vouch for leaving your work at the office and never working overtime. To comment on this, Sign In or Sign Up. If putting in overtime means working after hours, you'll find yourself in a quiet environment with no phones ringing, clients coming in, or your boss interrupting you every five minutes. Intense stress at work can lead to insomnia, overeating, drinking too much alcohol, depression and other mental health concerns. We all want to get the most out of our jobs, but you really can have too much of a good thing. address: The Black Church, St. Mary’s Place, Dublin 7, Ireland. How do you answer 'Why do you feel you will be an asset to the company' in a job interview? Concerns around automation, slow wage growth, and increasing underemployment are some of the reasons Australians are working longer. What was your experience working overtime? Each shift has some positives. Therefor, you should always elaborate on your answer, for example with a practical experience. I do understand that it will occasionally be necessary in software industry to work overtime. How do you feel about overtime? " If you don't need the money, getting days back in lieu to relax and spend time with family and friends could be a good compromise. Your boss will just keep piling work on you. Employer may get the feeling that you said it just because you knew what he wanted to hear. Third, you outline the exceptions. Whether you have mandatory overtime or just several employees taking advantage of extra hours, you'll spend a lot of time with your coworkers. If you are at the point in your career when you are eager to work as much as possible, by all means, go ahead and say yes!" While the immediate benefit to employees required to work mandatory overtime results in an increase in their pay check, there are some negative repercussions. What would your advice be to other workers? An Elite CafeMedia Publisher - Update Privacy Preferences. Inter­views > Second Shift Production Supervisor Over Plant Operations > Jostens. If your boss doesn't appreciate your effort then try to avoid the overtime. Do not forget to account for the industry you are working in. Working at night, and working overtime, belongs to retail. Still, most employers will work with you around legitimate concerns and/or scheduling issues if they feel as though you are the best person for the job and you’re straightforward with them about your scheduling needs from the start. If you’re crammed with work and you're wondering, 'Should I work overtime?' Working overtime is extra money in a persons pocket. CareerAddict is a registered trademark of DeltaQuest Media. Actually, I prefer to work night shifts, as one can earn some extra money, and the shift is typically less busy. The more hours you stay late, the more it can upset the optimum work-life balance that keeps you happy and healthy. Start looking for alternative employment if you can't get management or HR to adequately address your concerns. We already spend a large portion of our life at our jobs, and working overtime takes even more time away from our personal life. We would not be fully staffed if everyone only worked a 40-hour week. But when it becomes something of a norm, you need to question whether the extra hours are actually worth it, or whether your overtime is just causing you to burn out and feel underappreciated. One of the benefits of working overtime is that it allows you to make money at a job you're already familiar with. How do you feel about working overtime? Here are five disadvantages to take into consideration. More commuting would also mean more fuel (and wear and tear on your car), adding to any expenses for uniforms, tech or tools for your second job. Your ultimate goal should be a promotion or seeking a higher salaried position elsewhere. But expect this position to have some overtime requirements if the interviewer is … If not with money, then maybe some free time at times where the company is less busy. You may even set aside certain hours to simply relax. Do you feel that activity fulfillment is dropping in your business? How to use work overtime in a sentence. In mandatory overtime cases, you may need to quit if the negatives outweigh the positives, but try negotiating for a better arrangement first with your current employer. I did it for a while until the hours started to impact my health. But expect this position to have some overtime requirements if the interviewer is asking this question. That means each week on average we end up clocking an entire extra day of work. You can also stash the extra cash into savings or a pension plan. Excessive overtime can cause real harm to your relationships. Take a couple of breaks to go for a quick walk around the office and get your blood pumping. Flag as Inappropriate Flag as Inappropriate. Added time to complete tasks means you'll naturally be more productive, but it's not always about quantity. A 2018 study showed Australians worked around 3.2 billion hours in unpaid overtime. However, to say simple “YES (I can work at night)” is not the best answer. It’s moderately stressful — would be more stressful but I don’t really care too much. Working overtime isn't guaranteed, so don't increase your spending to match the temporary bump in earnings. It could also be worth reading your employment contract. Add Answers or Comments. As you can see, there are pros and cons to working overtime, and you need to consider all angles before agreeing to expand your work week. Would you do it? Some companies do convert overtime hours into additional days off. In a study by Cornell University, 30% of those polled said working more than 60 hours a week caused 'severe work-family conflicts' and the divorce rate increased accordingly. Go to. Some people may have no problems whatsoever committing to a varying work schedule. It sounds like there are two different forces at your workplace: management who doesn't want overtime, and the person who calls you in to work overtime. If you find yourself staying later and later each night to take advantage of the calmer atmosphere, you may want to consider switching to a different shift entirely. You just need to measure the changes in your personality, the type of individual you turn into and also many other factors that would help you calculate overtime pay: 1. Join the discussion below and let us know! I hate it because it takes away from time with the kids and family in general. If you’re just staying for busy work, your intentions will sooner or later be confronted. Do not commit to a schedule that you will not be able to maintain. If this is an hourly job, then pay is given to employees working extra hours. At some jobs, just showing up on time and doing your work correctly is enough to set you apart from your coworkers. Even if you enjoy your work, spending 90% of your life, there can make it tough to sustain the passion and enthusiasm for every task. Assuming this is the case, you are not the only one. An increase in fatigue and stress among the staff. Diminished morale among employees. When the atmosphere is more competitive, though, putting in extra hours is a good way to impress upper management. I do not and will not work over 40 hrs because I'm only paid for 40 hrs. Brilliant Answers to 30 Most Common Interview Questions. What would motivate you to do it well every day? ". Overtime, a word that may conjure up feelings of despair for many, is a word that is a way of life for others today. Only stay late when you have something to be getting on with. Energy can diminish if you're not accustomed to late hours, weekend work, or all-nighters, and morale can wane if you don't feel like a part of the company's daily activities. However, I do not have children or family, so there is no reason why I would mind staying longer. Tags: See More, See Less 8. Be careful how you manage your finances, however. Occasionally, working overtime is inevitable; when you’re approaching an important deadline / have a deal to close, when your colleague’s on holiday, and you’re responsible for covering their duties or if it’s just busy season and you need to offer a helping hand for your team to meet the quota. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, and to analyze our website traffic. One needs to expect to work unexpectedly, if someone else decides to leave, also unexpectedly :). Would you do it? If you're feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities at your job, talk with your supervisor about delegating some work to other departments or hiring on more help. Answer. However I have no problem in working overtime if the project deadlines are very tight and requires me to work hard. Many people feel that working overtime is a bonus, especially when it doesn't happen often. Add Tags. Fortunately, you can motivate your employees to work overtime for you … Working overtime for no extra pay sucks the bag, I would rarely do it if given the option You gotta think too, your salary is great, but if you're working more hours per week, that salary evens out to something much less This can mean less sleep, less time for hobbies, and less socialising. Taking on a second job is another way to make extra income, but requires learning a new environment and possibly different skills. Overtime is still about work Only stay late when you actually have something to do. According to the medical examination I took just a month ago, I can work both day and night, without limitations. Taking on a second job is another way to make extra income, but requires learning a new environment and possibly different skills. Actually, in my last job, I sometimes had to stock things until 10pm, even though my shift ended at 6pm. Just think about it. Overtime allows you to put additional effort into a special project, leading to better results as well as showing dedication to your job and the company. If it is a salary position, most of the time they will not ask this question because they expect you to work overtime. If another co-worker were gossiping about someone else something which was untrue, how would you react? Card payments collected by DeltaQuest Media, company no. This job is repetitive. A 2000 survey published in the Independent, British workers revealed that over 40% of respondents felt more stressed because of these additional work commitments. It may not seem like a big deal to put in a bit of overtime at the office each day, but Columbia University researchers discovered that just a couple more hours of sedentary work a day is hard on your heart and is as dangerous to your health as smoking. ©2021 DeltaQuest Media. Avoid concealing other time-consuming obligations. Commiserating over long days and collaborating to get projects done can build better work relationships as well as earn you new friends. It is similar with many other questions, for example: Clever job applicants understand this logic, and use it for their advantage in an interview. If everyone else is there on mandatory overtime as well, the combined exhaustion can lead to frustration, arguments, and lowered morale–all of which will make work a total bummer as well. Any thoughts? I would not mind working overtime. My boss is honestly a huge asshole, but I must say that in all the years I've worked there: If I have had to work overtime, for example if i had to stay an hour late because a … Night shifts are good. Let’s have a look at it: I have been working night shifts for the past six months. To help you decide if the extra hours are worth it, let's take a look at the possible effects on your career, finances, and family life. So, try to find some harmony between helping your family financially and being around enough to keep your emotional connections strong. in general overtime is a particular short term solution to a particular problem which is an excess of work this arises for many reasons and isn t necessarily a bad thing similarly overtime isn t How do you feel about overtime? Where do you see yourself in five years time? It is okay from time to time but if the employee works extra hours for a long period of time it will result in burnout. Actually, in my last job, I sometimes had to stock things until 10pm, even though my shift ended at 6pm. If your boss hasn't specifically asked for overtime, don't overdo it. Shift work often requires a great deal of flexibility with a worker's schedule, too. I am used to do it, and I would not mind doing it, if necessary. Everyone likes making more money. One question frequently asked on interviews today, targeted to determine the level of an individual's work ethics is - "How do you feel about working overtime?" In fact, I do not prefer night shifts, but I understand it is a part of a job, and I am ready to take it . If this is an hourly job, then pay is given to employees working extra hours. If they need you to come in to work overtime, then there shouldn't be a policy against it. In my facility there were 4 pages of overtime every month. However, I do not have children or family, so there is no reason why I would mind staying longer. It won't be worth that extra overtime pay if you ultimately end up with expensive hospital bills, extended leave from your job, and a long road back to full employment. The Fair Labor Standards Act requires employers to pay nonexempt employees overtime pay when they exceed 40 hours of work in a single workweek. I would not mind working overtime. Whether you're eager to increase your work hours or are just following your boss's instructions, there are some risks to taking on overtime. Besides, hanging around after hours every night to do work could also signal that you have poor time management skills. Just a few hours of overtime can really bridge the gap between shifts and improve morale, particularly if you're in a supervisory role. However, if you are unable or unwilling to work certain hours — past sunset on Fridays for religious reasons, for instance — now is a good time to make that clear. Read more: How you can work 30 hours a week and still nail it. 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