did suki and zuko get married

Despite the sympathy each showed the other, Zuko joined Azula in trying to capture the Avatar soon afterward, and the siblings battled both Katara and Aang,[7] marking a betrayal that made Katara bitter toward him. Put them together, they could take down the entire world.Zuko to a White Lotus sentry about the Red Lotus. Aang: Hey guys, what did I miss? This left behind Zuko, who successfully broke the lever before running toward the departing gondola. [1] The first time they were seen kissing was during their set up "date" in the Earth Kingdom,[44] and later on their way to the Fire Nation. To his surprise, he finds a familiar face in a forgotten corner of the world. [8], During the events of the Day of Black Sun, Zuko decided to join the Avatar in his quest to defeat Ozai. Individually, they can take down any bender. [2] Ozai welcomed his son home with open arms and pride in his false accomplishment: the slaying of the Avatar. The young Fire Lord wanted to ensure that Iroh could live a peaceful and quiet life after the War, and did not wish to bother him by visiting Ba Sing Se frequently. Due to having previously been trained by Pakku, a waterbending master, and with her bending at its most powerful during the waxing gibbous moon due to waterbending's lunar sympathy, Katara was more than a match for Zuko and initially subdued him. Sokka- Well better get going or Suki get married without me. Aang fled through the trees, but Zuko did not give a chase. [34] Even after the defeat of their main members, he remained wary about the possibility of more members still lurking around the world. When Suki learns of a plot to overthrow Zuko by the New Ozai Society, she informs the Fire Nation of this and makes plans to intercept the Fire Lord before he is ambushed. The only trace of the Avatar and his companions that Zuko found on an earthbender prison rig that they helped liberate was Katara's tribal necklace, lost in the commotion. Personaly I think he married Suki and they have daughter ( j' ust idea ) WH AT YOU THINK 'BOUT IT. [3], After Zuko was declared a wanted traitor of the Fire Nation,[3] he still somewhat expressed a desire to capture Aang, despite evidence that this would, in all likelihood, no longer be enough to win back his honor and his birthright. Aang appeared to be friendlier toward Zuko than the others in the group. [35] When Zuko returned, she hugged him and called him her "new best friend". She became very interested and Sokka and taught him the importance of being a Kyoshi Warrior. Best friends.Iroh to Korra about Aang and Zuko's relationship. - See if anda can answer this Avatar The Last Airbender trivia question! [3], Katara, along with Toph, Sokka, and Aang, attacked Princess Azula in unison with Zuko at Tu Zin. [3] Zuko was the sole witness to Zhao's downfall as a result. Zuko was at first suspicious of her, as she was constantly visiting the tea shop. Song was the young herbalist who treated Iroh when he mistakenly brewed and consumed the poisonous white jade tea. When Jet walked threateningly toward Iroh, Zuko grabbed a pair of swords from an officer, and the two began to fight. Upon arrival in Ba Sing Se, Jet watched Zuko and Iroh from afar and told Smellerbee and Longshot that he thought "Lee", which was Zuko's chosen alias, would make a good member of the Freedom Fighters. Iroh turned his head away in disappointment, signifying that he was ashamed of the choices that his nephew had made.[7]. Aang:...But they're married. 1 Canon 1.1 Vacation at Ember Island 1.2 Harmony Restoration Movement 1.3 New Ozai Society incidents 2 Fanon 3 Fandom 4 Trivia 5 Variations 6 References 7 Navigation Zuko and Mai knew each other since they were children. He later told Katara that he knew the soldier responsible for the murder, a man by the name of Yon Rha, and they set out together to track him down. She thus forgave him, stating that him joining would give her a chance to avenge her feet, albeit in a joking manner. [59] From that point on, he resolved to gather evidence against them and turn them into the authorities.[61]. Upon this revelation, Aang began to view Zuko as family,[16] and they grew to be lifelong best friends, with Aang regularly turning to Zuko for advice. The only person i think toph could of married is haru. I know you. Zuko seemed empathetic after Katara said that the War took away her mother, remarking that the actions of the Fire Nation had also taken his mother, Ursa. After Sokka told him about the Southern Raiders who killed their mother, Zuko realized who they were. Zuko accepted the additional protection. Fanpop quiz: did mai and zuko get married? However, he calmed down when Mai made it clear how it hurt her that Zuko did not seem to care about her and apologized for having hurt her but remained firm on his conviction that he was helping the Fire Nation. Afterward, when Azula confronted Mai, she struck Azula down to save Mai, and by doing so, Zuko. Rescuing your dad is your chance.Zuko to Sokka about Hakoda.[28]. (leaving) Zuko- I am going to be a father. [62], The Red Lotus consists of four powerful criminals who were incarcerated for thirteen years following a failed attempt to kidnap Avatar Korra. Their first encounter was a brief face-off against each other at the Southern Water Tribe, during which Zuko attacked his village while Sokka zealously defended it. Despite his age and the frosty environment, Zuko fought well, although he was quickly overwhelmed by Ghazan's earthbending, and the Red Lotus was able to escape. [5] Other than that, Sokka had constantly been opposed to assisting Zuko whenever Aang suggested it, clearly indicating how little Sokka trusted him. [63], Next time you get in my way, I promise I won't hold back ...Zuko to Zhao. A frequently troubled young man, Zuko acquired both friends and foes throughout his journeys. But Suki and Zuko would have been cute. (patting him on back) Zuko- It not good. [31] When Zuko felt conflicted, he would talk to a picture of Iroh, expressing his desire for Iroh to be with him, though he never followed through. The only mystery is Toph's husband/lover because of Lin which is the only reason Sokka's relationship is kind of relevant because some fans want to ship Sokka … When Zuko merely stated he would build a fire, Ty Lee seemed disappointed. [48] The first time Zuko rode Appa, he stated that he thought "this thing would be a lot faster". Zuko was shy and awkward throughout the meal; nonetheless, Jin seemed to be satisfied with the conversation. However, he relented after Zuko helped the group defeat Combustion Man and Zuko expressed the need for restraint in relation to firebending. Even Zuko little sister likes them together. RELATED: Avatar: 5 Times The Gaang Won (& 5 Times They Lost) So, it did seem a bit dramatic and over the top when Zuko got so jealous … "Ahhhh," she zei and twirled around the room. Suki was the oldest of The Kyoshi Warriors as well as Sokka's girlfriend. However, even upon discovering that his rescuer-turned-abductor was his major enemy, Aang still took Zuko with him when he escaped. After leaving the underground base, at his uncle's suggestion, he dropped his Blue Spirit mask into the lake and watched it sink from view. [3] Azula attempted to capture them, luring Zuko with the lie that Fire Lord Ozai wanted him back home. I honestly don’t know what there is to even like about Maiko. [40] The two seemed to have moved past this as Katara assisted Zuko in searching for his mother. By this point, Suki had been imprisoned in the Boiling Rock by Azula, and Zuko had reformed and joined the Avatar's gang. Zuko tried to get him to cease his attacks, first by telling him the deal was off and afterward by offering higher pay if he would halt; however, Combustion Man turned on Zuko and blasted him off the side of the building. However, Iroh escaped from prison himself long before Zuko arrived, and Zuko was forced to leave without him.[11]. Zuko and Mai remained close after the War, but as the peace process began to disintegrate a year later with continued unrest in the colonies, their relationship faced some strain. Even though the capture of the Avatar by anyone of the Fire Nation would assist his country, Zuko saw the capture and delivery of Aang to Fire Lord Ozai as the only way to restore his lost honor,[2] so he went out of his way to impede rivals from capturing Aang before he did himself. Suki: Sokka and Zuko are fighting. Signifying that although his nephew had betrayed him, he still had faith in Zuko, Iroh gave Zuko a crown which Sozin once gave to Roku: a royal artifact to only be worn by the crown prince of the Fire Nation. Zuko walked up to her and hugged her saying "I was starting to get worried about you Katara." to which Sokka replied that it was "really unclear". [47] Both characters, at some point, stated that they were ready to face the Fire Lord. Song to Zuko. Though Iroh was a hard instructor, his merciless drilling in firebending basics served to improve Zuko's skill. His questioning of Ozai regarding what he did, appeared to indicate he at least suspected, if not outright knew, that his father did something to ensure his rise to the throne and was unhappy over how Ozai did so by killing his own father. #atla #zukka #sokka #zuko #atla incorrect quotes #zukki #sukka #zuki #suki More you might like avatar: the last airbender a:tla atla azula azula deserves it just as much as zuko they really weren't that different iroh and ursa just seemed to connect with zuko more azula just felt attacked and singled out by her family like zuko when ozai is being the usual asshole parent that he is Through means of an old letter addressed to Ikem from his mother, Zuko believed for some time that he was not Ozai's son but Ikem's. After the battle, Zuko visited his father in prison and was evidently satisfied with Aang's punishment of Ozai: the permanent loss of his firebending. [1], Growing up, it was hinted that Zuko was his mother's favorite child,[42] and the two were close. Jetkotara — the ship between Zuko, Jet, and Katara 2. While Zuko's relationship with his sister was hostile, he was verbally abused by his father. Sokka often depended on Zuko to execute his plans in the Boiling Rock, such as when Zuko started a fight with Chit Sang, unscrewed the cooler,[28] and jammed the gondola's controls. Following the failed Siege of the North, Fire Lord Ozai tasked Azula with capturing Iroh and Zuko, now considered traitors to the Fire Nation. He would ask for his uncle's forgiveness for his previous betrayal at Ba Sing Se. Later Zuko asked Sokka about his mother's death. [58]It's okay. [11], After Ozai was imprisoned following his defeat during the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Zuko visited his cell and demanded to know where his mother was but received no answer. Zuko managed to escape with Aang, but once they had made it a way down the road, Zuko was knocked out by a Yuyan Archer's precision shooting, and Aang unmasked Zuko. When Azula and her airships attacked the Western Air Temple, Zuko was wholeheartedly prepared to hold off his sister and her men by means of giving his friends, including Hakoda, enough time to escape. [31], The two remained friends after the battle, and they celebrated the War's end in Ba Sing Se along with the rest of Team Avatar.[31]. After hearing a lecture about family and seeing Sokka's interaction with Katara, Zuko decided to move toward better treatment of his sister.[17]. [31] Ozai was no happier to see Zuko in his prison cell than he was to see him in his underground bunker. After the crisis was subdued, Iroh wondered why Zuko had not come to him sooner. As the evening progressed, Song continued trying to reach out to Zuko, knowing that he suffered at the hands of a firebender — all attempts were met with distanced acknowledgment until she revealed the scar she received the day her father was taken from her in a raid by Fire Nation soldiers. Indeed, in their Agni Kai, Zuko proved capable of overwhelming his sister, his calmness proving to give him the advantage. [18], After I leave here today, I'm gonna free Uncle Iroh from his prison. The Water Tribes offer Princess Yue’s. [31], Thank you, Katara. Zuko was clearly remorseful, stating that it was not his intention to break her heart, but temporarily lost his temper as Mai coldly began to read the letter he wrote her. [2] Their attempts to progress in their bending while impeded by psychological blocks were also shown side-by-side. [3], Zuko separated from his uncle, and they both began traveling alone after Iroh explained to Zuko that capturing the Avatar at this point would probably not immediately grant him his honor and throne. Iroh pointedly stated that he believed that people deserved second chances and could change their lives if they so desired, clearly meaning this as a message to Zuko. Zuko suffered severe stress after several attempts were made on his life, and after one attack, perpetrated by Kori Morishita, Zuko ventured to the colony of Yu Dao to confront the colonists without informing Mai of his departure. This information, in turn, helped Zuko to make amends with Katara, who still hated him at the time. From the information on Nick.com, Zuko retired and passed down the title of Fire Lord to his firstborn daughter. Jet spied on Zuko and Iroh, trying to find proof that they were firebenders. You must know the pain of losing a first-born son. After the war Zuko and Katara are married and have a daughter. Zuko was once moved to tears by his father's upbraiding of him in the Agni Kai arena. Before leaving, Zuko demanded to know where his mother was, only to receive a taunt from his father, stating that the pressures of being Fire Lord would "change him", and he would be waiting for his return to seek help. Later, Sokka showed Zuko to his room. He announced his decision to free Iroh and join the Avatar; he left saying that it was the Avatar's destiny to kill his father and refused to kill him. FAN FICTION. [20] Later, when Katara, Sokka, and Princess Yue came to Aang's rescue, Katara knocked Zuko unconscious and wanted to leave him in a snowstorm. This page is comprised of Zuko's relationships with other characters in the world of Avatar. [57] Zuko took the threat the Red Lotus posed seriously, cautioning everyone not to underestimate their skills. Fanpop quiz: did mai and zuko get married? [49] His liking for Zuko may have even deepened after their adventure with the Sun Warriors and their learning of the secret of firebending. After the betrayal of Mai and Ty Lee, which happened due to Mai's desire to save Zuko out of love and Ty Lee's care for Mai, Azula visibly desired to kill him and openly declared that she celebrated Zuko no longer being the prince, leaving her inheritance of the Fire Lord throne unchallenged,[12] but despite Zuko bravely and relentlessly fighting her for Aang and the rest of his friends to escape, he did not share the sentiment, as he appeared to genuinely regret that his sister was seemingly going to fall to her death after being thrown off an airship by him and even seemed to be almost relieved when she survived.[13]. https://maikomaiandzuko.fandom.com/wiki/Suki?oldid=4627. Zuko reached out a hand to Zhao in an attempt to help him. In a desperate attempt to escape Zuko and Suki's wedding planning, Sokka finds himself on the road in search for some needed quiet time. - See if anda can answer this Avatar: The Last Airbender trivia question! Mai was deeply troubled by the stress and lack of sleep Zuko had been suffering, and during his absence, she called on the Kyoshi Warriors and her friend Ty Lee to act as his bodyguards, believing the Imperial Guards to have proven ineffective in their duties. Iroh was considered a traitor by the Fire Lord, blamed for the failure of the Siege of the Northern Water Tribe after he attacked Admiral Zhao for killing the mortal form of the Moon Spirit. [12] After the Hundred Year War was ended and Zuko's coronation was about to start, she helped him get dressed, and they renewed their relationship through a passionate hug and a romantic kiss.[31]. Mai Luko — the ship between Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee 5. "Ahhhh," she sinabi and twirled around the room. However, after some conflict and open confessions about the difficulties with which they were faced, the two made up, with Mai saying that he was the one she cared about the most. Katara almost killed Yon Rha but ultimately stopped herself. [2], Zuko attempted to withhold the information that the Avatar had returned from Zhao, but Zhao discovered the truth anyway and decided to detain Zuko so that he would be unable to capture the Avatar first. With Avatar: The Last Airbender still getting a lot of attention after being added to Netflix at the beginning of June, old fans are enjoying the show while many new fans are discovering it for the first time. [18], How was your night, Prince Zuko? (nice) Zuko- Okay I will distract Azula, Sokka & Suki you can free Katara, and Toph get Aang back to normal. [10] Zuko appeared very upset when his mother informed him and his sister of Lu Ten's death. He suspected that Katara used the special water to save Aang and deduced that the Avatar could still be alive, despite being struck by a fatal lightning bolt. Aang- Well not really. As an enemy of Team Avatar, Zuko was originally an enemy of Appa. By sacrificing your own!Azula repeating Azulon's words to Ozai to Zuko. ""I don't hate you too.Zuko and Mai. [13], Zuko and Katara got along a lot better after their adventure. The tolerant and even-keeled foil to Zuko's impulsiveness, Iroh tempered Zuko's anger with practical advice and a wry sense of humor. The two built a solid relationship, though it was not particularly affectionate. Suki and her team of warriors fought to stop Zuko's rampage as his firebending was destroying her village. Disturbed by his feelings over Song's suffering, he tried to leave immediately and stole Song's ostrich horse, despite Iroh's protests. The pair braved the trip outside without covering their … like nothing happened.She knew Zuko and Katara liked each other.So why not let them marry.After she made a plan in her head she went to sleep. He sneaked into their apartment and stole their spark rocks, a move that he hoped would force one of them to firebend. "[8] Both Zuko and Aang found out about their interconnected fates, with Aang being the reincarnation of Avatar Roku and Zuko being Roku's direct descendant as Roku's granddaughter was Zuko's mother. When Sokka mentioned to his father that Zuko was on the Boiling Rock, Hakoda at first saw it as a major problem. When the prisoners did arrive, Zuko mistook Hakoda as a big burly man with long shaggy hair, a long beard, a nose ring, and a tattoo on his arm, only to be told that Hakoda did not have a nose ring. Well we know that aang married katara, sokka married suki, and zuko married mai. To his surprise, he finds … 0 0. fanpop quiz: did mai and zuko get married? Mai reminded Zuko that he has her as a confidant, and he apologized for having caused her so much worry. The fight was broken up by the Dai Li, who arrested Jet based on the words of Iroh, the shop owner, and the soldiers who saw the fight. This did not prevent Zuko from showing pity and sadness as his sister fell apart, looking on solemnly as Azula sobbed uncontrollably over her failure. [40] Regardless, it was Katara who suggested a meeting with the Earth King to ease tensions between Zuko and Aang. After learning of his uncle's fate from Korra, the two reunited for the first time in decades. When the two were younger, Ty Lee willingly cooperated with Azula to play a prank on him and Mai to embarrass them both, revealing the extent of their friendship where she felt comfortable enough to tease him. Actually, we met a long time ago. This infuriated Zuko, and in their subsequent argument, Zhao mocked Zuko's plight, telling him that his father does not really want him back at all. After escaping Azula's attack on the Western Air Temple, Sokka toasted Zuko as the group's hero for helping hold off the Fire Nation airships and Azula. "Ahhhh," she said and twirled around the room. (leaving) Zuko- I am going to be a father. [11][27] He also attempted to tell his newfound friends Iroh's favorite tea joke but was unsuccessful when he only remembered the punch line. ... Mai later found out through Suki that Zuko had been secretly visiting his father. (point out) Toph- Do forget about me boomerang boy. [6] When he had been restored to full health, Zuko appeared uncharacteristically optimistic and expressed profound care and tenderness toward his uncle. Since she could no longer contact Aang, she deemed Zuko, as Aang's best friend, to be the best-placed person to tell her what her predecessor would have done in her situation. When Azula attempted to kill Katara with a lightning bolt, Zuko threw himself in the lightning's path. Zuko, however, appeared to be unaffected.[60]. [1], For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me, to accept me. Zuko eventually confronted Azula for the throne, at which point Azula challenged him to an Agni Kai. Smellerbee objected to this action, saying that Jet had no real proof that the two were firebenders and that even if they were, there was nothing they could do. Azulon was displeased with Zuko's failure, angrily asking Ozai why he was wasting his time. [61], Zuko was unaware that he would never see Jet again, as the young warrior was killed under Lake Laogai by Long Feng while fighting the Dai Li. [12], Following the events on the Boiling Rock, their relationship was in much better shape than it ever had been. After finding his dad and making an escape plan Suki, Sokka, Zuko, Hakoda and Chit Sang escaped despite the attack of Azula and Ty Lee. Jet, however, pressed on with his investigation. Once, when younger, the cunning princess devised a ruse specifically to embarrass the two childhood sweethearts. Zuko was the clear winner, despite Sokka's persistence. They either got married or he didnt get married at all cause in the proimse Suki was Zuko's bodyguard along with Ty Lee and who else would marry Sokka. This short-lived belief shook Zuko enough that he even contemplated abdicating the throne. Zuko revealed that it was Azula who killed the Avatar, not him and that the Avatar was, in fact, alive. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [EDIT 2018]: If you're just here to tell me you ship Suki and Sokka and don't like this, may I kindly redirect you to my Sukka video instead? ... No they did not get married in the series. [11], The two were properly introduced at the Western Air Temple. [53] They met in other battles after that, mostly as foes,[51][52][54][55] with one exception being when Zuko teamed up with Sokka and the rest of the group against Azula at a Tu Zin. Zuko reunited with his uncle before the final battle and sobbed as he begged for his uncle's forgiveness. "Hey Katara lets wake Zuko up we need to get a 移動する on" Suki said. Iroh warned Zuko about Zhao's plan, which led to the prince chasing Aang in a smaller boat while Iroh and his crew led Zhao off course. Zuko vehemently denied that she was his girlfriend when their waiter suggested it, though. When he returned to the apartment, Iroh asked Zuko how the night went, and Zuko at first went to a room and slammed the door, but after a few moments popped back out and replied simply, "it was nice", implying that despite the awkwardness and complications, he genuinely enjoyed his date with Jin. [3], During the invasion of the Fire Nation, Zuko and Sokka were paralleled for the first time. Unfortunately for Zuko, Azula would continue to bother his reign as the Fire Lord under the belief she was destined to make him a better Fire Lord ruling through fear. [11], Iroh was Zuko's uncle, mentor, firebending teacher, caretaker, and father figure. Although he was initially distrustful of the Society member, Kei Lo gained Zuko's trust when he freed the Fire Lord from his bonds, allowing him to save his family. 8 Answers. [5], He and Katara were imprisoned in a crystal cave below the Earth King's palace. "[27] When he later confronted his father during the solar eclipse, he learned that Ursa was possibly still alive, as she had merely been banished from the Fire Nation for certain treasonous acts. [4], It was revealed in one of Zuko's dreams that Azula had a great deal of influence over him, arguably rivaling his uncle's influence. Zuko completely understood Sokka's condition and accompanied his friend on the mission to rescue Hakoda. She met up with team avatar again during the "Serpent's Path" and helped them cross th barrier. [40], Zuko and Mai's relationship eventually reached at least a temporary end when Zuko continued to keep secrets from Mai, especially by meeting Ozai. Katara offered to heal his scar with water from the Spirit Oasis. In a desperate attempt to escape Zuko and Suki's wedding planning, Sokka finds himself on the road in search for some needed quiet time. From that point on, Zuko became Aang's firebending teacher.[48]. [13][30], Are you sure you want to go? Zuko and Azula's relationship finally reached a defining point when he fought her to prevent her from killing their mother, Ursa. Azula subsequently ran away from her brother, ignoring his pleas for her to come back so that he could help her. [39] However, they made up almost immediately and have remained friends. [56] Both had also lost their mothers, and both were skilled at using some form of bladed weaponry. [14] Although Zuko no longer cared for Ozai's approval and any resentment he had for Azula due to her possession of it had clearly vanished, it eventually became clearer, despite Zuko visibly still not realizing the true reason of Azula's anger toward him, that the reason behind Azula's seemingly impulsive desire to flaunt at him for her having Ozai's favor was because she was subconsciously massively jealous at him for having received Ursa's love while she was scarcely treated as such by their mother and mostly only constantly belittled for her vindictive acts. Fandom. [48]Appa does seem to like him. [34] According to his grandson Iroh, Zuko would always trust the Avatar's instinct.[33]. Despite the hardships he had to deal with as the new Fire Lord, his missing mother stayed on his mind, and Zuko confided in Iroh and Aang his belief that finding and reconnecting with his mother would be his only chance to find peace. [26] This behavior, however, was short-lived when, following a confrontation in the Crystal Catacombs, Zuko sided with Azula and betrayed Iroh. There he caught him, but Zuko escaped when Roku began to destroy the temple.[55]. Sokka was a bit uncomfortable, but Zuko smiled at him, implying he had no hostility toward the other. They promised the world that they would work together to restore the war-torn nations and celebrated together at Ba Sing Se.[31]. Zuko recalled this event and apologized for his wrongdoings. [39], I know, I had the same reaction. Aang intended to do battle with Ozai, while Zuko was ready to confront his father about his feelings and choices. An attempt to capture them, luring Zuko with him during the invasion of the Day of Black,... He trusted Zuko enough to tell him the importance of being a Kyoshi Warrior even so! With Suki if the they married married once Toph after she punched him in the.. 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