/wDAUiQFU7PT74w6/wBpGkZPu9SCz947fo6fRhN4j0CtAm+14PjX9yXr7K4o90tWXjuhlb2Hwa0g Drop-in. AMqq/wDNP/kklK/aP1j/APKqv/NP/kklK/aP1j/8qq/80/8AkklK/aP1j/8AKqv/ADT/AOSSUr9o 104.465 -131.108 l [(\016\033\026)-24(\r\f\025\f\016\033)4(\r)6(\017\205)]TJ -0.202 3.598 -1.422 3.792 -2.294 3.158 c Bring your own beverages.Good luck and have fun.Dan, Richard Haywood, tournament director for this Saturdays Club Tournament is in need of a few volunteers.If able to help out contact Richard at 847-742-6418..Thanks,Dan. upXktnqepWEJEttfxNKqA1B9RKs6e4NW+WOTLwZMeSPL6ZfDr8iuHTRy4dRiltIeof5wr7x8ykUN q 19.833 28.883 Td GvLj88TU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1ZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj4KTlJ Adobe InDesign 6.0 3.086 -28.682 l /GS1 gs -238.738 286.509 -214.223 291.459 -193.797 286.099 c q 1 0 0 1 99.0166 592.6604 cm OFFICIAL SITE of the Sun City West Pickleball Club. For Registrations: Debbie Javete, ptpbreg@gmail.com, Other Tournament Questions: Sandra Cook, scook81762@gmail.com, Registration & Tournament Desk Certification, Tournament Sanctioning: Sanctioned - Full, Minimum Registration fee (First event plus registration admin fee): $75.00, Registration, Ages: 50+,60+,65+,70+ - $75.00. saved 159.032 -41.29 l BEDFORD FAMILY CENTER 14 Allen Raymond Lane 32.603 -88.908 l 4 pickleball courts in Goodyear. saved 193.487 -101.369 l -6.146 2.982 -2.213 2.638 0 0 c The Round Robin will be on Saturdays from 9am to 11am at the Marinette, courts 1-3. f Q SNHuVurMRhvrMnptzjWQlVCU70J/pZLNKUBE8g4+PR48eWWQc5c3q2VuQ7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXY h sKVyH+h4HnP7P2tJ1xPRAx+bfIiRJO+pmRJPXKn0phX6sizTDisVQVRw1O/bL8XYOnh9Vya5auZ5 6.365 -3.9 23.727 -14.857 y / 171.409 -28.905 l 104.386 -65.939 l False A$10 Referee Assessment per player is included in your registration fee; Certified referees will receive $15 per match, Level 2 referees will receive $10 per match and other referees will receive $5 per match. Based on registrations, age brackets may be combined and/or divided. f Centres Mobile App & Build your custom drop-in program schedule , search for 'City Rec Centres' on the App . 8 pickleball courts in Surprise. The Open Play Drop In format is used at all Drop Ins. q 1 0 0 1 194.9362 597.0706 cm qLjI2Oj4OUlZaXmJmam5ydnp+So6SlpqeoqaqrrK2ur6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCbeU/KflW58q6L lPJddd9Xx1W8ZzMo3+zeatmz6DYjcZ4RU0N/1U/0ed/4H/5JJTpdN+sXQulUOx8arKLHPNh3hhMk Upper Main Line YMCA Pickleball. Four new courts are now open on the park's west side, north of the boathouse.
Fun in The Sun 2022 Pickleball Tournament for Charity 164.866 -39.984 l This clinic is to help tournament players improve their skills. Adobe InDesign 6.0 A/7m/wDgtf8A5FS8IYTOXZX7I6B/3N/8Fr/8ilwhXHPsr9kdA/7m/wDgtf8A5FLhCuOfZLjdP6Hi xmp.iid:1FAFBAD529206811945793FCDDA3C75D Membership enrollment or renewal status can be verified or completed online at, : March 7-10, 2022 Monday-Thursday 12p-5:30p, Liberty Courts Pickleball Center-Palm Ridge. 0 0 m Q dGM+oC/yafT+rDEszMlmTdmdPx6GOLrSXO9dxADGucAdVHjzcJJu4gfiz5+V9wQiYiMyenZvO+sn February 2-March 2, 2023. f Q 191.931 -92.376 l -3.166 2.524 -3.36 1.304 -2.726 0.432 c -28.966 23.092 -30.734 11.927 -24.938 3.95 c The signup for this event is now on our website. / created saved saved 1.771 -2.11 1.496 -5.257 -0.615 -7.027 c Ip/8Qi9+rG29GT7P1v1/X5cePp8f2q4qhdQ0+/srXzh5n05Wemq6vpeowj9u0ulX05Kf8VSvy+R8 126.608 -66.23 l ( 1h 30min ) Outdoor Pickleball Courts - BY. 211.1 -72.187 l / /GS1 gs Cq -10.67 39.489 -11.464 39.014 -11.858 38.486 c 0 0 m q 1 0 0 1 56.1838 585.5967 cm / AQUATIC & RECREATION CENTRE 2909 - 113 Ave *4-6PM *12-3PM *3:30-6 PM *9AM-12PM *3:30-6 PM *12-3PM CLAREVIEW COMMUNITY . 0 0 1 0 k S 78.641 -127.833 l Q 68.757 -49.747 l m9V/p3R//Dr/AP20zEDuF0div9WgXfV7pQaJJwseAP8AimIAgRXSiZTID0eJgiuLLtX9h2ChlMyb uJT/AJgQXK/YvSP+4dP+YElJsbBw8MuOLSykvjdsAEx8ElJ0lKSU5PWf+Uehf+nCz/2xz0lND6l9 1.09 0.792 1.332 2.318 0.54 3.408 c -2.093 -0.44 -0.872 -0.634 0 0 c 2021-07-23T11:46:12-07:00 Q Q Adobe InDesign 6.0 . If it makes you feel better my hometown had minus 12 this morning. z1q0uIE2je5icS8ewbhyH45lR1+WIq3W5OxNLOV1XuUD5A/MpRy+saM9P2Q1xv8A8kRk/wCUsvk1 q 1 0 0 1 35.9157 577.1571 cm T* falafel, and flapjack with the beautiful backdrop of Waneka Lake. -747.768 149.308 -748.88 150.472 -749.955 151.817 c wws6yd7p1N2PitrvcXP3PcZ7BznODQNzgA0GBCaTaKppdZ/5R6F/6cLP/bHPSUr6p/8AiV6N/wCm Q 75.662 15.399 76.625 15.314 77.584 15.206 c 156.852 -49.519 l Object Moved. q 1 0 0 1 217.8799 593.1703 cm BpPmnSbnTZrjzfr1xPClp6BZ0ScBeRelFCvIx6+GKojS7SPyl5y0zTPN9vLdQ6ZpgXS4o43uFku5 0 0 m -28.966 23.092 -30.734 11.927 -24.938 3.95 c 2021-08-05T08:48:02-07:00 xmp.iid:088011740720681195FEBD01DF4D8120 -251.417 161.966 -323.932 89.451 -323.932 0 c m5JtbnyrqNTPEa2kx6Oo3Qk164588IQMgPpl6gOg5Gvn8PkuPBlgBvf82R7xuIy/HqHxYpf6va28 saved xmp.iid:F97F1174072068118A0984EA827D4922 default 227.839 -2.983 l xmp.did:A6F5E181DA22681192B0DDB1E8FFFDF6 147.614 -57.217 l Cool off in one of five pools, including a lazy river bordered by cabanas. w/6CSlf5K/8ANh/0ElK/yV/5sP8AoJKV/kr/AM2H/QSUr/JX/mw/6CSnpemfWHHy76cCui5hI2h9 228.829 -27.496 l 2017-05-18T07:58:56-07:00 Our next Fun Day is Friday February the 10th at the Mountain View courts. 3 pickleball courts in Buckeye. 0 0 m 87.825 -63.575 l 2016-10-02T07:40:08-07:00 z6hWy+9xfSHN/m2Nqbd6cT7nE2VsnxcfBRcZpsezG3uVK1lJKUkpSSlJKUkpzeq/07o//h1//tpm See details below. q 1 0 0 1 463.067 580.2118 cm Adobe InDesign 6.0 xmp.iid:3634A61A3220681195FEA8B2731E2F96 The fun begins at 4pm. d7GWDa8Bw80lNd3TsZ2oBb8CnCcgsOOJ6OT1fp1TeodEG50Oz3g8f9ws4/wS45I9mHZJ9TcVlf1Z 256 ZeLys4TD03Xj80aUpIW0lcTU5PSltcXV5fVWZnaGlqa2xtbm9ic3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3/9oADAMB 66.829 -38.702 l AAAAAAABAAIDBAUGBwgJCgsQAAIBAwMCBAIGBwMEAgYCcwECAxEEAAUhEjFBUQYTYSJxgRQykaEH FVGWKCSpY8W/nU8T94zGz4cOTmaPeDRZwlKKT6wzQ2c0DX0fC4jeOkzLX4gV/azAlptbH+6n4ke4 -8.319 29.171 l Perfect net tension and height with adjustable straps and center post. Q Q Adobe InDesign 6.0 Oro Valley, Arizona 85755-9120 (520) 825-3711 V5MmnWunoSL3Uju/7QEzNNNN9CEUy6Mhl1eSX8GMAfH8U1RlLFpMUAf3mXf57ksgivIUaK0hA+yW FxYwdrSAJVKlHSr/AFu61PUbbUbEWtpbOFs5wSfXXk45b/5IGSz4sMccTGVk8x3LCUjI2GOR3V3P -86.106 -39.355 -83.588 -10.574 -64.284 5.624 c -0.202 3.598 -1.422 3.792 -2.294 3.158 c QAV1NzG6iIoH51PphW/umrxrirDfMP5jwtrnlkaLqq22jX3rXV/cPEF9SCJynGlzFzWphddgCe3b 98.552 -67.245 l Adobe InDesign 6.0 / 141.78 -58.521 l Pickleballtournaments.com does not immediately recognize a new or renewed membership. h / foxbutdlUkdyWEf68qOWsd/jubhivLwj8dUQ9wq3EVupBZ+RYeCqP6sMslKpAd7XGNxJ7mvrcPCV saved Again visit our website to sign up. pX/MrA/093/R/wDIpWpX/MrA/wBPd/0f/IpWpX/MrA/093/R/wDIpWpX/MrA/wBPd/0f/IpWpX/M 52.198 -2.016 l We promise to keep your information safe. Round robin play will use the format of one game to 15 win by 2. 0.872 0.634 1.065 1.854 0.432 2.726 c 7:00 am - 11:00 am, March 5, 2023 - Drop-in; Recent . The short answer is no. yj0L/wBOFn/tjnpKV9U//Er0b/034v8A55rSU6sgcpWpYvam8YTTB17G6EgfEpcROwUaG7zefl9e 0 0 m 88.733 102.919 78.374 102.177 v 0.4313202 0 0 -0.4706421 433.2210999 111.3381042 cm GVY1riz1L23lrR9L/Cv2hb3K85yPCfaIAvtw6/YGaUJ9Wx0H6ofXLGyqeodNY3HtY8B+6xrS1p1m saved -3.958 3.155 -4.2 1.63 -3.408 0.54 c 0 0 m -6.828 46.496 -6.828 39.603 y uix2yDVNEiW1v7Q+ogiHFZFH2kZFoDUZXr+z8ebEQA5HY/bebT5xxSJHmn+lX9rqOnJqMRCwzDmy / q Chef on Wheels-Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Fries, and Tacos, Tia Marias Bakery-Local pastry chef will be serving a variety of her treats, Twisted Trolley-Soft Serve ice cream with flavor burst stripe, DOLE Whip, Floats, Sundaes, Piacenza Sapore Di Italia-Pasta, Flatbreads, Salads, and much more, Chef on Wheels-a surprise menu featuring several multicultural dishes. 216.827 -58.809 l CBKyWWMUR6pXOjDHxCd7RY/vEeySrPotcG6sJ4nhCWMhfHNGTZTGRSSnJ6z/AMo9C/8AThZ/7Y56 0 -1.506 l EnimNVpZ/wAUfTL/AEnEVk80bQ3cUTk2yzs8KHY/GaBqf6qDNoMJGo09chD7h+A6WeoidHrBLn4n 0 89.451 -72.515 161.966 -161.966 161.966 c xmp.iid:CB1135422520681188C6EF7237A71007 saved The net is hung at 36 inches at the sidelines, and 34 inches at center. -406.317 79.256 -370.419 79.149 -334.621 75.861 c 139.094 -128.625 l There will be a set schedule posted prior to the start of the 8 week season. Sturdy construction with wide steel base and quality net materials. The pickleball court is similar to a doubles badminton court. 83.624 -56.378 l 9.275 3.085 19.117 5.165 28.799 6.146 c 17.9729 0 0 19.6116 394.019 82.6162 Tm h -2.616 -0.55 -1.09 -0.792 0 0 c 32.603 -88.909 l [(\017\033\025\024\030\004\026\030\213\030\003)13(\004\026\030\206\001\216\223\210\030\212)-4(\017\r\033\f\020\007\030\004\003\030\024\004)7(\202\030\r)6(\004\030\004\n\r\033\f\035\030)]TJ CAMSuIyBlg5fQ+ovfXhejY+oBz2bNrg130XQ5oMHxSHCVS447ubndf6f0/qd+Dd0/fRitrfkZVbW saved 81.745 -65.696 l . -226.276 145.769 -291.539 80.506 -291.539 0 c Drop-in pickleball is available for all levels and abilities. -1.846 32.915 -13.011 34.684 -20.988 28.888 c saved gyH4finDf1RPkSU2OMgvK9Y+oHVc7NzuqUW1Rk5GTe2tztpa31ZhxPBh3ELZ5X4jhxY4YzdgRG3c -278.373 -7.568 -279.31 -7.836 -280.182 -8.086 c 2019-09-14T12:01:40-07:00
Westminster Parks & Recreation - TeamSideline.com 0 0 m 0 0 m Adobe InDesign 6.0 saved 4hsYfiEccY6axkfsKGzoLqOnO3/ZMK5l1V1djHP9Mur3Bu82cfTPCaeXqHQFkjzwll04pCiOl69q 164.168 -119.062 l 3.913 w 4 M [5.365 5.365]0 d xmp.did:338B76442C20681192B0977703BE0E62 xmp.iid:AAF5E181DA22681192B0DDB1E8FFFDF6 xmp.iid:008011740720681188C6EF7237A71007 Q 0 0 m 0.872 0.634 1.065 1.854 0.432 2.726 c 91.598 -69.387 l -11.766 -5.378 -11.422 -1.445 -8.784 0.768 c Q 0xu57JKbOd9bMDE6ZR1fGoyM/FyX+k1+M1gIfv8ARDXMvspduL/bETKSmfXOudIxca/FyXHJl1WJ q 1 0 0 1 230.398 573.9424 cm Thursday 7:00-9:30 AM, High Intermediate (3.5-4.0) Friday 7:00-9:30 AM, Advanced (4.0+) Open Court Rentals: You can also book off-peak court time during the weekdays for $100 for 2 hours. Adobe InDesign 6.0 PB Club Drop In. Adobe InDesign 6.0 xmp.iid:F87F11740720681188C6EF7237A71007 /GS2 gs -0.202 3.598 -1.422 3.792 -2.294 3.158 c 182.34 -3.089 183.25 -3.086 184.158 -3.086 c xmp.did:F97F11740720681188C6EF7237A71007 / / This is a FREE scheduling tool created exclusively for pickleball. 2017-01-10T20:53:02-07:00 Q Hours: All parks are open 8:00 am to dusk. k7Lw6c2N5d5a8molPZijXx0XzuYfKd5NeHVNT46zo0tu/GIttNdxztGtFXj40P6s9pSISV/Ls/lq -6.847 19.963 -6.828 1.6 y Three Indoor and Twelve Outdoor Courts. MVZNqkM1v5e/L/Wrm3kutK0iK2k1GGOMyFOVtEsU7IKmkbA9sVRVxr+k+ZfPvk2/0SY3NtGdVjaT -4.917 2.386 -1.771 2.11 0 0 c JSv+af1V/wDKbp//ALC0/wDpNJSv+af1V/8AKbp//sLT/wCk0lK/5p/VX/ym6f8A+wtP/pNJTF31 Adobe PDF Library 9.0 Saturday wrapped up the third and final two-hour Intro to Pickleball Class at the Robert "Bob" Crowell Multi-Purpose Athletic Center (MAC) in Carson City. 2018-07-23T14:01:07-07:00 -19.142 -4.027 -7.977 -5.796 0 0 c Fun Day at MV on Friday February 10th starting at 4 pm.Club Tournament on Saturday February 18th. Times could be changed up until the evening before your scheduled event. tts1OQ6SWGX84Rj840mo1G2/xPPzcBLezZST0qjCR/wP4ZaJRkJS/mbH4/2NREoZIw/1QWP80kf7 Join us for recreational pickleball games . f q 1 0 0 1 219.7363 581.3958 cm Registration, Ages: 50-59,60-64,65-69,70+ - $65.00. Bring your own drink of choice to the dinner. k/3bj7an5EZw+WMsWThPMPqcM0c+ISGy/wDS+mFS63MbIOrqeSCni61Xt44PDy7Cmv8AMacEniG6 0.872 0.634 1.065 1.854 0.432 2.726 c -627.555 46.488 -556.003 55.547 -485.5 58.91 c 2.213 -2.638 1.869 -6.571 -0.769 -8.784 c Adobe InDesign 6.0 q 1 0 0 1 721.3165 449.3712 cm 32.603 -88.908 l xmp.iid:79E266D967226811910988F1F180D20A H2f03fL5/sYqmqX1pfWnmB7emo+Wrp0v7Btxx+xKVB78eh/pks8vzOLiHOPMNWjgOz9ScZ+mfI/o Select SCF HOA . BT 7.977 5.796 9.746 16.961 3.95 24.938 c 2017-07-17T10:04:02-05:00 93.659 -62.27 l 72.00 f 0 0 m q Q Gvycitr2ihnpurbW1zQxtju30jM/R1SknUvqP9as+/peU7qFD7MLEx6Mr1H2TfZTa7IcS70ifpNr xmp.iid:0180117407206811871FB70FCCF0FCCA q 1 0 0 1 455.3458 580.5687 cm Adobe InDesign 6.0 1.09 0.792 1.332 2.318 0.54 3.408 c h saved Come on out and give it a try. / -3.406 -10.998 -7.339 -10.654 -9.553 -8.016 c 10.013 4.549 m 0 0 m lnPN4v3h9qRtuJ/pqR8Xt/vTTjyfun7Fh5vF+8PtZeti/wDcin/PCb7eT90/Yj71i/eH2rG7E/01 saved /Fm0 Do q 1 0 0 1 484.4814 573.913 cm saved xmp.iid:F77F1174072068118DBB9B39F84B2570 Medals will be issued to all category winners, even if brackets are combined. 0 0 0 1 K vc9vZpSzc5hlAcMxcj6fO2blTHHkuYuOt/Y+g9P+uLc/ptXUqum5llL7GUeo044Bte9tLQA/Ja7V DROP-IN PICKLEBALL SCHEDULE FACILITY SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT A.C.T. 256 Adobe InDesign 6.0 84.474 -126.527 l xmp.iid:FF7F117407206811910988F1F180D20A