Why can't you see that I'm better than you? The Beyonder was not exactly excited to hear this, given his monumental ego, and argued vociferously against them, but in the end saw that it was true. Loki defied Those Who Sit Above in Shadows, and even put into question their origin and existence, by asking if the gods such as the Asgardians actually came from the stories that have been told about them, so it was possible that the gods of the gods did not create them in the first place. Powers and Abilities; Character Bios. He briefly had the young superhuman mutant called Boom-Boom as a companion, and terrified her when he threatened to destroy the entire universe on a whim. He also cured Princess Mari and Huntarr. Marvel characters can be divided into two categories: Superheroes and Supervillains. He also began to learn about the importance of risk: one time he tried to fix a horse race for Vinnie, but Vinnie was crestfallen because that would take all the sport and fun out of life. Meanwhile, Marsha Rosenberg was getting Owen Reece ready for action: if the Beyonder showed up ready to destroy the universe, then she wanted him to show some spine and fight, not to try to find a way to hide. Sue Richards provides a barrier until Storm is able to use her weather manipulation to recharge the bases defense mechanism. However, in her Maker persona, her powers were vastly more limited, perhaps due to her incarnation in a more mortal body. This was the Beyond-realm's first appearance on panel, other than his fight with Doom in Secret Wars I. While this storyline fails to flesh out The Beyonder's origin, it does, however, provide deeper insight into his powers, personality, and intent. Lost in reflection, The Beyonder walks off into the night, contemplating life, death, and meaning. Spider-Man and the heros arrive. Hence the Beyonder's energy caused the creation of a new universe. Dr. They found the Beyonder and their tachyon beam attracted his attention. Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!" He immediately felt time passing by in a blur, and couldn't take it--he plunged back in and restored his godlike state in which he had "millions of times more [energy] than all the rest of the power in the multiverse combined." Even in this state, however, he was incredibly powerful, having enough strength to at least banish a legion of demons back to Hell in one motion. In one of his first attempts to help others, he became curious about an incident in which a child killed himself by setting himself aflame, trying to be like the Human Torch. The Beyonder thus began his own criminal empire, not because of any inherent evil in his nature, but just because that's all he knew about from Vinnie. The other heroes, who didn't see exactly what happened, thought the Beyonder had done something to them, and Wolverine attacked, slashing his face and torso. Spider-Man addresses the Beyonder saying that he must of control over Doom all along, and he only allowed Doom to believe he had the full power of the Beyonder. Galactus was apparently unable to leave, but summoned his worldship, Taa II, to the skies above Battleworld. Fueled by rage and The Beyonder's energy, Phoenix drops the celestial-god to his knees, a feat no other Marvel Comics character ever achieved. He summoned many heroes to defend the unconscious Havok, but the Beyonder killed them all with a wave of his hand. All of them are different [] He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. At first he was ecstatic, but he eventually realized that his sight was so precious that he might lose his sense of integrity in order to keep it, so he asked the Beyonder to take it back and take them off the case, which the Beyonder then did. The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. The Beyonder is a recurring antagonist of Avengers Assemble. Under Vinnie's influence the Beyonder sought wealth, pleasure, and power over others. It is unclear whether Black Bolt did or did not remember the Beyonder. While this version of the Beyonder wasn't as powerful as the original Pre-Retcon Beyonder, he shares the same feats, this is because because beings of higher power allowed him too. Where he encounters some of the most powerful heroes and villains. She once again attempted to talk to him, but he left. Kubik showed up and explained that because he and the Beyonder/Kosmos were purely abstract containers of power, they did not contain the full degree of potential that Owen Reece, as a human, had. The entities that were shown to have shared their power included Chaos and Order, the Gardener (and presumably the other Elders), Galactus, the Living Tribunal, Eon, the Celestials, and the In-Betweener. View full history, The Beyonder was originally from an infinite realm beyond the Marvel Multiverse, called the Beyond-realm, and was the sum of everything outside the multiverse (our multiverse was a drop in the sea compared to the Beyond-realm). [20], Long after the Secret Wars II crossover had ended, a Deadpool special featured the "Secret Wars II continues in this issue" corner tag that was used during that original storyline. The Beyonder is an infamous member of the Beyonder race. She was apparently completely unsurprised to see him use his powers, and because of her lifetime of hard experience began to tell him many of the hard truths about the world. He called on various magical spirits, but none of them had the power to collect all the particles of his body, so he conjured the most powerful force in the universe, which turned out to be the Beyonder. Marsha Rosenberg was born in Denver, Colorado.She was a day care center employee who, along with her friend Skeeter, was among the residents of Denver transported to the Beyonder's "Battleworld" during Marvel Comics' first Secret Wars limited series. It seemed that Kosmos had tried to take an even more "mortal" form than before, perhaps somewhat similar to what the Beyonder was trying to do at the end of Secret Wars II. The process of becoming a Cosmic Cube, then Kosmos and the Maker, then back to the Beyonder supposedly fixed him and matured him, though he admitted that he may always be a little broken. Spider-Man takes notes on his tape recorder and makes a pun "I feel doom hiding behind every corner." The Beyonder, however, simply teleported Fireheart to Japan. The Beyonder ordered fish and collard greens, and the other diners, who are black, thought he seemed out of place (too white). The Beyonder first appeared during the first Secret Wars, as a being that was stated to be the omnipotent embodiment of an entire separated multiverse. He single-handedly defeated them, including the Juggernaut. They often hire aliens from our universe to do their work for them. [49] Despite this, he was claimed to be either omnipotent or nigh omnipotent on different occasions, and to have power millions of times greater than Multiversal scale. Beyonder informs Spider-Man he needed to make sure that he was a capable leader of "the real task at hand." As a consequence, he was naturally surprised to discover that Earth's beings were merely a part of a greater whole making up their universe; one that was itself but a member of a larger collection of universes, perhaps of infinite extent, called a multiverse! He went on to Toots, who was the same as Vinnie at first. He then sent her to "convert" the other New Mutants to his cause of purity and peace. He remained a totally mysterious force to the people on Battleworld, hero and villain. The celestial god arrives to condemn Phoenix's weakness, reminding her that death renders life meaningless. Within his universe the Beyonder was complete; indeed he was all of his reality. The Beyonder decided to use Zarathos as his catspaw. However, he did not completely abandon her. Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class. He said that with death gone, there was no longer any point to life. He either could or would not answer how long it had been since he had last seen Black Bolt. Much like Thanos, The Beyonder can shape, change and--if desired--destroy worlds and realities. He leaves them all floating in the ocean in a fit of pique. Immediately after the Beyonders departure, all his creations began to crumble and fall apart. But as soon as he stepped in the door, Reece blasted him with his full force. Gladiator and Starlord, among others, opposed the Maker and even gained the help of Thanos, who was visiting the Kyln on a pilgrimage. The Beyonder was unfazed and left, pondering the tension between his eagerness for new experiences and the warning of his old experiences that knives can hurt! He chooses the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, and Storm to fight along side him. Gladiator volunteered to be placed in the Kyln to keep an eye on her and destroy her if necessary. He teleported into Nebula's ship and, thinking he was helping the Avengers, teleported her away from the scene. In the case of the Puma, he had the power of the entire universe behind him, but the Beyonder was more powerful than our entire universe, so in terms of direct power, it shouldn't have been enough. The "true" Molecule Man pulled the Beyonder's essence from within Kosmos, causing her to fade. He finally calmed down, and revived Blaire. Frank was, in a sense, all grown up now. More heroes arrived, but the Beyonder continued to mow them down. Asking for more information about him, the Illuminati sadly discovered that Black Bolt, the Inhuman leader, did not seem to remember the Beyonder prior to the Beyonder's elevation to nigh (?) [12] After being visited by Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds, two sentient Cosmic Cubes, the Beyonder merged with the Molecule Man to become a new Cosmic Cube. This disturbed the Beyonder because he was finally content with his existence and wanted to forget about the other universe that he had once lived in. He allowed the passengers to land softly, then continued on his walk. The Beyonder next walked along a train track in a melancholy mood, still obsessed with his failed relationship with Dazzler. Doom could now fulfill the Beyonder's challenge and slay his enemies, but what would be the point? He teleports back to the lab and explains to Ben that he had gotten back simpily by willing it, and he had absorbed the Beyonder's power. Beyonder showed the ability to teleport himself and others, forward time over one place without causing a chain reaction over the rest of the universe. Following Secret Wars and Secret Wars II, the Beyonder experienced many notable retcons. She rejected him, and his power, and fell to Earth from high in the sky, dying when she hit the ground. Powers and Abilities. He later said that even as he was a human who was learning to be omnipotent, they were omnipotents who were learning to be human. As one of the Beyonder's only true confidants, he could speak to him in a way that the others could not. Through Doom it was shown that a fraction of his power could listen to conversation from several miles away and use telekenises to drop a large mountain on our heros. [20] There, over the next several days, they engaged in a "secret war" amongst themselves; most of the criminals sought to destroy the heroic adventurers in order to gain the prize that the Beyonder had promised. It took them a while to get up, however, and they had been knocked miles away. Where he existed he was everything and everything was him, in a sense he was like God before there was Genesis. Finally, a rift opened in space-time, from which poured a blinding light, and the passengers within the constructs heard a voice telling them, "I am from beyond! Reece said that it was important that he saw the difference between knowledge and understanding, and that he believed that experience was the best teacher. [45] Lastly, while in his own words "technically omnipotent" this depends on the circumstances he is placed in as he doubted he would even stand a chance against the true Phoenix Force in the White Hot Room which suggests that the limits of his powers or how he measures up to other cosmic beings depends on the context of the situation (such as location or the authority of the other cosmic being in the hierarchy of existence). The Beyonder was first introduced as a being from outside the, As a note regarding his retcon history, the Beyonder was, As a consequence of his retcons, the other sentient Cosmic Cubes may be Beyonders in a "larval stage. The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. Meanwhile, we find out that Doctor Octopus has joined forces with the Red Skull since Dr. Doom has taken over Octavia, the kingdom of Doctor Octopus.The Red Skull assures Dr. Octopus that he will have his kingdom once again, but only if he agrees to enhance the Cyber Skull built by Smythe. More impressively, The Beyonder can destroy the multiverse, possess every human on earth, and, as exemplified in Secret Wars' Battleworld, transport people between planets--or universes--at will. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This extra degree of mortality appears to be what turned her insane. Peter did his best to explain the way the finite length of time we have on earth affects the way we act, and the Beyonder eventually left, saying that he may have talked him out of obliterating existence. He found a nearby seedy hotel and got a room, sleeping on the floor. He then appeared to Rachel, Cannonball, and Magik. RELATED: Which Secret Wars Should The MCU Adapt for Film? Despite their vast powers and knowledge, they seem unable to travel forward or backward in time. However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. He was shown and described to repel Galactus "like a bug", and even greatly exceeded the collected energy of the latter's World-Ship. The heroes argued over what to do: some thought they should kill him, while other could not stomach such a deed. The Beyonder was alerted to this universe when Bubonicus created a wound in Eternity. Perhaps there was another way to be fulfilled without destroying everything. He found desire a nuisance, and wondered whether he should continue to study it or just return to the Beyond-Realm, where he would feel complete unto himself. But his genetic anomaly radically changed the Terrigen experience for him, and his power grew exponentially to an unprecedented scope. These included a A Celestial, Eternity, Order and Chaos, the Living Tribunal, Uatu, the Gardener, the In-Betweener, and others. [15] He eventually threatened to end existence but accidentally allowed himself to get killed, or so it seemed. The Beyonder then says he will introduce evil to the planet; he teleports Doctor Octopus, Alistar Smythe, the Lizard, the Red Skull, and Doctor Victor Von Doom to this planet. Doom insists he can simpily will them away, but his powers have no effect. RELATED: The Heroes and Villains Arrive on Battleworld as the Secret Wars Begin! It convinced her that if she had enough power, she could resist the Dragon's evil. The Beyonder is the manifestation of the "Beyond-Realm," or simply the "Beyond," which exists separately from the multiverse. Who can measure the advantages that would result if the magnificent abilities of these women could be devoted to the needs of government, society and home, instead of being consumed in the struggle to obtain their birthright of individual freedom? Then he decided to show off, and started a fight with them. Powerful beyond all comprehension, The Beyonders live in a universe beyond the Marvel Comics multiverse. He looked for more advice about life from Peter. [19], After being encouraged to find enlightenment by Doctor Strange, and failing, a frustrated Beyonder decides to destroy the entire multiverse, leading to several more battles with various Marvel superheroes, all of which end up with the Beyonder victorious. Here is an explantion of the Beyonder's powers and power shifts as a result of the rectonned storylines. Warlock and Magma attacked with their full fury, Warlock's being especially powerful, and the Beyonder lay on the ground. However, the Beyonder was dissatisfied with this and found neither pleasure in, nor a point to, the servitude of others when they were compelled through subterfuge to act like automatons. He exists beyond space and time. Instead of seeing them all as amoebas, he was forced to see that they each contained an infinity of their own, which were perhaps equal to his own, other kind of infinity. His ultimate goal is to discover the true meaning of existence, and his journey takes him across the Marvel universe. The Beyonders are a fictional enigmatic higher-dimensional race appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.