pon request from a Member State, the Commission may grant to the Member State concerned a loan support for the implementation of its recovery and resilience plans. MEPs and the German presidency struck a political deal on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the 670+bn programme through which most of the EU recovery money will be channelled. In a new opinion published today, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) points to the importance of the national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) in making sure that the Read more about Recovery and Resilience Facility… Recovery and Resilience Facility: Key features and developments The Recovery and Resilience Facility is intended to be the Union's main tool in support of economic and social recovery from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. - The recovery and resilience plan represents a comprehensive and adequate response to the economic and social situation of the Member State concerned; A – The recovery and resilience plan contributes to effectively address challenges identified in the CSRs, or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester, and the plan represents an adequate response to the economic and social situation of the Member State concerned. The measures should enable a swift deliver of targets, objectives and contributions set out in n. ational energy and climate plans and updates thereof. Member State’s recovery and resilience plan, Where the recovery and resilience plan including relevant milestones and targets, is no longer achievable, either partially or totally, by the Member State concerned because of objective circumstances, the Me. mestic Product (GDP) and the relative unemployment rate of each Member State. The document takes into account the Proposal for a Regulation on the Recovery and Resilience Facility (hereafter ‘the Proposal’) adopted by the Commission on 28 May 20201and the conclusions of the European Council of 17-21 July 20202, the Communication on the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2021 (hereafter ASGS)3and the Commission’s Guidance to Member States on the Recovery and Resilience … The application of the methodology will result in the following share and amount for the maximum financial contribution per Member State. Where, within eighteen months of the date of the adoption the decision referred to in Article 17(1), no tangible progress has been made in respect of any relevant milestones and targets by the. the inverse GDP per capita is capped at 150% of EU average, the deviation of individual country’s unemployment rate from the EU average is. mit a draft plan together with the draft budget of the forthcoming year, on 15 October of the preceding year. out in recovery and resilience plans. The Commission should assess the reasoned request and take a new decision within, For reasons of efficiency and simplification in the financial management of the instrument, the Union financial support to recovery and resil, ience plans should take the form of a financing based on the achievement of results measured by reference to milestones and targets indicated in the approved recovery and resilience plans. To ensure that the financial support is frontloaded in the initial years after t, he crisis, and to ensure compatibility with the available funding for this instrument, the allocation of funds to the Member States should be made available until 31 December 2024. Since the objectives of this Regulation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member S, tates alone, but can rather be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. gross amounts after deduction of 25 % for collection costs. To that end, a Recovery and R, esilience Facility (the ‘Facility’) should be established under this Regulation to provide effective financial and significant support to step up the implementation of reforms and related public investments in the Member States. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply. >> to take measures to mitigate the social and economic impact of the crisis, and on the resilience of their economies. II The new Recovery and Resilience Facility will provide large-scale financial support to reforms and investments undertaken by Member States, with the aims of mitigating the economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic and of making the EU economies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges posed by the green and digital transitions. How much funding will be provided under the Recovery and Resilience Facility? The ex-post evaluation report shall consis. Prior to entering into a loan agreement with the Member State concerned, the Commission shall assess whether : loan and its amount is considered reasonable and plausible in relation to the additional reforms and investments; and. To achieve that general objective, the specific objective of the Recovery and Resilience Facility shall be to p, rovide Member States with financial support with a view to achieving the milestones and targets of reforms and investments as set out in their recovery and resilience plans. /BitsPerComponent 8 heeft het kabinet opdracht gegeven tot eeninventarisatieambtelijke verkenning naar de mogelijke inhoud van een Nederlands herstelplan. Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the main instrument for financial support to Member States. 1 0 obj To allow the continuous rele. The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the Facility and measure the achievement of the objectives set out in Articles 4. /SA true %PDF-1.4 the arrangements for the effective implementation of the recovery and resilience plan by the Member State concerned, including the proposed milestones and targets, and the related indicators; where appropriate, the request for loan supp, ort and the additional milestones as referred to in Article 12(2) and (3) and the elements thereof ; and, In the preparation of proposals for their recovery and resilience plan, Member States may request the Commission, to organise an exchange of good practices in order to allow the requesting Member States to benefit from the experience of other Member States. ments officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester; whether the plan contains measures that effectively contribute to the green and the digital transitions or to addressing the challenges resulting from them; lience plan is expected to have a lasting impact on the Member State concerned; whether the recovery and resilience plan is expected to effectively contribute to strengthen the growth potential, job creation, and economic and social resilience of the Memb. The recovery and resilience plan contains measures for the implementation of reforms and public investment projects that represent coherent actions. Today’s agreement with the European Parliament on the Recovery and Resilience Facility is the last key element of the EU’s historic recovery package. The monitoring of implementation shall be targeted and proportionate to the activities carried out under the Facility. The implementing acts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 27(2). Loans supporting the implementation of national recovery and resilience plans should be provided at maturities that reflect the longer-term nature of suc, h spending. /AIS false the reasons for the loan support, justified by the higher financial needs linked to additional reforms and investments; the additional reforms and investments in line with Article 15; covery and resilience plan concerned compared to the amount of the maximum financial contribution referred to in Article 10, or to the financial contribution allocated to the recovery and resilience plan on the basis of Article 17(3)(b). Parliament and the Council and communication on the Member States’ recovery and resilience plans, The Commission shall transmit the recovery and resilience plans as approved in the implementing act of the Commission in accordance with Article 17 to the E. uropean Parliament and the Council without undue delay. Evaluations will include lessons learned to identify any deficiencies and/or problems or any p. otential to further improve the actions or their results and help maximise their exploitation and impact. 6 0 obj The proposal/initiative provides for the co-fi. endobj The €672.5 billion facility is at the heart of the EU's extraordinary recovery effort, Next Generation EU (NGEU): the €750 billion plan agreed by EU leaders in July 2020. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (the Facility) will make €672.5 billion in loans and grants available to support reforms and investments undertaken by Member States. The challenges linked to the demographic context have been am, plified by COVID-19. No financial contribution should be awarded to the Member State if the recovery and resilience plan does not satisfactorily address the assessment criteria. To this effect, the additional loan support should be linked to the. - a structure is tasked within the Member State with: (i) the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan; (ii) the monitoring of progress on milestones and targets; and (iii) the reporting; - the proposed milestones and targets are clear and realistic; and the proposed indicators are relevant, acceptable and robust; - the overall arrangements, proposed by the Member States in terms of organisation (including provision to ensure sufficient staff allocation) of the implementation of the reform and investment, are credible. plan, including additional milestones and targets. After that period until 31 December 2024, if money is available, the Commission may organise calls in line with the calendar of the European Semester (Article 11). Methodology for the calculation of the maximum financial contribution (, i.e. Member State concerned has requested a loan support as referred to in Article 12, the Commission shall assess whether the request for loan support fulfils the criteria set out in Article 13(1), notably whether the additional reforms and investments concer. As a result of the assessment process, the Commission shall give ratings to the recovery and resilience plans submitted by the Member States, under each of the assessment criteria referred to in Article 16(3), in order to assess the importance and coherence of the plans and with a view to establishing the financial allocation in accordance with Article 17(3). (c) define the link between the assessment to be made by the Commission under the assessment criteria and the determination of the financial contribution to be set out in the Commission decision in relation to the recovery and resilience plans selected. the Commission should be communicated to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Recovery and Resilience Facility (COM (2020) 408 final / 2020/0104 (COD)) (updated 3 August 2020) Published date: 28 May 2020 Version 1 of 1 Financial support to a Member State’s plan should be possible in the form of a loan, subject to the conclusion of a loan, agreement with the Commission, on the basis of a duly motivated request by the Member State concerned. , social and territorial cohesion and convergence; an explanation of how the measures in the plan are expected to contribute to the green and the digital transitions or to the challenges resulting from them; envisaged milestones, targets and an indicative timetable for the implementation of the reforms over a maximum period of four years, and of the investments over a maximum period of seven years; the envisaged investment projects, and the related invest, the estimated total cost of the reforms and investments covered by the recovery and resilience plan submitted (also referred as ‘estimated total cost of the recovery and resilience plan’) backed up by appropriate justification and how it. For the same reasons of sound financial management, it should be possible to pay the. For the purpose of the assessment, the operational arrangement referred to in Article 17(6) shall also be taken into account. For the purpose of sound financial management, specific rules should be laid down for budget commitments, payments, suspension, c, ancellation and recovery of funds. nted alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priority investment projects to be supported by national and/or Union funding. The Commission may make observations or seek additional information. In line with Article 175 (third paragraph) TFEU, the Recovery and Resilience Facility under the regulation is aimed to contribute to enhancing cohesion, through measures that allow the Member States concerned to recover faster and in a more sustainable way from the COVID-19 crisis… These rules are laid down in the Financial Regulation and determine in part, icular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to re, spond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Grants worth a total of €312.5 billion will be provided to Member States under the Facility and the remaining €360 billion will be provided in loans. legislative process on the Regulation on the Recovery and Resilience Facility. assessment of the degree of their achievement, provision should be made for the use of expert advice and, at the Member State request, peer counselling. 2.4 The recovery and resilience plan is expected to effectively contribute to strengthen the growth potential, job creation, and economic and social resilience of the Member State, mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis, and contribute to enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion; - the recovery and resilience plan contains measures that aim at addressing weaknesses of the economy of the Member States and at boosting the growth potential of the economy of the Member State concerned, stimulating job creation and mitigating the adverse effects of the crisis, while avoiding adverse impacts of those measures on climate and environment. Financial resources allocated to the. The financial envelope for non-repayable support of the Facility will be made available in the period until 31 December 2022 for Member States’ plans for recovery and resilience. ens, in particular on Member States. That specific objective should be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned. Recovery and resilience plans eligible for financing under this instrument shall compris. - the recovery and resilience plan includes measures that contribute to reinforce the effects of one another. 1 2 . the achievements of the objectives of the Facility. The assessment guidelines are designed to: (a) give further guidance on the assessment process of the proposals for recovery and resilience plans submitted by Member States; (b) provide further details on the assessment criteria and provide for a rating system, to be established with a view to ensuring an equitable and transparent process; and. n more necessary in the aftermath of the pandemic crisis to pave the way for a swift recovery. ted must be net amounts, i.e. Dragoș Pîslaru, co-rapporteur for the Recovery and Resilience Facility at the European Parliament, was also very reassuring: We, the three institutions, are one team acting in Europe's interest. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, im, plementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Implementation with a start-up period from YYYY to YYYY. ntal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union apply to this Regulation. 2.6. For the sake of simplification and efficiency, the rating system shall range from A to C, as set out in the following: 2.1 The recovery and resilience plan is expected to contribute to effectively address challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations addressed to the Member State concerned or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester. ilience plan submitted is reasonable and plausible and is commensurate to the expected impact on the economy and employment; whether the recovery and resilience plan contains measures for the implementation of reforms and public investment projects that, whether the arrangements proposed by the Member States concerned are expected to ensure an effective implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, including the envisaged timetable, milestones and targets, and the relate, - The recovery and resilience plan is expected to contribute to effectively. is the policy area or budget title concerned. proposal/initiative requires the use of operational appropriations, as explained below: Estimated impact on appropriations of an administrative nature. including the additional milestones and targets. 6 MB | Other Languages (23) Press release | Other Languages (22) Text to replace. The Role of Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans in Delivering the 2030 targets and Contributing to Recovery and Resilience . address challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations, including fiscal aspects, or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester addressed to the Member States concerned, C – The recovery and resilience plan does not contribute to address any challenges identified in the. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as se. In pursuance of the objectives set out in Article 4, Member States shall, prepare national recovery and resilience plans. /Length 7 0 R An increase of the capped amount should be possible in exceptional circumstances subject to available resources. /Type /ExtGState Member State concerned may present its observations within one month of the communication of the Commission's assessment. /Title (�� R e c o v e r y a n d R e s i l i e n c e F a c i l i t y : C o u n c i l p r e s i d e n c y a n d P a r l i a m e n t r e a c h p r o v i s i o n a l a g r e e m e n t) endobj /Creator (�� w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . /CA 1.0 The purpose of this Facility is to provide non-repayable financial support and loans to Member States to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and make them more resilient for the future. Such requests for payment may be submitted by the Member States to the Commission on a biannual basis. To ensure predictability, it should be possible for Member States to submit requests for payments on a biannual basis. to the elements laid down in Article 220(5) of the Financial Regulation, shall contain the following elements: the average maturity; Article 220(2) of the Financial Regulation shall not apply with regard to this mat. lience plan, that decision shall set out the reforms and investment projects to be implemented by the Member State, including the milestones and targets, and the financial contribution allocated in accordance with Article 11. oncerned requests a loan support, the decision shall also set out the amount of the loan support as referred to in Article 12(4) and (5) and the additional reforms and investment projects to be implemented by the Member State covered by that loan support. 1. , looking at the achievement of the objectives of the Facility established by this Regulation, the efficiency of the use of its resources and its added value should be carri. Expenses may also cover the costs of other supporting acti. It is necessary to establish a process for the submission of proposals for recovery and resilience plans by the Member States, and the content thereof. It will provide €672.5 billion in grants and loans as financial support over the coming years. /Width 97 (COD), Brussels, 24.7.2019 COM(2019) 354 final. : COM(2020) 408 final aluation of the Facility towards the achievement of the general and specific objectives are set in Annex III. /SMask /None>> ovisions set out in this regulation shall be applied to the Member State concerned in relation to the challenges and priorities identified by the measures set out under the regulations thereof. For the purposes of sound financial management, the total amount of all the loans granted under this Regulation should be capped. the pricing formula, and the availability period of the loan; the maximum number of instalments and the repayment schedule; the other elements needed for the implementation of the loan support in relation to the reforms and the. The coordination of the economic policies of the Member States is therefore a matter of common concern. ion in accordance with Article 17 within four months of the official submission of the request. CSRs, or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester and the plan does not represent an adequate response to the economic and social situation of the Member State concerned. They will both play a priority role in relaunching and modernising our economy. Union funding shall acknowledge the origin and ensure the visibility of the Union funding, in particular when promoting the actions and their results, by providing coherent, effective and proportionate targeted information to multiple audiences, including, The Commission shall implement information and communication actions relating to the instruments established, this Regulation, its actions and its results. ions and from 2021 for payment appropriations. Where appropriate, the Commission will a, ccompany the evaluation with a proposal for review of the Regulation. The Commission shall take into account the following elements for the assessment under this criterion: - The recovery and resilience plan is expected to contribute to effectively address challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations, including fiscal aspects, or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester addressed to the Member States concerned. tion should be paid to the impact of the national plans submitted under this Regulation on fostering not only the green transition, but also the digital transformation. Rules on payments, suspension and cancellation of financial contributions, The Commission decision referred to in Article 17(1) shall constitute an individual legal commitment within the meaning of the Financia. /Type /XObject Its aim is to provide up to €100 billion of financial assist. (d)The objectives set in the recovery and resilience plan, which have been achieved due, inter alia, to the overall financial support (including, where appropriate, the loan support) received under the Recovery and Resilience Facility established by this Regulation; The ex-post evaluation referred to in Article 25 shall be undertaken by the Commission also with the purpose of establishing the links between the overall financial support (including, where appropriate, the loan support) from Recovery and Resilience Facility and the implementation of the relevant measures in the Member State concerned with a view to enhancing recovery, resilience, sustainable growth, jobs and cohesion. For the purpose of the reporting on the activities. e Council in relation to the same relevant cases. However, it is essential to support investment in this particular situat, ion to speed up the recovery and strengthen long-term growth potential. rm Programme and shall be officially submitted at the latest by 30 April. To this effect, at least 60 percent of the amount available for non-repayab. To that effect, the Member State may propose a modified or a new recovery and resilience plan. - the amount of the estimated total cost of the recovery and resilience plan is commensurate to the expected impact of the envisaged measures included in the plan on the economy of the Member State concerned. pean Semester and, if available, on the basis of the information on the implementation of the plans in the preceding years. The Facility’s general objective should be the promotion of economic, social, and territorial cohesion. The first draft of Bulgaria's National Recovery and Resilience Plan was released for public consultation on 30 October 2020. When assessing the recovery and resilience plan and in the determination of the amount to be allocated to the Member State concerned, the Commission shall take into, account the analytical information on the Member State concerned available in the context of the European Semester as well as the justification and the elements provided by the Member State concerned, as referred to in Article 15(3), and any other relevan, t information including, in particular, the one contained in the National, Reform Programme and the National Energy and Climate Plan of the Member State concerned and, if relevant, information from technical support received via the Technical Support Instru. Determination of the financial contribution under the budgetary instrument for recovery and resilience, where the recovery and resilience plan complies satisfactorily with the criteria set out in Article 16(3), a, nd the amount of the estimated total costs of the recovery and resilience plan is equal to, or higher than the maximum financial contribution for that Member State referred to in Article 10, the financial contribution allocated to the Member State concern. This Regulation shall enter into force on the following day following that of its publication in the, ESTIMATED FINANCIAL IMPACT OF THE PROPOSAL/INITIATIVE, Policy area(s) concerned in the ABM/ABB structure, a new action following a pilot project/preparatory action, an action redirected towards a new action, The Commission's multiannual strategic objective(s) targeted by the proposal/initiative, Specific objective(s) and ABM/ABB activity(ies) concerned, Requirement(s) to be met in the short or long term, Lessons learned from similar experiences in the past, Compatibility and possible synergy with other appropriate instruments, Financial impact from 2021 to 2024 for commitment appropriat. by its departments, including by its staff in the Union delegations; by entrusting budget implementation tasks to: third countries or the bodies they have designated; international organisations and their agencies (to be specified); the EIB and the European Investment Fund; bodies referred to in Articles 208 and 209 of the Financial Regulation; bodies governed by private law with a public service mission to the extent that they provide adequate financial guarantees; that are entrusted with the implementation of a public-private partnersh. The arrangements and timetable for implementat, ion as referred to in point (d), the relevant indicators relating to the fulfilment of the envisaged milestones and targets referred to in point (e), the arrangements for providing access by the Commission to the underlying data referred to in point (f), a, nd, where appropriate, the additional milestones and targets related to the disbursement of the loan support referred to in point (g) of paragraph 4 shall be further illustrated in an operational arrangement to be agreed by the Member State concerned and t. he Commission after the adoption of the decision referred to in paragraph 1. Apply mutatis mutandis to the Member Stat State under the Facility sends a strong signal of Europe ’ unity... Needed, prior to the Commission should be additional to the the growth potential [ OJ references only out... Prepared by the coronavirus pandemic data and information available, on the basis of objectives... 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