Random good picture Not show Polymorph definition is - a polymorphic organism; also : one of the several forms of such an organism. Thus the British " wood ant " (Formica rufa) has a smaller and a larger race of workers (" minor " and " major " forms), while in Ponera we find a blind race of workers and another race provided with eyes, and in Atta, Eciton and other genera, four or five forms of workers are produced, the largest of which, with huge heads and elongate trenchant mandibles, are known as the " soldier " caste. Examples of polymorph in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Motors, cord, kite line and polymorph are substituted for muscles, tendons, joints and bones. Polymorph is a word software folks created from the some handy Greek-ish roots poly (meaning "many") and morph (meaning "change"). This is most likely to be due to genetic polymorphism. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The same polymorph has been shown to crystallize selectively when a supersaturated solution of glycine is irradiated with laser light [19]. It also discovered a single letter change in the genetic code, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). For these strains other typing methods that detect genetic polymorphism are now available. â Nick Glass, CNN, "What ⦠occurs when several different physical forms or types of individuals exist among the members of a species These example sentences show you how polymorphic is used. polymorphism. If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, the transformation lasts until it is dispelled. Polymorphous definition, having, assuming, or passing through many or various forms, stages, or the like. 8. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, the transformation lasts until it is dispelled. The True Polymorph description says: Creature into Creature. Polymorphism definition, the state or condition of being polymorphous. Though currently limited in their application, these methods may likewise find more widespread use in the future. MIMICRY IN BUTTERFLIES REGINALD CRUNDALL PUNNETT But it is polymorphic variability in the strictest sense of the word. Sentence Examples None of the fixation indices for polymorphic loci in either species were significantly negative. If our knowledge of the life-histories of these organisms were perfect, their polymorphism would present no difficulties to classification; but unfortunately this is far from being the case. More example sentences Physiology A polymorphonuclear leucocyte. Polymorph: This spell will now be removed when a player leaves a battleground. In polymorphism, the taxonomic classification of species does not always match up with a tight genetic definition. The development of the theory of crystal structure, and the fundamental principles on which is based the classification of crystal forms, are treated in the article Crystallography; in the same place will be found an account of the doctrine of isomorphism, polymorphism and morphotropy. 3. Found 209 sentences matching phrase "Polymorph".Found in 5 ms. This type of polymorphism is sometimes called parametric polymorphism. See more. One of the forms of a polymorphic organism. A well-known example is Diamond and Graphite , which are two different minerals composed of the same exact substance, though they ⦠Polymorph is a word software folks created from the some handy Greek-ish roots poly (meaning "many") and morph (meaning "change"). 1 Intelligence is a polymorphous concept. The data included results of genomic typing at polymorphic loci at or near genes of the autoimmune inflammatory response. amplify>Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns of patient cultures are indistinguishable from those of the samples from the cooling tower. What does polymorphous mean? This first sentence in the polymorph spell description says (emphasis mine):. Sentences Mobile Third, Heide says, " is the sexually polymorphous theory. worker caste polymorphism has a genetic basis in a leaf-cutting ant. While polysymmetry is solely conditioned by the manner in which the mimetic twin is built up from the single crystals, there being no change in the scalar properties, and the vector properties being calculable from the nature of the twinning, in the case of polymorphism entirely different structures present themselves, both scalar and vector properties being altered; and, in the present state of our knowledge, it is impossible to foretell the characters of a polymorphous modification. The existence of different crystalline or molecular forms of elements is called allotropy, although it has been suggested ⦠Broadly this phenomenon is termed polymorphism; however, it is necessary to examine closely the diverse crystal modifications in order to determine whether they are really of different symmetry, or whether twinning has occasioned the apparent difference. Be warned. 2.1.2 High-throughput screening Polymorphic sentence examples. 2. A fruit commonly consumed by Silvereyes is the small, polymorphic berry of the fragrant saltbush. (noun) Dictionary ! Andalusite is a polymorph with two other minerals, The general rule which correlates this polymorphic change is that its direction changes at a given temperature. 0 0 Meaning: adj. Akhtenskite is a polymorphous with the much more widespread pyrolusite. Researchers working on the e-materials project picked up the gauntlet and successfully predicted a new polymorph of the Alzheimer's drug, piracetam. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Menu. When he makes a hasty exit, the chief releases his pet polymorph to hunt the Dwarfers down. 10 sentence examples: 1. While, therefore, there is much evidence of a negative character against the existence of an extensive polymorphism among algae, some amount of metamorphosis is known to occur. A much improved method for typing this polymorphism has since been reported. Found 209 sentences matching phrase "Polymorph".Found in 5 ms. The method is called single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP ). 4. Polymorphism definition is - the quality or state of existing in or assuming different forms: such as. 2 Fetishism also derives from the early polymorphous perversity of infant sexuality. amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns of patient cultures are indistinguishable from those of the samples from the cooling tower. Mineral - Mineral - Polymorphism: Polymorphism is the ability of a specific chemical composition to crystallize in more than one form. 187 sentence examples: 1. The slide shows a large number of Gram-negative diplococci present in a few of the pus cells (polymorph neutrophil leukocytes ). Moreover, some of these 0 0 Browse other sentences examples â Displaying or taking various forms; specif., of, having, or exhibiting polymorphism. This sentence should have been placed two sentences earlier in the paragraph. Worker caste polymorphism has a genetic basis in a leaf-cutting ant. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. This temperature is somewhat different from the ordinary melting-point, the latter corresponding to atmospheric pressure, the former to the maximum vapour-pressure; and so we come to a third relation for polymorphism. This January I started with reviewing 2017 with the teams and individuals that make Polymorph a success. Polymorphism, in crystallography, the condition in which a solid chemical compound exists in more than one crystalline form; the forms differ somewhat in physical and, sometimes, chemical properties, although their solutions and vapours are identical. They come from many sources and are not checked. What does polymorph mean? This sentence should have been placed two sentences earlier in the paragraph. Polymorphous definition: having, taking , or passing through many different forms or stages | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 6, A and B), there can be no doubt that considerable polymorphism also sometimes occurs (e.g. Research Keywords Chemical crystallography, structural systematics, supramolecular crystals, polymorphism, charge density studies, inorganic sulfides. Polymorphism usually occurs, certain individuals having the form of avicularia or vibracula. In this example, letâs create a function called âfunc()â which will take an object which we will name âobjâ. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 3 The goal of the polymorphous initiative was to "institute a paradigm shift from static open loop to reactive closed-loop mission algorithms, application software, and hardware implementation. Polymorphous light eruption is the most common type of photodermatosis. In addition an extensive search was made for other studies relating to ace gene polymorphism and renal damage. Isomorphism may be defined as the existence of two or more different substances in the same crystal form and structure, polymorphism as the existence of the same substance in two or more crystal modifications, and morphotropy (after P. von Groth) as the change in crystal form due to alterations in the molecule of closely (chemically) related substances. ' Polymorphic function definition: a function in a computer program that can deal with a number of different types of data | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples DNA abnormalities were screened by the PCR method and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. These laws have the advantage of being applicable to the mutual transformations of isomers, whatever be the nature of the deeper origin, and so bring polymerism, metamerism and polymorphism together. 3. In a single sentence, calcium carbonate is hard, (mostly) insoluble, and cheap. The criterion whether a pseudo-symmetric form is a true polymorph or not consists in the determination of the scalar properties (e.g. 187 sentence examples: 1. The True Polymorph description says: Creature into Creature. Moreover, some of these It is one of a class of polymers known as caprolactones which have remarkably low fusing temperatures of around 60°. Polymorph Two or more minerals that contain the same chemical composition but differ in their atomical arrangement and crystal structure . polymorphism of the ER gene has been correlated with BMD. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Polymorphism definition: the occurrence of more than one form of individual in a single species within an... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Be warned. Put simply, polymorphism is when there are two or more ⦠Low levels of nucleotide polymorphism within species coincided with low rates of recombination. polymorphism of handedness: link to socio-economic status. Polymorphic is in our corpus but we don't have a definition yet. polymorph Although many pseudo-symmetric twins are transformable into the simpler form, yet, in some cases, a true polymorph results, the change being indicated, as before, by alterations in scalar (as well as vector) properties. This temperature is somewhat different from the ordinary melting-point, the latter corresponding to atmospheric pressure, the former to the maximum vapour-pressure; and so we come to a third relation for polymorphism. having three or more forms. Single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct sequencing of TSG101 cDNAs also identified no mutations or deletions. Polymorph Self. restriction enzymes in order to identify existing polymorphism. promoter polymorphism and differences in alcohol consumption behavior in a college student population. Sentence Examples. You assume a new form. glutathione S-transferase M1 genotype modified the risk of HCC associated with the p53 polymorphism. diplococcus shows a large number of Gram-negative diplococci present in a few of the pus cells (polymorph neutrophil leukocytes ). This spell transforms a creature with at least 1 hit point that you can see within range into a new form.. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB This interesting form is polymorphic and mimics different species of Amauris. The AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) method selectively amplifies restriction fragment length polymorphism) method selectively amplifies restriction fragments from total genomic DNA. Sentence Examples Although many pseudo-symmetric twins are transformable into the simpler form, yet, in some cases, a true polymorph results, the change being indicated, as before, by alterations in scalar (as well as vector) properties. The idea is to indicate that the base type (aka: class) in question can be easily changed in many possible ways (generally via a derived class of some kind).It is generally used as an adjective (it modifies a noun) or an adverb (modifying a verb like is). Biological calcium carbonate comes in two main forms, or polymorphs poly = many, morph = form): aragonite and calcite. 2. But insane libertarians and promoters of polymorphous perversity have no answer. Sentence Examples But insane libertarians and promoters of polymorphous perversity have no answer. Due to polymorphism, a chameleon can change to a bunch of different colors so it can blend in with the surroundings. The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The p53 gene mutation was detected by fluorescence-based polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) methods. The idea is to indicate that the base type (aka: class) in question can be easily changed in many possible ways (generally via a derived class of some kind).It is generally used as an adjective (it modifies a noun) or an adverb (modifying a verb like ⦠The study of polymorphism has been especially pursued by Otto Lehmann, who proved that it is an almost general property; the variety of forms which a given substance may show is often great, ammonium nitrate, for instance, showing at least four of them before melting. Feline leucocyte antigen class II polymorphism and susceptibility to feline infectious peritonitis. Creep - cast Polymorph duration reduced to 25. âThere are two main groups: the type of white blood cells known as polymorphs (polymorphonuclear leucocytes - those with multi-lobed nuclei); and macrophages that derive from the monocytes in the blood.â Chodat does not find so general a polymorphism, but nevertheless holds that Raphidium passes through stages represented by Protococcus, Characium, Dactylococcus and Sciadium. One of the most interesting features of ant-societies is the dimorphism or polymorphism that may often be seen among the workers, the same species being represented by two or more forms. polymorph identification, using crystallographic drug discovery chemistry. Showing page 1. Poulton, in an admirable discussion of contemporary views regarding species (presidential address to the Entomological Society of London 1904), has shown that Darwin did not believe in the objective existence of species, not only because he was led to discard the hypothesis of special creation as the explanation of the polymorphism of life, but because in practice as a working systematist he could neither find for himself nor ascertain from other systematists any settled criteria by which a group of specimens could be elevated into a genus, accepted as a species, or regarded as a variety. For example, the element carbon (C) occurs in nature in ⦠3. nucleotide polymorphism within species coincided with low rates of recombination. Examples of Polymorphism in a sentence. polymorphism analysis to the SHV family of ESBLs. If the polymorph effect grants you access to one of the creature's abilities, such as Poison, Trample, or a Breath Weapon, the DC to resist that ability is equal to the DC for the polymorph effect. Overall, however, the sexual activity in the play seems to fall not into the categories of gay or straight but into a kind of polymorphous perversity. Examples of polymorphous in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Viewed today, the showâs quirky communitarianism â its idea of America as a polymorphous, all-welcoming dance party â feels like both celebration and requiem for the irreplaceable delight dancing together on a stage. Actually, there are several forms of calcium carbonate and we may as well get the distinctions clear now. Once it has fused - and turns from opaque to density, specific heat, &c.) of the original and the resulting modification, a change being in general recorded only when polymorphism exists. The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. C 6 Hcooh C?H 4`C'p C s H COOH Polymorphism. POLYMORPH Polymorph is one of a new generation of commercial plastics with unusual properties. This generally occurs as a response to changes in temperature or pressure or both. Although many pseudo-symmetric twins are transformable into the simpler form, yet, in some cases, a true polymorph results, the change being indicated, as before, by alterations in scalar (as well as vector) properties. All Rights Reserved. A much improved method for typing this polymorphism has since been reported. The role of these polymorphisms in a predisposition to alcoholic liver disease has now been examined in two studies. All Rights Reserved. Showing page 1. Polymorphism sentence examples. We may conclude that in polymorphsthe substance occurs in different phases (or molecular aggregations), and the equilibrium between these phases follows definite laws, being dependent upon temperature and pressure, and amenable to thermodynamic treatment (cf. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. In biology, polymorphism is the occurrence of two or more clearly different morphs or forms, also referred to as alternative phenotypes, in the population of a species. The role of these polymorphisms in a predisposition to alcoholic liver disease has now been examined in two studies. 1. relating to the crystallization of a compound in two or more different forms 2. relating to the occurrence of more than one kind of individual (independent of sexual differences) in an interbreeding population 3. having or occurring in several distinct forms. To contrast, functional languages gain polymorphism through the use of first-class functions. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and ⦠Amplified products will be digested by restriction enzymes in order to identify existing polymorphism. In the new morality, the eroticism of Chinese ⦠In this project, we are applying e-Science and Grid technologies to the area of polymorph prediction. In other words, Polymorph can be reduced to a mouldable condition by immersion in hot water! Now, whether a real, though undetected, change occurs is a question to be determined from case to case; it is certain, however, that a substance like aragonite (a mineral form of calcium carbonate) has sensibly persisted in geological periods, though the polymorphous calcite is the more stable form. The different structures of such a chemical substance are called polymorphic forms, or polymorphs. 13. Polymorph definition: a species of animal or plant that exhibits polymorphism | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples length polymorphism) method selectively amplifies restriction fragments from total genomic DNA. See more. A possible polymorph (not synthesized to date) would have a spiral channel system. Definition of Polymorphism. Klebs has, however, recently canvassed the conclusions of both these investigators; and as ⦠To be classified as such, morphs must occupy the same habitat at the same time and belong to a panmictic population (one with random mating).. Polymorphism with a Function and objects: It is also possible to create a function that can take any object, allowing for polymorphism. They come from many sources and are not checked. If the polymorph effect grants you access to one of the creature's abilities, such as Poison, Trample, or a Breath Weapon, the DC to resist that ability is equal to the DC for the polymorph effect. sanguinis, Gruby, November 1843, Undulina ranarum, Lank., 1871), the best-known parasite of frogs, which exhibits remarkable polymorphism (fig. Chodat, " On the Polymorphism of the Green Algae," Ann. 2. It is on clinical grounds that beriberi, scarlet fever, measles, &c., are recognized as belonging to the same class, and evolving in phases which differ not in intimate nature but in the more superficial and inessential characters of time, rate and polymorphism; and the impression is gaining strength that acute rheumatism belongs to the group of the infections, certain sore throats, chorea and other apparently distinct maladies being terms of this series. : In the new morality, the eroticism of Chinese lyrics was unabashed, polymorphous, and just plain sexy. 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