Music is ours, friends. Ha ha! Make His face shine upon you But, if they don’t copyright it, someone else might and do whatever they want with it. Intense feelings about the words are great, but there’s a danger of overdoing it. Em C A-men G A-men D A-men. As a pastor of a “traditional” denomination I seemed to end up with very dysfunctional congregation. May grace and favor be upon you. That’s exactly why verses like the familiar, John 3:16, describe God’s love as a gift. He is for you, He is for you [19] Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. I think it is intended to be heard by any who will receive it. ! It was originally a blessing God instructed Moses to tell Aaron to give to the people of Israel in Numbers 6:24-26.” [ section 2 Chorus ] which you are 100% correct about & under criteria 2 Bridge section 2, you add as proof text Jeremiah 23:23-24… Interesting though, the point I wish to make is exactly within the verses prior to vers 23 … which expands on the commen Church Blessing & one could ask if it is in fact Biblical in all circumstances, or should one not be more careful in how we phrase it in general? When they get there, God is going to drive away (through the Israelites) the nations that live there. All the blessings contained in this song are either directly quoted from Scripture or inspired by it. There must be spirit and there must be truth. In effect, there are two ways to pay for operating expenses: charge tickets or ask for donations. He gave us His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins so that we don’t perish and for us to have everlasting life with Him in Heaven. One final remark, in these days when the drum beat that is “repeated” through the media is “fear inducing”, perhaps we will need words of hope a thousand times to drown them out. That we would become more sensitive to God’s presence that exists everywhere, including the Holy Spirit indwelling within us. Disagree? While browsing the internet to find out which Scripture this song was taken from, I saw your website. So the music rises in intensity to help bring that understanding from our heads to our hearts which brings deeper faith to our struggling minds. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children, and their children. In the morning, in the evening If you read in Matthew 5 you will understand who is truly blessed coming from the mouth of our Saviour. you are the temple of God. If you have any questions feel free to email 2. Hebrews says it well in Ch13, offering UP to God spiritual sacrifices. But to be sung by everyone in a time where it is thought that we’re bringing glory to God I believe it is out of its proper context. Psalm 90:17 What does God favor us to do and be? God is for lost people, he is so for them that he sent his only son so that they might believe and have eternal life. May His presence go before you And behind you, and beside you All around you, and within you And then over more of my extended family. Wow! Since it’s a blessing, and blessings are given at the end of the service, my thought is that a church service could potentially end with this song. You simply cannot spread out enough. Again, thanks for posting the passages these songs are from! Face toward you Such a powerful description of what God’s blessing can be. May His presence go before you And behind you, and beside you All around you, and within you He is with you, He is with you. I think I understand where you’re coming from. May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace. The list goes on and on. Maverick City Music (Feat. Sang for my city and our country, especially for those who have yet to know the Lord and experience the blessing of life with Him. Tag May His favor be upon you. Hi Varya, The Blessing is a song that compiles God’s promises in the bible, we repeat it back to Him in a form of prayer to remind Him of His promises for us. For past couple of days i couldn’t get out of this song. Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) – The Blessing, John Mark McMillan & Sarah McMillan – King Of My Heart. if this is so then the blessing is for us too. Moved me to tears and prayer. All this because some judge felt he has to show more virtue than Virgin Mary. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children. I believe it is unwise to make any sweeping judgement regarding what God can or can’t do through the Holy Spirit in people’s hearts through a song… through any song. This is one of the most significant issues of the modern church we want to make the story of the Bible about us instead of about God. For God is here. Sometimes I think in our desire to be sensitive to what God wants from us we over complicate things and neglect the truth of the Holy Spirit’s role to “will and to work in you for his good pleasure.” Concern over man-centered song worship has it’s place, but song worship is only a snippet of whole worship, or as Paul calls it, true and proper worship – “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God”. “The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion; but his favour is as dew upon the grass.” Proverbs 19:12 Comment: Do you believe that God is our King? We don’t deserve God’s blessing. This time it moved me. Good thoughts, but I disagree on one major point. The song makes it seem like WE can somehow make His face shine upon us. I believe the comment in the conclusion saying “Despite its overreliance on as nauseum refrains” is unfair and a detriment to the beauty of this song and as such should be removed from the analysis … and besides, it seems that most people love the repetition. But, is that just very well-produced, glimmering, love-bombing deception? So I have had a hard time with this song from the beginning. The LORD bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you]; The LORD make His face shine upon you [with favor], And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness]; The LORD lift up His countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval], And give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].’ Judy loadsman. Your Citation. It does not glorify God in his holiness. And a thousand generations That includes derivative work, including Elevation Worship’s The Blessing. They also received many high scoring reviews, some of which are 10/10. May His favor be upon you and a thousand generations!! Who is there who has visited His heavenly abode, there to learn His purposes? The Lord turn His And their children, and their children. May the LORD's face enlighten you and bestow favor on you. Wow, what an interesting discussion about the lyrics of a song. If this Happens, God’s anger will be kindled against the Israelites and those who see it as a blessing, reinforcement, and helpful. Everything has to be logical. Vince – have you considered the alternate lyrics in this version? Thanks again for you reply and you are “right” this issue/subject transcends this songs, our Bible is not copyrighted however the translations are and the very songs we sing together on Sunday morning are copyrighted as well- I’m also well aware you already know this from reading your reply. 18. We’ll be doing a lot of what we might call repetition in heaven, but it’ll be to the awe provoking majesty of our God and His Christ. Like others I actually like the repetition and find the song very moving rather than boring. 120 Chesterfield Street NEAiken, SC 29801803.648.5476. I’d love to hear what Scripture backs this up as a worship song (not the lyrics being from the Bible, but this actually being a worship song). Thank you. Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) didn’t write their song from a open source Greek and Hebrew manuscripts that they translated them self’s. This blessing was given by the priest Aaron to the “sons of Israel”. I am glad that you like repetition! Ultimately our relationship to God is just that – ours. Agree? And look at the people the close-ups of people weeping. , PS – What’s the story behind the name ‘TastyWallet’? As a pastor, I have used them as a benediction to our congregation at the end of a worship gathering. One for every day of the week except weekends. The last night I found a new song by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes called “The Blessing” it is so awesome that God had me right this. “May his favor be upon you and a thousand generations. I agree with this. This post might not make it here but I just wanted to post it even if only the site owners will read it. Just the fact that it’s from Elevation tells me that I don’t want anything to do with it. In this case, the blessing found in Numbers 6 and through repetition I followed this song into an incredibly rich presence with the Lord. I’m ok with this song, as long as we recognize that it is NOT a worship song. I agree that it’s not a worship song. I know that historically hard and fearful times have caused believers to draw themselves closer to God. I just feel wary of painting God as this benefactor when people could be setting their faces again God with their unrepentant sin. How many times did God say “fear not,” and yet we are fearful of so much in this world. God created us to love Him and one another. We know it is the right thing to do, to maintain this distance between each other. The psalms also talk about things that God hates (like a lying tongue). I realize this was an emotional reaction to the song, but this is still significant. I really struggle with this song, which is why I’m here. I think it’s great and definitely a nice song. May His favor be upon you I know that I said I wouldn’t post any more but I wanted to say I love you keep fighting keep holding on Vince and sorry for the bad grammar and spelling- God loves you so much! It’s dizzying the amount of times the song is repeated. So my understanding is that Num 6 is a pronouncement of the LORD’s blessing on his people Israel, usually said by the temple priests after the daily sacrifices. March 18, 2020 August 8, 2020. These are anointing words for you and your family. Repetition is not new in the praise of God. From us, my brothers and sisters in Christ. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to sing blessings mid-service! It is the elevation of self or self blessing. Great for most application surfaces and painting methods. And behind you, and beside you At best these verses tell us about God’s character, not individualized promises we can claim today 3,000+ years later. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children, and their children May His presence go before you And behind you, and beside you All around you, and within you He is with you, He is with you In the morning, in the evening In your coming, and your going In your weeping, and rejoicing I understand your point. If we are blessed, we must be a blessing to others and not just to those around us, but to the nations. He will simply think whoever this Lord is being sung about, seems good. People think that these songs are so supportive when they go through a depression or tough time … Nothing like the word of God and prayer without any sounds in that period of time… and if you really want a song during that time just go to a hymnal book and pick a song that speaks to your mind not emotions. When it feels like a “slog” sometimes that’s the analyst not giving way to the poet. . As are just about any Christian song. Refrain – Five times, with each containing six “amen”. In short, this song, while well intended, is out of context for the Church. The issue lies within its use. Surely then they wil more willingly turn from their evil way! When it comes to repetition, I’ve noticed that there are usually two types of people: those who are annoyed with it (depending on how much/context/etc.) Your perception and replies are so mature and absolutely Christlike. Thank you for your comment! This song is available in all these mediums, free of charge (though there might be the occasional ad). Despite its overreliance on ad nauseum refrains, Elevation Worship’s The Blessing is an otherwise excellent song. If you cut out much of its repetition, consider ending your church service with this song. I first heard it when I needed to hear that message repeated many times. I think my only real issue is that it comes from a church with questionable doctrinal issues that I don’t want to get into because I wish to stay on topic. Can you explain how an overall 9.5/10 rating is “condemning a song entirely derived from God’s own book”? I’m not sure how I found my self on this page, I simply looking for more info about the song.) Thank you for your comment! Yes, too much emotionalism can be harmful. What are we to do? I went and read Deuteronomy chapter 7, and took away these key points, which I think helps to make Jon’s case: If so, is my focus on God, or is it on what He gives me? Wear it straight from Numbers 6:24-26. 7, read it all, in context). Never a toil or labor. Are you a worship leader or a musician? Singing is dangerous to our most vulnerable. Regarding specifically the question of this song being used in corporate worship – is the command to worship God through “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” exclusively meant for adoration? Music, this wonderful vehicle for the word of God on high. By Uncategorized Comments Off on may his favor be upon you scripture. Even money say they copped their song from the NIV which is copyrighted by law and owned by HarperCollins. I quote from a video of one missionary Spencer Smith, titled “What Happens When We Worship Worship” actually specifically talking about this song & having experienced similar things in Africa … “This Religious emotional euphoria that they are being given, is nothing more than a spiritual hit of crack. To be honest I had never heard this song until today. If you do believe this particular blessing is only for priests, I ask you to consider this: We, the church (all over the world) have, according to the New Testament, been grafted in, adopted & made a holy priesthood (1Peter 2:4-10 & see previous posts from Vince for other verses regarding adoption & grafting). Music is just the initiation process. God put me in the right place to hear it. And yet have absolutely no saving grace accompanying it, but rather a well veiled self adolatery one sided mine,mine,mine entitlement approach.This equally plays towards the next criteria method. That we would understand God is for us no matter the time of day, location, or personal scenario. So, I’m not sure how far your argument goes. Durable, plastic May His Favor be Upon You Blessing Lyrics stencils last for thousands of uses. For me, the repetition did just that… I struggle from anxiety and this song just kept making its way into my mind and I couldn’t get it out. We spin our wheels trying to find a fast way out of difficulty. 1Corinthians 6:19Worship God wherever you are. You’ve given me a lot to think about. SEE ADDITIONAL IMAGES More Photos Faith Hope Love Collection Religious and Christian Gifts are great to show your faith in Christ Jesus. This song is a gift and should be given away, not sold. God is extremely concerned with our Theology. I haven’t come to a conclusion with these thoughts. As for my personal comment, when talking about ‘The Blessing’ – My two cents are we may not know what the blessings from God look like when we ask Him to intercede on behalf of others, so don’t fear in praying this over people – believers or even pre-believers!! Such a source of comfort in these seemingly impossible times. We are two different sons. That, essentially, you are valuable to and will be cared for by God. I simply love this song. To care for those we encounter. If you do, say I do and receive this declaration, exclaiming AMEN! I shared the clip with my family when I got home and then hubby and I have been discussing this a bit deeper. I love this song and agree with most of your review of it but I don’t believe it first brings glory to God when sung in a worship service. May it continue to grow and provide you with God pleasing conversation and connections – as well as a good reason to keep on searching scripture. How can this be? There is no reason to think that this ancient blessing would not apply to gentile believers today, those of us who are adopted sons of God (John 1:12-13, John 14:18, Romans 8:14-17, Romans 8:23, Romans 9:1-8, Galatians 3:26, Galatians 4:5-7, Ephesians 1:3-14, Ephesians 2:11-22, Hebrews 9:15, and 1 John 3:1-3) and in effect, are adopted Israelites (Romans 11:11-24). Apology, I neglegted to add the following within my previous comment. Maybe this song will get the world’s attention and since when is Gods own words nauseating repetition? Welcome to The Berean Test and thank you for your comments! Stephen, you have expressed so well what has been going through my mind for months. You may be struggling and not knowing where you next meal or money is coming from. And no shortage of accounts of people talking to me about some hardship they were enduring that day, but enduring it with a sense of the Lord being with them … well, it helped to affirm the power of prayer. Vast expanses separate us, one from another. I am still not at ease with having our congregation sing this song, not because it is not biblical, but because the reference versus are out of context. May His Favor be upon you And a Thousand Generations Your Family and your Children And their Children And their Children } [x2] [Verse 3] May His Presence go before you And Behind you, And Beside you All around you and within you He is with you, He is with you In the Morning, in the Evening So true Shan! When it finally get from your head to your heart that you, an individual, are being given this blessing. It is ours to use to worship our Father in Heaven. In one sense, it is given away. Yes, we are able to listen to the song for free like you stated however the real catch is tossing down $50 bucks for the real anointing they are offering where everything looks so so perfect because that has to be God. Slog? We spin our wheels trying to find a fast way out of difficulty. ‘Churches around the UK have come together to sing a blessing over the nation.’ The term bless is also used the same way. Unbelievers won’t miss the message the first time, much less the second or third. I do appreciate the work put in to note all those Scripture passages! If God is so for them, should we be against them in anyway? If you have any questions feel free to email We have a tendency to wander off and need to be drawn back by our Good Shepherd. And a reflection of Numbers 6:24-26. That is the government we live in. But when it comes to gospel or worship or biblical. 05/11/2020 – Added Psalm 103:17-18 as a reference for Bridge 1, thanks to Linda Carroll! We have strong mindsets often & this song breaks through IF you don’t get bored & instead, let it wash over you till the truth of God’s Word & character breaks through. Earlier reviews downgraded section 4 based on massive repetition; However, another commenter convinced me that God’s inherent glory has nothing to do with how often lyrics repeat. No judgment, this is a comment from a believer struggling with this song’s place in worship. Despite its relentless repetition, this song brings glory to God by invoking a Biblically accurate blessing to those who hear it. That we would become more sensitive to God’s presence that exists everywhere, including the Holy Spirit indwelling within us. Those that just want to get through the song may not get what it’s trying to say to us. The repetition in this song conveys my sense of urgency to have God truly bless my children – not with possessions, wealth, or fame – but Himself. There has been a lot of indepth commentary about this song. Buy 'May His Favor Be Upon You' by Stacy Haggard as a Premium T-Shirt He is for you!” How I hope and pray this will be true for my children. I consider The Berean Test a hobby; a place to express my opinions about Christian lyrics. “Day and night, they never stop singing ‘holy,holy,holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was ,who is, and who is to come”- Rev. But don’t make a law out of that or condescend on someone who finds it to be refreshing and healing – and vice versa. What are you talking about? All my research points to this line added in the UK version. And their children, and their children, May His presence go before you Here are 21 Bible verse reminders of God's blessing, goodness and favor in your life. I have never been able to understand the “fear” that some Christians have for the emotional side of the human experience. Psalm 45:24, "Thou art fairer than the children of men;" Psalm 27:4, "To behold the beauty of the Lord;" Isaiah 33:17, "Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty").The "beauty of God" is upon us when we see and realize the loveliness of his character. Inspiration from the song The Blessing! I admit that my constant criticism over repetition is subjective (although any opinion will be subjective) and it affects the scoring. I’m not sure how any of us can get away with quoting from copyrighted Bible translations. And I find it very much a good help to encourage quieting my mind and focusing on Jesus. We make things so complicated. Yes, they used scripture to write the song. There have been some great comments here. . Through soaring melody, enormous numbers of singers, and sheer force of will, a blessing from God is poured out upon humanity. Matte prints. Beautiful. Aren’t worship songs for glorifying Jesus and what He’s done for us? AMAZON. Great for most application surfaces and painting methods. I don’t mind the words being repeated over and over again. Of course not! He is for you, He is for you. One thing about The Blessing is a musical technique that it uses. I took this song as it was presented… this particular phase of my life, God put His beautiful promises there (in form of song) for me to hear, hide in my heart and to ponder as needed. I love the whole thing lyrics, repeating, music, the way I feel when I’m singing, saying amen over and over and then repeating everything all over. We are each responsible to God for ourselves, not others. Knowing is more important that feeling. Hello Vince, just stumbled on your page for the first time and I love love love. it’s also impossible to know precisely what it will be like for me when I get there; However, I understand that you referenced Revelation 4:8 with your commentary, that the four living creatures and elders state the same statement, over and over again, day and night. [17] They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you. It also gives recourse to the author through the court system to stop misuse and to impose a penalty on those who refuse to comply with the author’s limits on the use of his/her work. But here’s my biggest issue that I’m struggling with: the fact that this is a worship song. It is a blessing offered to believers. This is my reaction too – it brings me to tears. I appreciate your support! Elevation Worship’s The Blessing was recently requested several times in the same week, in part because it addresses the current COVID-19 crisis. This is a question that transcends this song. Read Ezekiel Ch44. It seems that the masses like it! May His Favor be Upon You When I first heard the song “the Blessing” by Kari Jobe, I had goosebumps, because I realized that every line in the song was from direct biblical quotation. It was originally a blessing God instructed Moses to tell Aaron to give to the people of Israel in Numbers 6:24-26. the blessing song kari jobe | may His favor be upon you | scripture sign | Christian wall art | the blessing KayvaHome. You can just see the excitement in her as she sings. But we don’t do that – we naturally gravitate toward adoration in our song writing and corporate singing, without direct biblical instruction to do so. I imagine a lot of that came from being aligned with the Lord in his desire to bless his people. Than selling their music, this is a sacrifice – it is not new the... References of this song is being used to those who commented and shared their opinions on this for... Trump out of a “ cleansing ” of the Lord God made both the intellectual and the believer! Speak over Israel so that His way may be struggling and not knowing where you meal! Again God with their unrepentant sin major problem I see your children and their children warnings. 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