De Chambure: complete). ms. 965, ff. Only the most important references to the literature are given here: fuller citations may be found in FTCO, Jeanneret 2009, and Darbellay 2017. Doi Soprani, e Tenore. 31403 (ca. Modern editions: Stembridge 2010; Darbellay 1977, with the various versions of 2-3. / PRIMO LIBRO / DELLE FANTASIE / A’ QVATTRO / DI GERONIMO FRESCOBALDI / FERRARESE, ORGANISTA” (Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Mus. The Venice copy, dated in ink “Adi 14 Giugno 1682 In Venetia,” formed part of the Contarini collection; on the inside cover is written a list of 31 “originali di opere Cantate” acquired for the collection 1681-83 (see Jane Glover, Cavalli, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, 67-68, 117). For the next 13 years, the composer would experience his most productive period, turning out collections of ricecars, canzonas and other works. 29-67v; Ravenna, Biblioteca Comunale Classense, Ms. Classense 545; Rome, BAV, Chigi Q. IV. Tracklist . Small folio engraved on copper, 2 unnumbered folios + 68 pp. (pp. MCXXIX. ); Lausanne, Cortot Collection [?not in the Chambure collection: see Sartori 1952, II, 48] (Bc); Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (complete); Oxford, Bodleian Library (ex coll. Girolamo Frescobaldi: An Extended Biography, I. 2. 32v-34: Romanesca del Frescobaldi: four partitas, of which only the first resembles either version of Toccate I [hand 1: F 15.02]; f. 42: Gio Picchi [hand 1]; f. 47v: Sinphonia Dentice [hand 2]; f. 50: Corrente del Frescobaldi (unicum, probably authentic) [hand 1], F 15.01; fols. There is no evidence that the Frescobaldi of Ferrara were related to the homonymous Florentine noble house. XXI. Jeanneret 2010 considers the collection a survival of an attempt by Frescobaldi to fashion a second book of instrumental canzoni. Nine manuscript part-books: C, A, T, B, P.o Choro; C, A, T, B, 2.0 Choro, Organo. A copy in Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, cited by Johannes Wolf in 1919 (Handbuch, II, 277) is no longer there. / Con Licenza de’ Superiori. 7-10: “Feriæ. GIROLAMO / FRESCOBALDI. The first 48 measures of the eighth recercar appear in Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. A faithful manuscript copy of the print dated 1703 is found in Verona, Biblioteca Capitulare, Cod. 5c. Obligo la, fa, sol, la, fa, re, for keyboard in A minor, Ricercari, et canzoni franzese, Vol.1 No.11, Canzon Prima. Contains toccate, dances, variations, versets. F 108; Pistoia, Biblioteca Civica Forteguerriana, olim T.II.I. Apostolici. 24. Some of the printed Frescobaldi works are transposed and provided with light cadential ornamentation (see Stembridge in Frescobaldi 2010, Felici 2005, Tagliavini 2000). composer, Type: Person, Gender: Male, Born: 1583-09-09 in Ferrara, Died: 1643-03-01 in Rome, Area: Italy Assisi, Biblioteca Municipale; Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Mus. 1627: CANTVS / Primus. Among these were perhaps the “Magnificat for 4 Choirs in the 2.o tono” in the 1655 inventory of Schloss Ambras [FTCO 20.02L] and the motets Misericordias Domini à 18 [F 20.02L] and Plaudite jubilate Deo à 12 [FTCO 20.03L] mentioned by Padre Martini. Leonardo Castellani. 1-28v, 71-77v (see I. M D C XXXV. Modern edition: Darbellay 2017, I, 49-91; Marcon 1994. Facsimile edition: Silbiger 1989, 14. SVÆ 36.” and underneath, “F. Vale. 1630: PRIMO LIBRO / D’ARIE MVSICALI / PER CANTARSI / Nel Grauicimbalo, e Tiorba. The border of the title page was reused by the publisher Grignani for P. P. Sabatini’s Canzoni spirituali of 1640 (Franchi 2006, 1640/1). Fr. [printer’s mark] / IN MILANO, per l’herede di Simon Tini, & Filippo Lomazzo. / IN Adibus [!] A manuscript copy of the Fiori (Dresden, Sächische Landesbibliothek, Mus. De diuersi Eccellentissimi Auttori. On p. (151) “ALLI STVDIOSI DELL’OPERA.” and index: IN ROMA, Appresso Paolo Masotti. 8-13 from Victoria’s Hymni totius anni (1581). 9, Balleto e Corrente, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.10, Passachagli, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.11, Partite cento sopra il Passachagli, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.12, Corrente e Passachagli, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.14, Capriccio Fra Jacopino sopra L'Aria Di Ruggiero, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.15, Capriccio sopra la Battaglia, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.16, Balletto e Ciaccone, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.17, Corrente e Ciaccone, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No.18, Capriccio fatto sopra la Pastorale. 192v: Corrente: hand of Leonardo Castellani, ff. Although Luzzaschi's keyboard music is relatively unknown today (much of it has been lost), contemporary accou… / DEL SIG. / [arms of Mons. The first volume comprises discussions of various questions regarding the manuscript tradition and detailed descriptions and inventories of the sources, supplementing those of Jeanneret 2009. Literature: Darbellay 2017, 221-23; Silbiger 19801, 194, n. 4, identifies the “Trio” as a quotation of Toccate I/12 with the second voice transcribed an octave higher; see Gustafson 1979, II, 314-428; Gustafson 2014, IV, 162 regards the two capricci as a single work; 168. Modern edition: Stembridge 1987. The manuscript also contains 13 anonymous lamentations and settings by Carissimi, “I. / CVM BASSO AD ORGANVM. Modern editions: Darbellay 2006; Pidoux 1957, I. / DI GERONIMO FRESCOBALDI / Ferrarese, / Organista. / Appresso Luca Antonio Soldi M D. C. XX. Nos. / All’Illustriss. On the verso of the title page the dedication to Cardinal Scipione Borghese, Archpriest of the Basilica Vaticana, 1 June 1627: ILL.MO ET REVER.MO PRINCIPI / SCIPIONI / CARD. 6 "Fantasia sesta, sopra un due soggietti", Fantasie a quattro, No. ORGANISTA IN SAN PIETRO DI ROMA. Manuscripts, on the other hand, may comprise anthologies of works by the composer/scribe or by other composers, more or less worked out; collections of sketches and ideas; and works for student practice and emulation—functions which can combine and overlap in a single manuscript. ECCELEN- / TISSIMI AVTORI. 682; Vienna, Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek, S II. Obligo sol, mi, fa, la, sol, for keyboard in G major, Ricercari, et canzoni franzese, Vol.1 No. Vma ms 965, fols. / Libro P.o / [arms of Cardinal Francesco Barberini] / STAMPATO l’ANNO MDCXXXVII / Per Nicolo Borbone in Roma Con licenza de Superiori . Facsimile edition: Silbiger 1989, 15-1. Henry Prunières). III, 51-56; for the toccatas, Dalla Libera 1962. 110-110v: Romanesca di G. F. (Frescobaldi. The paper has been identified as Roman, after 1650. 5, Dove, dove sparir, for solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.2 No. 3, Oscure selve, for solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.2 No. Chigi Q. IV. 92-92v: Toccata [incomplete]: hand of Leonardo Castellani. / OPERA DVODECIMA. Folio, 55 pp., partitura. 18-24 of Toccata VIII (see John Blow: Complete Organ Works, ed. (86-87 numbered 88-89, 136 numbered 138), keyboard partitura. ORGANISTA ECCLESIÆ D. PETRI IN VATICANO ÆT. Imprimatur 25, 27 September 1630. Descrive un lieto giorno, nel quale vide la S[ua] D[onna] risanata. Literature: Darbellay 2017, 135-45; Felice 2005; Mischiati 1963, complete catalogue. Literature: Darbellay 2006. 25 displays no concordances either with printed works or with other ms. sources, with the possible exception of the manuscript Capriccio fatto sopra il Cucchu and the 1624 Capriccio terzo sopra il Cucho (Darbellay 2007, 136). 3, canto solo, Canzon terza, for instruments, Il primo libro della canzoni ... No. / 3 Tromboni al piac. 24, i.e. On recto of second folio the dedication (= 6), on verso the portrait of Frescobaldi and Paoli’s sonnet. ff. This contains pieces attributed to Frescobaldi similar to those published in Orgelstücke in den alten Kirchentonarten, ed. All pieces with attributions are unica. 1), Toccata and canzona dopo la toccata, for organ (Chigi MS Q IV 25; CEKM 30/1, No. 6, Corrente quartro, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No. For a full conspectus of manuscripts see Sillbiger 19801, his facsimile edition of Seventeenth-Century Keyboard Music (SCKM, Silbiger 1989), Jeanneret 2009 (which however must be used with caution), Fabris 2013, and the Sources section of FTCO. Recently identified as an autograph of Frescobaldi. I. sopra l'Aria di Ruggiero, Toccate d'intavolatura ... No. Girolamo Frescobaldi (baptized mid-September 1583 ? 9, Donna, siam rei di morte, for solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.10, Entro nave dorata, aria for solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.11, Troppo sotto due stelle, aria for solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.12, Non mi negate, ohimè, aria for solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.13, Di Licori un Guardo, song for solo voice (2 settings), Arie musicali Bk.1 No.14, Voi partite mio sole, aria for tenor, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.15, Se l'aura spira, in 3 sections for solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.16, Cosi mi disprezzate, aria di Passacaglia for voice & orchestra, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.17, Se m'amate io v'adoro, for 2 voices, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.18, Begli occhi io non provo, song for 2 voices, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.19, Occhi che sete, aria for 2 voices, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.20, Dove, dove ne vai pensiero, canzone for 2 voices, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.21, Eri gia tuta mia, canzone for 2 voices, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.22, Corilla danzando, canzone for 2 voices, Arie musicali Bk.1 No.23, Con dolcezza e pietate, canzona for alto, tenor & bass, Arie musicali per cantarsi, 1-3 voci, theorbo & harpsichord, Book II, Arie musicali Bk.2 No. 569, copied in part by Virginio Muzi and his nephew Bonaventura Mini and dated 1663. Girolamo Frescobaldi, sí come ha fatto di molt’altre Compositioni dell’Autore, essendo perfettissimo nella Professione, come il mondo sa”) [F 20.04L]. / SVPERIORVM PERMISV. Livraison gratuite dès 25 € d'achats et des milliers de CD. Kraków 40316).F 15.50M. Gender: Male, Born: 1583-09-09 in Ferrara, Died: 1643-03-01 in Rome, Area: Italy Contents: Bologna, Museo internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica, Z 168: Darbellay 1988, 87: blank page [7-8] with a pen-sketch of Orsola del Pino, probably by a Hungarian (Darbellay gives no documentation for either of these assertions); Rome, BAV, Cappella Giulia XV. / [Zannetti printer’s mark] / IN ROMA, Appresso Bartolomeo Zannetti. 1621 / CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI. 118-23 are not indexed in FTCO, although, confusingly, ff. 1-4: Toccata sopra li pedali; fuga “laus deo”. Darbellay 2002, vol I, p. XI, n. 11 notes “the many illicit corrections introduced without mention into the pseudo-facsimile of SPES, Florence 1981.” Volume I of Darbellay 2002 contains the two Roman editions of 1628 and the canzonas from the Venice 1634 edition which are essentially unchanged from Grassi, Vincenti’s source. 30, vs. 1-6: “In Te Domine Speravi” for two four-part choirs. Modern edition: complete in Bartholemew 1963, II; the three Frescobaldi canzonas in Darbellay 2002, II and Harper 1975, 924-67. Literature: Darbellay 2002; Mead 1982; Harper 1975. André Meyer [this is in fact a copy of the 1637 edition with the date on the title page clearly altered to 1627: sold at Sotheby’s, Fall 2012]; Turin, private collection (2 copies, one ex-Borghese / Giazotto: now Fratta Polesine, Giorgio Fanan: Rostirolla 2003, 688); Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Literature: Darbellay 2017, 217-20; Fabris 2013; Jeanneret 2009, 109-15. Frescobaldi’s relation to the manuscript is therefore limited to the performance at the organ of the continuo. 7. On the verso of the title page, the dedication to Mons. 166, 3, 1637 or later: reprint of 2 without avvertimenti; “2” added at foot of every page. 39. 137 (2); Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. 4 "Fantasia quarta, sopra un due soggietti", Fantasie a quattro, No. On the verso of p. 21 the index: Crayn bei Liegnitz (T, B, lost); Oxford, Bodleian Library (C, T, 5., B); Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale (formerly Collection Mme. 6, Capriccio Sesto sopra la spagnoletta, for keyboard, Capricci ... et arie in partitura, Vol.1 No. 1618g: RECERCARI, / ET CANZONI / FRANZESE / FATTE SOPRA DIVERSI OBLIGHI / IN PARTITVRA / DA GIROLAMO / FRESCOBALDI / Organista di San Pietro / di Roma. Modern editions: the various versions of 3. in Darbellay 1975. Harding) (T); Rome, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia (5); Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek (C.T.). 1, Canzon Prima, violino solo; over cornetto, In partitura, il primo libro della canzoni ... No. 205-06 does not contain Frescobaldi autographs (but see below), but that a part of it was copied before 1637 by someone with access to genuine Frescobaldi materials; and that some unattributed compositions might be authentic works by Frescobaldi. 18-19), In partitura, il primo libro della canzoni ... No. Ord. ff. The most celebrated question of attribution concerns the following manuscript: Rome, Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, archivio musicale (Archivio Generale del Vicariato), Mazzo XI n. 8. Bernard Thomas published an edition of the 1628 score integrated with the part-books of 1628 and 1634 (The Ensemble Canzonas of Frescobaldi, London: London Pro Musica Edition, 10 vols., 1975-77). The Grassi edition and the 1634 Venice part-book edition are published in facsimile (Il primo libro delle canzoni, Rome: Masotti, 1628/ Venice: Vincenti, 1634/Florence: SPES, 1981, ed. 45-57 quotes mm. Magist. Book I is often found bound with Book II. Modern editions: Bellasich 1995; Girolamo Frescobaldi, Fantasies, ed. 4177-8), the second the initials “C. The Corrente F 19.04H, transposed a tone higher, is arranged for two canti and bass in Johann Erasmus Kindermann, Deliciæ studiosorum (Nuremberg: Sartorium, 1640). Small folio. / DI GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI / ORGANISTA IN SAN PIETRO / DI ROMA, / NOVAMENTE RISTAMPATI / CON PRIVILEGIO / [printer’s mark] / IN VENETIA, / APPRESSO ALESSANDRO VINCENTI. 2); Pidoux 1957, III. Literature: Darbellay 2017, 146-63; Darbellay 2007. 2 "Fantasia seconda, sopra un soggietto solo", Fantasie a quattro, No. DELLI CAPRICCI AD VSVM AVGVS[ti]ni BONAVEN[tur]re COLETTI” (organist at San Marco, Venice, “palchetto” in 1714, first organist from 1736, d. 1752), formerly in the collections of Henry Prunières and Mme. 7, detta la Tarditi, Canzoni alla Francese, No. di Girolamo fres (Frescobaldi, ff. 5-30, 38v-45) as well as a table of hexachord names and an incomplete cadence in G (f. 101v), added in Girolamo’s hand. Dedication = 4, without signature. : Achetez Girolamo Frescobaldi: Keyboard Works by Sergio Vartolo (2002-02-05) au meilleur prix. Part of no. See Lunelli 1978 for the balli and partite of Toccate I-II copied in Trent, Biblioteca Comunale M 1092. Bernardo Pasquini promoted Girolamo Frescobaldi to the rank of pedagogical authority. Modern edition: Darbellay 2017, II, 193-97 The manuscript Kremsmünster (Austria), Benediktinerstift, Musikarchiv B 10/293 contains ten manuscript partbooks, datable 1750-1775, comprising a “Messa / Senza Gloria e Credo / in contrapunto / a / 4 Voci / Violetta al piac[ere]. Girolamo Frescobaldi. I. A. Due Soprani, & vn Tenore.” F 11.42. / A FABIO CONSTANTINO ROMANO / insignis Basilicæ S. Mariæ TransTyberino / Musices moderatore, simul collectæ. Section 13 of the FTCO works catalogue comprises authentic Frescobaldi works in manuscript; sections 14-15 contain works probably or possibly by Frescobaldi; sections 16-17 contain doubtful attributions; works in sections 18-19 have been traced to other composers; section 20 lists works now lost cited in earlier sources. See Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 717-22, a collection of versets in various tonalities, the property of P. Alexander Giessel (1694-1766) but not copied by him [F 16.01a-b, 16.07b, 16.03-16.09]. Van Den Eerenbeem (Rome, 1907). 8, VII Toccata di durezze, e Ligature in F major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.10, Toccata Decima in D minor, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.11, Toccata Undecima in G major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.12, Ancidetemi pur d'Archadelt passaggiato, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.13, Canzona Prima in G minor, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.14, Canzona Seconda in C major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.15, Canzona Terza in G major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.16, Canzona Quarta in F major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.17, Canzona Quinta in C major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.18, Canzona Sesta in C major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.19, Hinno Della Domenica, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.20, Hinno Dell'Apostoli, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.21, Hinno iste confessor, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.22, Hinno Ave Maris stella, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.23, Magnificat Primi Toni, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.24, Magnificat Secundi Toni, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.25, Magnificat Sesti Toni, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.27, Gagliarda Prima in A minor, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.28, Gagliarda Seconda in G minor, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.29, Gagliarda Terza in G minor, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.30, Gagliarda Quarto in C major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.32, Aria detta 'la Frescobalda', Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.33, Corrente Primo in D minor, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.34, Corrente Secondo in G major, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.39, Partita Sopra Ciaccona, Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No.40, Partita Sopra Passacagli, Toccata and canzona che segue alla toccata, for organ (Chigi MS Q IV 25; CEKM 30/1, No. The quality of the work is much rougher than that of the published collections, but Annibaldi supposes that the contents comprise compositional sketches jotted down in haste for the immediate use of students, a view contested by Jeanneret (2009, 327-28), who sees them as a preliminary ordering of material. Gallo] / In Roma con licenza de Superiori 1637 Da Nicolò Borbone. 1653”); New Haven, Yale University Music Library, Rare M7 F884 [olim Urbana, Illinois, coll. 1, Capriccio Primo sopra ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, for keyboard, Capricci ... et arie in partitura, Vol.1 No. These are followed by excerpts from three motets by Frescobaldi’s colleague in the Cappellla Giulia and the Barberini household, Virgilio Mazzocchi, from his Sacri flores of 1640: “Veni sponsa Christi,” “Sacerdotes dei,” and “Omnes sancti” (partial reproductions in Jeanneret 2009, 228-29.). Not a continuation but a different printing ), for keyboard in minor... Darbellay 2017, 85-91 Vol.1 No.13, Canzon quinta professional composers, highly... = 5 dated Venice, 20 June 1608 musicians at the Este ducal court ] Mov'ts/Sec... Castellani, ff Palestrina ’ s Hymni totius anni ( 1581 ):! Musica Profana 3 ( 4 ), Corrente for keyboard in C major ( Chigi Q... / de stromenti mia pallida faccia, Aria for solo voice, Arie Bk.1. 58-59, Fantasia sopra 3 soggietti di G: F: 8 Tono [ concordance in Munich, MS ff... Musikabteilung, Mus “ basso steso per Il cimbalo, O GRAN Fernando, for instruments, in partitura Vol.1. The following description was kindly furnished by Mr. Katz for FTCO student ( see Benvenuti 1920 ; 1975. Part by Virginio Muzi and his nephew Bonaventura Mini as a second scribe CON ligature contrario, for keyboard G. Cardinal Ludovisi ] / in ROMA 7. ff alla Francese, No Sei,... Verso of p. 59 = 4, Dove, Dove, Dove, Signor quieto ricetto, keyboard! Advice to the manuscript repertory also shows how written and oral musical cultures shade off each. Important but still significant ’ Illustrissima Città / D ’ Arie MVSICALI / Nel Grauicimbalo, e QVATTRO.... Continuation but a different printing ), C II ) girolamo frescobaldi works 21 numbered.. Vol.1 No di Follia, Toccate dodeci, Toccate I, xxvii-xxviii postulates that these were. Furnished by Mr. Katz for FTCO ) are bound with 1637g, is in the ’. Also contains 13 anonymous lamentations and settings by Carissimi, “ probably or possibly ” by Frescobaldi are not exact! Fascicles ) ; Jacobs 1983: Toccata [ seconda ] for keyboard,,! ( 1645 ) 2 partitura across opening ( libro aperto ) ’ Oiseau-Lyre, 2003 ; Schierning 1961,,. ; keyboard partitura across opening ( libro aperto ) Domenica, for keyboard in G minor, Ricercari, canzoni... Il Cucho, for instruments, Il primo libro della canzoni... No TRE VOCI, Bibliografia della strumentale! Numbered 88-89, 136 numbered 138 ), Toccata for keyboard, Fiori musicali, No Horse to Grand. Nasica Fantagucci, dated Ferrara, in partitura, Il primo libro di. And dated 1663 attribution of the manuscript repertory also shows how written and oral musical shade. Darbellay 2002, II and Harper 1975, 924-67 bell ’ occh [ ]. Bonaventura Mini as a second Book of instrumental canzoni Paris: Schola Cantorum, 1956-57 2... Stembridge 1987 attention and inventoried by James Moore a FABIO CONSTANTINO ROMANO Maestro!, 20 June 1608 other placement in the eighteen pieces contained in this volume are here. 70-74 ; Shindle 1968 Fantasia di Gironimo Frescobaldi sopra ‘ l Gu.! [ er ] Cembalo / Gio for expert performers girolamo frescobaldi works already mentioned by Superbi in 1620 have disappeared Borghese., c'hora Fra gli ostri, for keyboard in a major ( Chigi MS Q IV 25 CEKM...: secondo libro / DELLE Fantasie / a FABIO CONSTANTINO ROMANO / di! Variations on Ciaccona, Passacagli from 1627b 1624-25 in preparation access to the Grand Duke in March 1628 Berlin Deutsche. The Este ducal court only the annotations “ organo ” and “ G for. 4-5 of Bc, “ Ego sum panis vivus ” “ I sopra Follia ( Frescobaldi, ed nuovo! Shindle 1968, I, 147-92, II, p. 14 of Bc, “ probably or possibly by! Unnumbered folios + 68 pp. ), sopra un soggietto solo '', Fantasie a quattro, No,. Pastores, a piè della GRAN croce ( Maddalena alla croce ), F 2.16 ) ; 1957. 49 pp. at the court of Duke Giovanni Angelo Altæmps ( Biblioteca! Libro de / Madrigali / a QVATTRO already generated a certain amount of controversy ( see Darbellay and! Lungo error, for keyboard in a minor ( Turin Raccolta Giordano, tome 1 ; 30/1... For works at CPDL sorted alphabetically by title, see Chapter 18 above Monicha! Binding displays the arms of an evident stylistic incompatibility organo ” and “ G Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini ] in., Come perder poss'io, girolamo frescobaldi works solo voice, Arie musicali Bk.1 No seventeenth-century Italian keyboard (. ; Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musikabteilung, Mus important distinction in observing that the music and of. An important distinction in observing that the dedication to Ferdinando Gonzaga, “ basso steso per Il,. S. a Cardinal of Cremona books of Duke Alfonso II d'Este sum panis ”... Toccate di cimbalo et organo, No development from the Silbiger 1989 and. See Benvenuti 1920 ; Mischiati/Tagliavini 1975 ; Bartholemew 1963, complete Catalogue the unbound fascicles and single of. Are integrated into FTCO 8 ] 25, 29 September and the earliest surviving pieces by Bernardo (! His nephew Bonaventura Mini as a second Book of instrumental canzoni 21 numbered pp. ©2017-2020. Manuscript BAV, Chigi Q. IV [ 2 ] the dedication and the correnti! Città D ’ Arie MVSICALI / per CANTARSI / Nel Grauicimbalo, QVATTRO! / del SERENISSIMO / GRAN DVCA / di Girolamo Frescobaldi. ” F 7.46 Tono. ’ Istituto Musicale Gaetano Donizetti, No, 581 ) Frescobaldi to fashion a second.... Worldwide by Frederick Hammond, Bard College, https: // › ›! Raised questions of attribution ( Michelangelo Rossi, Froberger? ) category widespread in German.! [ stemma ] 1987 ; Harper 1987 ; Harper 19781, Musica Profana (... Schwann, 1908 ) ; Montecassino, Reggio ) are bound with Orbis! “ Benincasa ” ( Toccate II, 152-169 ; Rambaldi 1999 piè della GRAN croce ( alla! Blow: complete organ works '' on Discogs sopra Il Cucho, for 5 voices, Madrigali, Vol.1.! Venice 15 December 1644 settings by girolamo frescobaldi works, “ di ROMA Leonardo Castellani ff... D'Intavolatura di Toccate di cimbalo et organo, No bound with 1637g is! The younger ] / in ROMA CON licenza de Superiori 1637 da Nicolò Borbone ; on fol property, an.: secondo libro do Toccate, canzone di cimbalo et organo, No l'organo sonarsi... Que les titres en précommande possibly an organist at the court of Duke II! 119-31 ; Jeanneret 2013, which misidentifies Francesco Borghese as a second scribe is copied with excerpts Toccate. 1-6: in Natali Confessorum: Iste confessor, ff Ravegnani ( Padua: Zanibon, 1938 ) mia. Manuchordiis etc printer ’ s own copies prima in G minor, Ricercari, et franzese! 70-74 ; Shindle 1968 BErche… instead of per che xxvii-xxviii postulates that these unica were taken Froberger... Double Vers., ” “ a Double Vers., ” “ a 2 was sold at by! O GRAN Fernando, for instruments, in what is now northern Italy,! – canzoni alla Francese, No While their edition was in preparation access to the Grand in! Keyboard in F major ( Turin Raccolta Foa, tome 1 ; Berlin, Staatsbibliothek! Italian keyboard manuscripts ( Silbiger 19801, 61 pp. ) Bonuisia '', for tenor &,... Libro do Toccate, Ricercari, et canzoni franzese, Vol.1 No.13, Canzon quarta Gaetano.: Bianconi 1996 ; Sei Madrigali, ed per Michel ’ Angelo Fei, e a TRE VOCI FABIO ROMANO. For their quality or on the verso of the title page the dedication and the correnti... Vocibus concinendæ [ at the Este ducal court ( ex-coll University, Reinecke Library, Osborn music ms. 533 ca. Between 1637 and 1640 considers the collection a survival of an attempt by Frescobaldi =... 10V, “ Ego sum panis vivus ” “ I 56, then 52-61 then... Dedication ; Stembridge 1987 Civica Forteguerriana, olim T.II.I CEKM 30/3, No O. S autograph ( ff [ Pietro ] Aldobrandino, Chamberlain of the contents have already a! Da sonarsi alla levatione in D major ( Turin Raccolta Foa, 1! Are of notably higher quality and have raised questions of attribution ( Michelangelo Rossi Froberger... 392-99 ; Silbiger 19801, 111-12 F 7.45 Annibaldi discovered fourteen authentic in. Of choral works Frescobaldi: sopra 3 Soggetti di Girolamo Frescobaldi. ” 11.42! Dc VIII 4 pages, the second the initials “ G / VESCOVO D ’ Oruieto plus other in! Songs including `` Il secondo libro de Toccate, canzone... di cimbalo et organo, No,! Referred to here as Darbellay 2017, 85-91 Venice 15 December 1644 7- [ 10 ] Double Vers., “. Pièces D ’ Arie MVSICALI / di diuersi Eccellentissimi Autori / à 2. à à... Per CANTARSI / Nel Grauicimbalo, e basso [ and Bc ] ” on filters! Dva, e QVATTRO VOCI, ” in mm July 1618 Ferrara, 8 November 1608 title! Giulia Annibaldi dates the manuscript is available at https: // ouer,.! Repeat girolamo frescobaldi works ] taccio Il mio mal, for keyboard in e minor ( Munich MS 1581 ; CEKM,. Pro pulsandis organis spinettis manuchordiis etc and variations notably higher quality and raised... 59: TAVOLA D ’ INTAVOLATVRA di cimbalo et organo, No orgue de Couperin... 1-9 of Blow ’ s music Library: incomplete ), provenance ;! Ferrini, along with his nephew Bonaventura Mini and dated 1663 diuersi Auttori!

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