Dina tells her mom that Betsy made her do it. Archive of articles classified as' "Funny" “Male?” “It’s an older driver’s license.” 2/24/2014 —CraboTheBusmaster. The practice of trying to express a story with such a small quantity of words and sentences can be a very useful writing exercise. Thinking that my parents must have thrown away the box for box tops, I called my mom to ask how long and at what temperature to cook chicken nuggets. Before I continue, I should specify two things. So the second she came over to me to take the seemingly 5th book, another classmate took back the other two books from her desk and split them up—sending one to me one way, and the other another way. 4. So we go into science class and since it’s the first week we’re always doing the scientific method lesson before anything else. 51. He was always in trouble and it seemed like every time his dad had to call him it went like this…. So, naturally, I also put my finger on my nose. (Also Share this Video out to all your friends, lets see how many views this will hit)Hope You Enjoy! Learn about us. I look all mad and rip the BLOODY EMPTY CONTAINER OF PRINGLES OUT OF THE DAMN BITCH’S FILTHY HANDS. 26. 13. She decided to tell us about her sporting goods fetish, where she goes into a store and buys a bunch of gear like they were books. I decided to do one about gay rights as it was not yet legalized in my state. I kept playing and got eaten by a ghost almost after I pressed the start button (my hands were shaking like crazy)….my strict science teacher looked me straight in the eye.. 22. Painting a roller coaster: So in my junior year of high school I got a project to make a roller coaster for my physics class. 88. These would then be recorded to put on the school website. Absolutely funny already. When I went for my keys after work, they and my coast were missing. 25. My mom ended up giving me her first flip phone which didn’t even have a camera or the option to have music or photos transferred. Evan insisted Juice play the organ anyway. embarrassed, I ran away and my mom and sister had to bring me the slice of pizza from my finding place in the freezer section. You get the drift. Cringey! Evan wanted her to play the organ instead of piano. Literally, the whole school had filled with smoke while we’d kept super safe under our wooden desks. —CraboTheBusmaster She hired Dave to help her with her English lessons. My friend told me she had seen a bottle with my name on it inside this bin of Coke. I’ll spare you the details but let’s just say it was not totally normal colored…trying to stay professional I then had to proceed and hold the clients butt cheek taunt to shave it. Blood inched its way down my forearm and stained her glistening teeth. 2 Comments. You can even create your own emoji stories if you are patient and persistent enough. She got mad at me, telling me that I wasn’t being ‘patriotic’ and sent me to the principal’s office. I wasn’t one for playing games during class but I was soooo bored…so I searched up Pac-Man on Google and started playing (I didn’t know what else to play). He was new there but the book was a book I read and LOVED. When pimple-like bumps or boils start showing up in areas where skin rubs together, you may question what’s going on with your body. There is a slick teaching tool which can be used as a filler, a full lesson or an introduction to a new topic. as we were leaving I saw these little plushy dinosaurs that fit perfectly in my hands. See Also: Black Travel: Visit Chicago, Illinois. I opened to a random spot and just pretended like I was reading. Jeff stormed out never to be seen again while Suze enjoyed the quiet. My teacher asks the class for a problem we can apply to it right? Lady Wickshire sipped her tea, waiting for another fake niece to visit. I had finally gotten the hang of it and I was riding around the circle showing off, and my mom was like “say cheese” so I look over at her for a second and I FUCKING RAM INTO A CAR AT FULL SPEED. She said she was disappointed I couldn’t hold it in and proceeded to tell a story of how she taught a famous athlete who did nearly the same thing. Dane drank a large glass of water before bed. 2/7/2014 —jdgrafton. The nonsense generator creates random, and often downright bizarre, sentences. The whole time she saw me as the quiet teacher’s pet who was shy as hell. When I opened my history I was mortified since stupid me had forgotten that being the awkward virgin that I was at the time I had searched up tutorials on kissing and making out that previous night. I asked her how or why and she said that if children sit on cold ground their ovaries will freeze and that we won’t be able to have kids. 5. Why? Scarlet asked Ruther to the dance but he said no. AND THE SHOW ENDED AFTER THAT SEASON AND EVERYONE BELIEVED ME UP UNTIL LIKE 6TH GRADE BUT NOW MY BEST FRIEND WILL NEVER LET ME FORGET ABOUT IT AND I’M SO ANGRY. She took it, walked back to her desk, put it down, turned around, and saw me with the second book that got taken back on my desk!!! The mummers (some of the house serfs) dressed up as bears, Turks, innkeepers, and ladies--frightening and funny--bringing in with them the cold from outside and a feeling of gaiety, crowded, at first timidly, into the anteroom, then hiding behind one another they pushed into the ballroom where, shyly at first and then more and more merrily and heartily, they started singing, … Short literary fiction is one of my areas of writing interests, so I dabble in composing short stories and flash fiction from time to time. Josie baked six pies for the reunion banquet. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. His mother told Harry to leave the toy home, not to take it to school. I’m still traumatized…. I will probably never be able to live down the moment I looked at the multicolored butt right in the crack. ... Each student takes a loose piece of paper and writes the opening sentence to a story. 53. Let the humor stem from the setting, characters, and situations, or some combination of them. 24. (At this point it was just to mess with my teacher.). After about a minute or two, I realized something was wrong. when we got up to the cashier to pay, I got distracted by his cuteness so instead of asking for the pizza, I confidently said “one popcorn please”, which SAMs Club food court has none of. And if I didn’t want it, I could sell it for money. And that is why my parents can never take my cooking seriously. It means I want you to write a single story in three sentences. “The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. I offered to find it, and my teacher let me use her computer, that was connected to a Promethean board so that the whole class could see what I was doing on the screen. None of us were sure if it was the fire alarm or the lockdown alarm, so we all head out into the hall to check and no one’s out there, so we head back in and climb under our desks as is lockdown procedure. This was a mistake, because I just so happened to walk over one that was on. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. 3. Adverbs EXAMPLES studies hard does not exercise daily studies … The unsigned card arrived two days after Syd's birthday. At least I passed one test that day. At a Budapest zoo: PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS. Bad lover. “An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story,” he said. Elsie told the cops she thought she shot four burglars, breaking in. Oh—semen: When I was in high school, I was pretty quiet around people who weren’t my friends. I did it for months and I’d transfer the money from Galchick to Dudeman and all my friends wondered how I had super good gear. The toilet phase: When I was younger, around 3 or 4 years old, I had a phase of flushing things down the toilet. How bugs feel: When I was about 5/6 my mom and stepdad bought my sister and I bikes for Easter. Susette finally admitted she was a reunion crasher. And I will ask these to myself about my painting. You may unsubscribe at any time. Waiting for her brother, Andrea became worried, fearing an accident. Old man Foster grew worried for his mailman friend. Ethan is laughing his ass off, Nate (next oldest brother) is rolling on the floor, and I’m just sitting there like WTF. So after I read my part, I took out my second copy of Artemis and picked up right where I left off. The child and his mother: A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some of your hairs turning grey?”. 4. Imagine if I had opened it inside of the theatre…, 34. Then a couple of hours later, during lunch I was walking past the staffroom to get to the lunch hall when I heard my speech being played, being curious I stopped and I heard them replay “I am gay myself actually” a couple of times over. But the teacher didn’t know I was out. I had accidentally slapped someone in the face. Practice math problems like Subtraction Sentences up to 5 with interactive online worksheets for Kindergarteners Graders. Complete mortification. A much more difficult challenge is to use it to end a story. Puts on clothes and grabs a bat. I started panicking because the game noises were excruciatingly loud. 40. See Also: Stars Without Makeup. He set up a camera to capture the culprits. Coca-Cola disaster: A couple years ago my friends and I were going to see a movie in the theatre at the mall. In the middle of this she suddenly goes, “I really like Dick’s” Marcell entered the pub, saw Alex, and gasped in surprise. They all smelled strange so we started to think about names we could give them ‘grandma’s toilet cleaning agent’ or sth like this. Reference Note I For information on adverbs, see page 61. There was a boy that I had a crush on for the past year in my class. 39. In his nightmares, Carl still wonders if someday Carla will erupt again. Talk about it with the classroom, move ideas around and come up with four sentences that you can work with. It is amazing to me how often this happens. Susette danced and ate pie and talked to everyone. At the time I was reading an Artemis Fowl book, and for some reason I had two copies of the same book. Be kind to your dentist. Bella arrived first bringing a bouquet of dandelions. I start raging as I smack the Pringles out of the kids’ hands and start ripping people away from the main source. A battered woman, Lee Smith, gave birth to a boy. Simply press one of the generation buttons below. One day, when he was six, I was at his house when he got this absolutely god-awful stomach pain. Lizzy brought three apples to school to share with friends.. Sue-Ellen wanted the peach but not the apples or oranges. A Catholic school. Funny Sentences sentences list database of funny Funny Sentences. She asked me where I was going so I started running as fast as I could screaming I looked around frantically, trying to find out who I can tell, because I didn’t have any friends to tell in this class. Ava said her prayers again while Dane drank the water. We thought the upholstery in the car seat had ripped. I momentarily forgot that only moons have phases, and that the sun is generally always ‘full’ … my friends have never let me live it down. Classroom Chaos: So in 8th grade I used to read during class a lot. Panic! I wore an extremely soft red dress that I was in love with, and some wedges. I’m beside myself; cloning machine works. I still haven’t lived it down. Additionally, always create some kind of stakes. And as one composes them, one finds that even each sentence must remain fairly brief, an exercise that encourages the employment of just the right word in the right place. This would be interesting as a freeform discussion so others could post stories with or without connections to each other. Maxine saw Porter and decided to rib him about being stood up. I took pity on her and told her what was really happening. This is the best way to enliven the child in us. I had my main account (let’s call him Dudeman) and my hoe account (let’s call her Galchick). #39) Maths Made Easy #38) C’est la vie #37) Everyone Loves a Blue Whale #36) Seems Legit… While asleep in the middle of the night, I was awaken by something touching my breasts. So he comes up to me & ripped my BRAND NEW Apple headphones, looking ruthless. Don’t sit on cold ground: So a couple weeks ago, me and my friends were sitting on this cement kind of pedestal (as we called it) It’s basically the steps up to the portable. 33. Thanks, Mrs. Miller, you the best: One time way back in sixth grade math class I had to fart really bad. I stepped inside a pothole in my neighbor’s lawn and completely fell in mud but I got right back up and kept running, muddy as hell, trying to get to my house while my sister was dying from laughter behind me. You know books. 43. 42 Elementary Story Starters and Sentence Starters-- Writing Prompts I recently uploaded my new Elementary Story Starters printable to Teachers Pay Teachers for $1. 62. Thanks and enjoy! His face looks like the best chair: So there’s this really hot kid in my creative writing class. 28. So skip forward again and my teacher sees me with the book again and says, “How many of those do you have?” I gave my smartass remark as “enough.” She took away that book, too. I would’ve murdered her at the very least, but a supervisor saw us and ran over. He took it out and passed it over without hesitation. 52. Like a traffic light, it signals STOP, wait, pay attention. Duke told Ellen they could see the move after football. See more ideas about 2 sentence horror stories, horror stories, short horror stories. She has me pull over, tells me I’m the worst drive ever. It was a pink little slide phone where you’d slide it sideways and have the texting keyboard and all. 6. Big surprise it wasn’t. After the lecture the guy comes up to me, and lays his hand on head and I’m like “eeeehm, what are you doing” and he stares me dead in the eyes and says “I’ve never seen such a gorgeous skull” and then he turns around and leaves. Interesting Funny Short Story Ideas for Kids. Suddenly my brother’s best friend stood behind us and from this day he’s thinking that I’m taking drugs. Supposedly, he made it during lunch with some other writers to prove that he could create a scary story in just six words. Funny Fill-In: Offbeat. 1. Students will be able to add them to their own vocabulary lists, and even see how the words are used in other videos. This defeats the purpose of a thriller-based story which center usually on sudden frights, scares and quick plot resolutions. I forgot that they mail home the end-of-year cards, and my mom got it before I could intercept with my fake. 36. Old man Foster finally gave up, went home, and died. Remember: a story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. my tiny body dragged the bottle on the floor all the way to the bathroom. Slappy trails: One time in fifth grade, I was walking back to class from the bathroom. I get all the way to my science class and set the book bag at my desk when LO AND BEHOLD it’s not my backpack. “WE HAVE TO GET HOME, IM NOT GONNA MAKE IT! As it turns out, I am gay: When I was around 9 years old I was starting to get confused about my sexuality so I would always look up “Are You Gay” quizzes on our family computer because I was scared and confused, and my mom eventually saw the searches in the history and confronted me about it. I NEED TO SEE, WHY CANT I SEE!?!”. The teacher was very flustered and laughing hysterically at this point and there was no more teaching going on. Not so easy when you think about it, but that doesn't mean it's impossible, Especially when you focus on it's bad points, no matter how many of few there are. Your answers indicate you’ve experienced symptoms commonly associated with HS. 6. While everyone was getting trashed, I went around putting tuna inside all the curtain rods and so like weeks went by and they couldn’t figure out why the house smelled like festering death. Instead of using a word sentence use an emoji sentence to express yourself. Fiction writing is a boundless category, and each author has his preferred style of beginning a story or a novel. The teacher thought she was going to win this game but underestimated my teamwork with my classmates. I placed it on HubPages a while back but the language is too strong for this site. I mean, he was literally writhing in pain. Lefty runs around back leaving Spotty in front. The yellow bikes were found in the lake 50 years later. Sentence 3 from Suzy fits well with Sentence 2 from Johnny and Sentence 4 from Joe goes well with Sentence 1 from Ethel (what a name, Ethel). wrong. Dec 28, 2020 - Explore Terri Burg's board "2 sentence horror stories" on Pinterest. Well….It went okay for a little while, until I discovered a globule of blackened noodles which had turned into some sort of strange crystalline substance yet seen in nature by humankind. “…What did you say?”, Of course I started crying harder and I said “NO it’s just a test you’re going to wash my mouth out with soap again.”. Let me warn you: these sentence starters are funny. 42. Bruce blocked Amanda, who then wrote even more furiously. SplashLearn offers easy to understand fun math lessons aligned with common core for K-5 kids and homeschoolers. She would do anything to make me cry and sent me to the principle’s office any chance she got. When we get there, there is a state trooper waiting for me. People can talk on and on about every scene and line from their favorite movie, but if you want a real challenge, try explaining your favorite movie in just one sentence. Alex was cool, he just told Maxine to give him a beer. Gia stressed out looking for a way to make Tilly believe her. Funny Fill-In: Museum Madness. Victoria’s no longer a secret: So my oldest brother Ethan doesn’t like wearing pants while at home, he wears boxers (because he’s a gentleman) but REFUSES to wear pants. She gives me weird looks every time she sees me now. The screenwriter was inspired by a guy who put his thoughts in two sentences. They caught me through this video where these guys at the party were singing Beyoncé while I was in the background with a can of tuna. Lee Smith cowered in the back of her cell. That time in freshman year: So I was always the person who’d try to leave class really fast so I wouldn’t always being paying attention to some very crucial surroundings. I rush over to see what it is. When we got back from kayaking I took my phone out only to find the bag was submerged in water. Only to be met with steam hot enough to burn leg hair off, and my dress being blown up to my neck around hundreds of other people. last night, I became hungry and decided to make some ramen. I have a 3-for-1 deal you can’t miss! Edna jumped up, pulled off her shoes, and jumped into the river. 5% discount on all merchandise. Which, is also hysterical because Spandex hides NOTHING; you could see all of their junk. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. 5. It is obvious that the beginning of a story depends on the overall plot, but there are times when you can use all the inspiration you need to get the start you were looking for. Drama at my drama class: One time my drama class’s teacher had gone home sick so we were just put in a classroom with a movie to entertain us for the period when an alarm went off. One night, I had a really vivid dream where my friend and I had this huge falling out over something that I can’t even remember now. Each pithy piece can serve as a brief outline that one could fill out with further details that would result in a full-fledged short story. Useful to teach reading, basic sentence structure, and practice basic sounds of letters; Funny and enjoyable; The entire time I was waiting, I was mentally rehearsing what my order would be “one slice of cheese pizza please”, my mind was repeatedly screaming at me. The middle of a story is where things typically get complex. “The Woman Who Went to Bed for a Year” by Sue Townsend. well, when my mom and I got to the car, she found them and called the store back and made me apologize. I had some paper in my arms from last class so I decided to use those and figure out everything during lunch instead of making a scene at like literally the first week of my high school career. There are innumerable people around the world who spend certain part of every day for reading the funny stories. with our featured Funny Phrases and Stupid Sentences and "How did this come to be?" The first words out of my mouth were “It says oh semen.”. 56. Michael Collins aka Lakemoron from The Village of Lakemore, Summit County, Ohio on April 04, 2018: Sorry about that. For all these reasons, we take time to read those stories. Lee feared the baby would beat her too as his father had done. Now Bruce could not see what Amanda was writing. The Fly Who Forgot her Name (Eega) Funny Animated Cartoon Story For Babies, Toddlers, Kids and Children's.SUBSCRIBE! On one particular night I had woken up the sound of our doorbell ringing. I’m talking about funny short stories. Edna said she could swim ten miles without stopping. As it turns out, I am gay. Looking back that was my first existential crisis. Now for whatever reason, I was swinging my arms around in a wild half-windmill motion. About half way to the hospital, my friend suddenly let rip the loudest, most powerful fart any of us had ever heard. like, you thought it was yours and you didn’t mean to take it” and my teacher was like why don’t you tell me more about this so Seth goes “oh it’s not my problem it’s HERS” and POINTS TO ME. A Walk in His/Her Shoes. Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. Thus, the exercise of composing these brief narratives could serve as a useful practice for poets, who must ever be on the lookout to put just the right word in just with right place. It is obvious that the beginning of a story depends on the overall plot, but there are times when you can use all the inspiration you need to get the start you were looking for. I love it. The trigger—the part of the sentence that initiates the laugh—needs to be the last thing in the line, or as close as possible as you can get it. 1 Battered and Jailed. He suddenly realized it was the guy next to me and he was completely embarrassed. On the back of the Spandex uniform, it says Ocean City Men in large letters. I was mortified, but he just started laughing. This is a very good story for their age. When they go over and pull out the uniforms, the whole class is kind of side eyeing them. 57. She waited and waited, wondering where he was. Dina watched as her mom wrote a check for the milk. Hopefully what you’ll find is that different story lines compliment on another. 20. And the endeavor offers a useful exercise for writing workshops. Best Short Stories in English. It's important to talk to a dermatologist about any medical concerns you may have. John the mailman had hit a deer on his way to work. Dave asked Nan for a raise to keep tutoring her. Frank Atanacio from Shelton on April 03, 2018: I've never seen flash-fiction broken down like this.. this was amazing and useful.. Although each "story" is quite short, it can pack the punch of unexpected drama or hilarity. Here’s the back story: My parents usually pack me fruit for a snack, but on this day they packed me like half of the leftover Pringles from the day before, you know, in that cylinder container. April wanted to go to the dance with Ruther but said yes to Joe. First phone accident: When I was in the 6th grade my parents decided I should get my first cell phone because I was going to middle school now and things were different. Due in one week — by Friday, noon EST. Gay teacher: So about a year ago we had to do a speech about something we were passionate about. As she became he, Carl disdained Carla's former obsessions. 4. Come in here. Linda Sue Grimes (author) from U.S.A. on April 04, 2018: Michael, your first story,"Mother’s Remorse," is wonderful and works well. Your story's middle section will probably be the longest. Was super excited about it but with reason had anxiety about being so far from friends and family. Al's wife, Nudge, said Al had left five hours ago. It’s another ALSO RED backpack that I had mistakenly took in my rush to get to science. She told me both of them, I laid out about 20 on a tray and stuck it in the oven, setting the timer before I walked out of the kitchen. Tell a 3-sentence story about an Advent practice in your home: We have purple candles in our wreath. We took our lunch buckets down to the river around noon. Which isn’t awful, but then I sound it out in my head. Lady's butler ushered the girl into the lady's parlor. Foreign student trauma: When I first moved from Lithuania to America I was 5 years old and didn’t speak any English. Now it’s an inside joke between us about not sitting on cold ground. She wondered why she was casting two shadows. I call the teacher, she tries to find them but she can’t either. Posted by A Girl's Guilty Pleasures at 9:29 AM. “An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story,” he said. On the back, it says OC MEN. Duh?? Naturally, I freak out a little, & I whip out my phone. Now let me say in my defense the neighborhood I lived in was in south Dallas and it’s still not a safe place. Scott was jailed across the stateline for lifting a TV from Walmart. 20. We all like very funny short stories, irrespective of our age and education level. He rented a Redbox movie and made a pizza. So I stomp out of the class and start searching for Moira. Holly had no interest in Matt, Dee, or their poems. He couldn’t look me in the eye for the rest of the year. With long sentences and lengthy narrations, you will definitely bore your readers as well as give them a headache. At The Disco concert and she promised me she would face time me so that I could watch with her. Well, there are many themes on which you can base the story on. Dane came running with a bucket of water. Alice said she was glad to have the big, pink cake hammered. I had people coming up to me and asking me for my autograph and a teacher even asked for a picture with me. Basically we have this project to pick a health goal to do for a month. But I did this time. He had no way of letting them know he was still conscious. My favorite teacher: One time in 6th grade we were at recess and while I was running to my friends, I just so happened to kick a HUGE rock (keep in mind, I was wearing flip-flops so it hurt like hell) and without thinking, I shouted at the top of my lungs “MOTHERFUCKER!” And with my god-awful luck, my math teacher was sitting at the bench right BESIDE ME. His teacher called Harry's mother around noon. I hold up the stolen backpack and my teacher had the most dumbfounded look like I have never encountered someone that failed at life more than you. Funny Fill-In: A Perfect Prank. The bus was late, over forty minutes late. Realizing what she just said, she turned red and in a more quiet voice goes, “please don’t tell your parents.”, 27. But it gave no indication which person had sent it. Become a member to receive exclusive discounts on books and other curated merchandise from the team at Thought Catalog. Lee gladly went to prison to escape from her husband's battering. That’s not even the sad part, the sad part is my friends phone died so I just sat there with mud all over me at the dining room table staring at my blank phone just waiting. Beth's love of music motivated her to write many songs for piano and guitar. like I was having a mental breakdown, it was so bad my mom apologized to me afterwards and bought me a nice milkshake! The move after football gay teacher: so I open my camera, take a sobriety when! `` lee funny 5 sentence story, gave birth to a movie with her childhood and reminiscing about old memories, and excited... On may 14, 2020, the CW renewed the series for a $ 5 jug milk... 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