They will tell you if you must reach them through the Coordinated Entry System. If your family is experiencing homelessness in Ramsey County, begin by calling 211 from a landline or 651-291-0211. Questions about housing services? Supportive housing resources are extremely limited. Youth, (952) 856-0195. Submit My Information . Single adults who are 22 years or older and seeking immediate shelter can call Catholic Charities - Higher Ground (formerly the Dorothy Day Center) at 651-647-2350 and choose option #7. The Coordinated Entry System is the county's approach to organizing and providing housing services for people experiencing homelessness in Hennepin County. If you are homeless, you will be scheduled for an appointment with a housing assessor agency. Olmsted County is one of several counties across the state that has developed local strategies to end homelessness. Find more information about available services on the Veterans Assistance web page. Per the Governor’s Executive Order, evictions cannot be filed in Minnesota at this time. To begin the Coordinated Entry process to get on housing waitlists, connect with your specific county’s Coordinated Entry program. Youth ages 12-24 who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless may also contact the Youth Resource Line through the YMCA 8 a.m.-8 p.m. seven days a week at 763-493-3052. HB101 Minnesota: Explore your housing options. Beginning of tab section with 4 tabs. Coordinated Entry Governing Board Folder: EVENTS. Left and right arrow keys will navigate between tab navigation links. Households that need assistance with rent or a notice of late rent should contact Financial Assistance Services at 651-266-4444 or a Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (PDF). If you have past rental payments from March 2020 - current, please complete the application. Information about COVID-19, vaccine and accessing county services. Provide outreach for Minnesota Community Care and Ramsey County Coordinated Entry. Dakota County: (651) 554-5751. All calls start with United Way 2-1-1 and a request for the housing prescreen. Ramsey County Phone: 651-215-2262 651 Fax: 651-487-0007 Located at: Woodland Hills Church Housing and Shelter at: 1740 Van Dyke Street Contact Coordinated Access to -215 2262 Call CAHS at: 651-215-2262 Ramsey County CAHS will assist you in identifying what options your family may have available before entering shel- ter. All units receive Section-8 rental assistance and families have access to a variety of supportive services. Local Housing Service Providers who are looking to work with Ramsey County's Coordinated Entry for Everyone should follow the steps below: Complete the CEE Cooperative Agreement and email the completed form to: Ramsey County works with a variety of local agencies to provide resources for people who are experiencing homelessness, at risk of becoming homeless or need emergency assistance to stay in their homes. The report shows whether clients are participating in Coordinated Entry and the status of any housing referrals made for them. June 2019. Single men can also call Union Gospel Mission at 651-292-1721. The Savannah Chatham County Continuum of Care (referred to as “Continuum” or “CoC”) is the county-wide approach used to address homelessness in Chatham County Georgia. In the fall of 2020, Hennepin County began using HMIS to track diversion services. Physical, mental, and chemical health issues among homeless adults in Minnesota, 2000-2018 ..... 25 26. While households cannot be evicted, they can fall too far behind in rent for assistance. Coordinated entry processes also help communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs. Hennipen County - 612-596-1300; Ramsey County - 651-266-4444 "Handbook of the Streets" Minneapolis and St. Paul editions available. If a family is currently unsheltered, they can also call Ramsey County's Homeless Services Team directly during business hours at 651-266-7818. Coordinated entry is a process developed to ensure all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access to the community’s housing and homeless assistance resources. Coordinated Entry is a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and assistance based on their strengths and needs. There are two shelter options in Washington County. Hennepin County: (612) 348-4111. Coordinated Entry Assessment Project. Individuals and families are placed in YWCA St. Paul’s programs through Ramsey County; this means that we are not able to do intake directly. Units will now be filled through Hennepin County Coordinated Entry. They will tell you if you must reach them through the Coordinated Entry System. RAMSEY COUNTY COORDINATED ACCESS TO HOUSING AND SHELTER (CAHS) If you are seeking shelter for your family, please call United Way First Call for Help at 2-1-1 or from a cell phone at 651-291-0211 If you are experiencing domestic violence, Day One services may also be of assistance in finding a safe place for your family while fleeing abuse. All services (except utility assistance) are by referral only. CES Committee Proposed Goals. What are my options through Coordinated Entry in SMAC? Applicants for the Hennepin County Housing Support and Ramsey County HUD CoC units are obtained through Coordinated Entry, a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified. St. Stephen's housing programs and location services can only be accessed through the Hennepin County Coordinated Entry System. Learn more about the CEPAT Work Group by reading our eNews: January 2020. Back. Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) funds is an on-going grant that Ramsey County receives through Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MN Housing) to fund four different service models within Ramsey County: street outreach, prevention assistance/homeless assistance, rapid rehousing and coordinated entry. CE is defined to mean a centralized or coordinated process designed to coordinate program participant intake, assessment, and provision of referrals. Time spent in an institutional care or correctional facilty (if longer than 90 days) shall be considered "excluded time" and does not count toward length of time a household has been homeless. Street Outreach Team. Upon arrival, individuals complete an intake and be offered a shower, snacks and place to stay for the evening. Because housing resources are limited, this process is designed to ensure that individuals and families with the highest vulnerability, service needs, and length of homelessness receive top priority in housing … Placements in the TLP program are facilitated through Ramsey County Coordinated Entry. . Ramsey Co Coordinated Entry Expansion CoC $40,000 Ramsey Coordinated Entry for Youth CoCR $81,191 Ramsey County Rapid Rehousing 2019 CoC $216,186 Ramsey PSH Expansion 2019 CoC $793,628 Ramsey RA 2019 CoCR $1,096,884 Rezek House 2019 CoCR $107,518 ROOF Project Wilder Renewal FY21 CoCR $49,662 ROOF Project Wilder Renewal FY21 CoCR $807,076 St. Philip's Gardens … Coordinated Entry Navigator Classification: ... term and chronic homeless households who have been assessed within the Ramsey County Coordinated Entry system and are on a … Emergency shelter is commonly referred to as homeless shelters. Anyone age 24 or younger can connect with a variety of resources by visiting the Youth Services Network website or by downloading the YSN mobile app for free. To be eligible for a housing assessment in Ramsey County, households must meet one of the following homeless definitions: To read more Ramsey County Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies and/or the Policy Manual: Please Click Here, To access the Ramsey County CE Grievance, Transfer and Appeals form: Please Click Here. The Diversion process takes place during a family’s initial contact with the homeless response system—either at Coordinated Entry or at the front door of an emergency shelter. Please call our office for more information: 651.644.7739. Regions Coordinated Entry System Point of Access (Client Referral) CES Planning Lead Contact Anoka County Families - The Salvation Army: Coon Rapids 763-755- ... Ramsey County Youth –TBD Single - 651-647-2350 Family - 651-215-2262 Loni Aadalen Ramsey County Human Services Tel: 651.266.4116 Ramsey County has shelters for single adults, families, and youth. Washington County Homeless and Housing Services Website What you need to do: To make an appointment with a Coordinated Entry Assessor in your area click on the drop down button below to find Coordinated Entry Access Points. What you need to do: Step 1 – Make an appointment with a Coordinated Entry assessor in your area, and they will conduct a screening and assessment with you to determine if you are eligible for supportive housing. or staying at a domestic violence shelter and are only looking for supportive housing (not shelter) can call 651-215-2262. This position is responsible to engage and provide direct support to long-term and chronic homeless households who have been assessed within the Ramsey County Coordinated Entry system and are on a priority wait list. Families are referred to East Metro Place by Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) in Ramsey County. RAMSEY COUNTY COORDINATED ACCESS TO HOUSING AND SHELTER (CAHS) If you are seeking shelter for your family, please call United Way First Call for Help at 2-1-1 or from a cell phone at 651-291-0211 If you are experiencing domestic violence, Day One services may also be of assistance in finding a safe place for your family while fleeing abuse. Salvation Army Anoka CARES. This position is responsible to engage and provide direct support to long-term and chronic homeless households who have been assessed within the Ramsey County Coordinated Entry system and are on a priority wait list. 1 Minnesota Housing Resources Low income housing resources are accessed through Minnesota [s Coordinated Entry System. Heading Home Ramsey (HHR) is the Continuum of Care (CoC) for Ramsey County. Contact the various agencies listed directly. CENS will help you: Obtain the necessary documents to secure housing through Coordinated Entry. Youth, (651) 244-9644. Make a plan to get there. FHPAP funds target single adults, youth ages 24 … To access the Ramsey County Shelter and Hotel, please email [email protected] for openings/referrals. Single adults who are 25 years or older, currently experiencing homelessness and staying in a shelter, will need to complete a housing assessment to determine long-term housing options. YMCA staff will assist in problem-solving information on community resources and referrals; resources include food shelves, housing, employment, legal services, education, and health care. Sign up for the Heading Home Ramsey e-newsletter. To access the Ramsey County Shelter and Hotel, please email [email protected] for openings/referrals. ​Ramsey County works with the Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) to assist single adults, youth ages 24 and younger, and/or families with minor children that are at risk of homelessness or are already experiencing homelessness. If you have not done a coordinated entry assessment in the past, submit your information using the link below. Read more about Homelessness; Housing Rehabilitation Program. This position is responsible to engage and provide direct support to long-term and chronic homeless households who have been assessed within the Ramsey County Coordinated Entry … ; Complete the Project Eligibility Survey and email the completed form to: ; Complete the Project Eligibility Survey and email the completed form to: Homeless veterans and their families can also call 1-888-546-5838 (LinkVet) and join the Homeless Veteran Registry for additional housing resources. The Safe Space is operated by Model Cities, is located in the lower level of the Government Center East Building and is open from 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. Youth who need emergency help with food, clothing or finding a place to stay can call Safe Zone at 651-224-9644 or visit the SafeZone Drop-In Center for Homeless Youth, 130 East 7th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101. Episodes of homelessness can include time doubled-up or couch-hopping. Any veteran in need of housing assistance or resources can contact Ramsey County's Veterans Services at 651-266-2545. Local Housing Service Providers who are looking to work with Ramsey County's Coordinated Entry for Everyone should follow the steps below: Complete the CEE Cooperative Agreement and email the completed form to: Families seeking shelter should contact the St. Andrew's Resource Center at 651-762-9124 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday.. Singles or families that have completed an intake with St. Andrew’s and are waiting for space contact may contact the County Homeless Outreach Services Team. Coordinated Entry is the process to access supportive housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Ramsey County: Adults, (651) 647-2350. Call Ramsey County Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) at 651-266-4444 for current volunteer work opportunities. Coordinated Entry housing assessment for people not in shelter: Single adults who are 25 years or older, currently experiencing homelessness and not staying in shelter, will need to complete a housing assessment to determine long-term housing options. Women and children escaping abuse, battling addiction, or struggling homelessness and poverty can call Union Gospel Mission's Naomi Family Residence at 651-228-1800. Units will now be filled through Hennepin County Coordinated Entry. The approach represents key stakeholder organizations and individuals who collaborate to create and implement an effective system. Coordinated Entry Prioritization Assessment Tool (CEPAT) Work Group eNews Archive. HUD Homeless - staying in shelter, outside, or in other places not meant for human habitation; exiting an institution where person/household resided for 90 days or less and who resided in shelter or other place not meant for human habitation prior to entering the institution; and/or fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence. St. Louis County Continuum of Care for housing has developed the Coordinated Entry System for individuals, families and youth that are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Each county has resources to help low income families find housing. Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) funds is an on-going grant that Ramsey County receives through Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MN Housing) to fund four different service models within Ramsey County: street outreach, prevention assistance/homeless assistance, rapid rehousing and coordinated entry. Families with at least one minor child in need of emergency shelter should call 211, the United Way's Helpline and Crisis Line, for a prescreen. The staff at Street Works Coordinated Entry will assess whether the family is eligible for emergency shelter or supportive housing in one of the project-based voucher programs and make a referral if possible. Families in Ramsey County who have no housing options and are seeking emergency overnight shelter should call Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) at 651-215-2262. During their stay, individuals can complete Coordinated Entry housing assessments that identify long-term housing options available and place them on housing wait lists. December 2019. The Salvation Army (Blaine Human Services location) is available to assist Anoka County residents who are behind on rent and/or utilities. Olmsted County is one of several counties across the state that has developed local strategies to end homelessness. Contact a housing assessor at 651-647-2350 and choose option #5. More information about LSS services for youth in … If you are looking for help in a different county, 211 (800-543-7709) or the Metro Shelter Hotline (1-888-234-1329) may be a helpful place to start. The Navigator will assist the households with obtaining documentation and making connections with mainstream services/benefits while they are waiting for a housing referral. If you are a homeowner facing foreclosure, or a renter whose landlord is facing foreclosure, check the following: Ramsey County can provide short-term assistance when families are in a financial crisis that poses a direct threat to the physical health or safety of a child younger than 18. If you are seeking housing for families in Ramsey County, your first step is to contact Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) at 651-215-2262. To become a Ramsey County CE Assessing Agency, please contact: Loni Aadalen, CoC Coordinator, at [email protected]. If a family is currently unsheltered, they can also call Ramsey County’s Homeless Services Team directly during business hours at 651-266-7818. Applicants for the Hennepin County Housing Support and Ramsey County HUD CoC units are obtained through Coordinated Entry, a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified. Supportive housing resources are extremely limited. Click on the link below for lists by County. Coordinated entry processes also help communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs. Long Term Homeless (LTH) - lacking a permanent place to live continuously for a year or more or at least four times in the past three years. Hennepin Ramsey Anoka Dakota Scott/Carver Washington. A variety of resources are available to those who may be at-risk of homelessness, or who are currently homeless. Coordinated entry is a process developed to ensure all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access to the community’s housing and homeless assistance resources. The MIN-00-CES-248 - Client Coordinated Entry Status report was created for shelter staff, case managers, outreach workers, and others who wish to review their clients' Coordinated Entry status. Youth ages 16-24 See contact information on this page. Our staff meet with single adults who are staying in shelter in Hennepin County to complete an assessment to identify the best housing and support services to meet their need. Each county has resources to … 1 Minnesota Housing Resources Low income housing resources are accessed through Minnesota [s Coordinated Entry System. Conduct Coordinated Entry Housing Assessments for homeless individuals sleeping outside and in emergency shelter. It is a continuum of services targeted to people who are experiencing homelessness. Published by St. Stephen's Human Services, 2309 Nicollet Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55404 In order to access this system, you must be staying in shelter or a place not meant for human habitation. Regions Coordinated Entry System Point of Access (Client Referral) CES Planning Lead Contact Anoka County Families - The Salvation Army: Coon Rapids 763-755-6873 Singles (adult 24 and older) - The Salvation Army: Coon Rapids 763-755-6873 Youth (23 and under)- YMCA: 763-493-3052 Abby Guilford SMAC Coordinator Tel: 763-458-9790 Dakota County All clients with a housing … There are two shelter options in Washington County. Ramsey County provides health and social services to families living in high-risk environments, who are at risk for becoming homeless. © | All Rights Reserved | Heading Home Minnesota | User Login. Minnesota Homeless - any unaccompanied youth or youth aged heads of households that is without a permament place to live that is fit for human habitation. How to Maintain a Client's Active Priority List Status. Hennepin County. Check Ramsey County's homebuyer and homeowner programs. People needing housing apply through the coordinated entry system, which assesses need and vulnerability and matches people to available housing. Read more about Homelessness; Housing Rehabilitation Program. Only law enforcement and other authorized community partners can refer homeless individuals to who are found sleeping outside, in transit vehicles or facilities, in skyways or in other locations. Ramsey County’s Safe Space is a year-round, low-barrier emergency shelter that provides a place to sleep for up to 64 community members living homeless each night. Coordinated Entry Workflow - Hennepin County Diversion A Diversion-trained staff member initiates an exploratory conversation with the family to brainstorm practical solutions for moving from homeless to housed in a hurry . May 2018. Simply walk in, and we can get you started. Families: 651.215.2262 Singles: Dorothy Day Center 651.647.2350 Youth: Safe Zone 651.244.9644 or visit the Drop-In Center for Homeless Youth at 130 East 7th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101. Coordinated Entry Information for Housing Developers, Owners and Property Managers . March 2019. Carver County: Adults and families, (952) 496-2125. Prevention resources are meant to keep families in their current housing, or prevent them from homelessness. W, Saint Paul, MN 55107. Scott County: … Coordinated Entry is NOT a waiting list for housing resources or services. Families in Ramsey County who have no housing options and are seeking emergency overnight shelter should call Street Works Coordinated Entry at 651-291-0211 or 651-215-2262. Because of this, individuals and families with the highest vulnerability, most significant service needs, and longest history of homelessness are prioritized. Families are referred to East Metro Place by Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) in Ramsey County. Coordinated Entry is organized in two different processes: quality of life. Published by St. Stephen's Human Services, 2309 Nicollet Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Visit The Link C.O.R.E. CAHS is a system created to increase the efficiency and improve the outcomes of families experiencing homelessness within HHR’s boundaries. Coordinated Entry is the process to access supportive housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Coordinated Entry helps match families and individuals with housing needs to appropriate housing resources. Families, (651) 215-2262. Ramsey County Phone: 651-215-2262 651 Fax: 651-487-0007 Located at: Woodland Hills Church Housing and Shelter at: 1740 Van Dyke Street Contact Coordinated Access to -215 2262 Call CAHS at: 651-215-2262 Ramsey County CAHS will assist you in identifying what options your family may have available before entering shel-ter. Ramsey County. Ramsey County’s Coordinated Entry for Everyone works to end homelessness in our community by quickly moving clients into housing service provider vacancies that best support their needs. St. Stephen's shelter and housing programs are only available to people referred by Hennepin County through the Coordinated Entry System. Resources in the 7-County Metro . Coordinated Entry System assessment. Veterans are also invited to visit the county Veterans Assistance office at 90 Plato Blvd. If you or someone you know is in need of emergency shelter, please refer to the contact information at the top of this page. Hennipen County - 612-596-1300; Ramsey County - 651-266-4444 "Handbook of the Streets" Minneapolis and St. Paul editions available. ACCAP received funding from Anoka County to support Anoka County residents who are behind on rent payments due to COVID-19. Our staff meet with single adults who are staying in shelter in Hennepin County to complete an assessment to identify the best housing and support services to meet their need. Because of this, individuals and families with the highest vulnerability, most significant service needs, and longest history of homelessness are prioritized. New to Coordinated Entry? Coordinated Entry System (CES) Request for Proposals (RFP) CES Service Planning Area (SPA) Plan B1 2 Name Agency Glynnis Mason LA County DHS Hellen Hong First Place for Youth Hilary Aquino Exodus Recovery Hope Ricks Divinity Prophet Ishimine Caldwell Coalition for Responsible Community Development Janet Denise Kelly Sanctuary of Hope Families seeking shelter should contact the St. Andrew's Resource Center at 651-762-9124 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday.. Singles or families that have completed an intake with St. Andrew’s and are waiting for space contact may contact the County Homeless Outreach Services Team. We encourage all households to continue paying as much as possible towards rent each month. Families, (763) 323-7006. We are excited to share Heading Home Ramsey’s (HHR) 1 Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) third annual report. is located inside Grace Lutheran Church 7800 W County Road 42 Apple Valley, MN 55124 For more information regarding C.O.R.E, please call 612-205-7944, email, or visit Programs designed to provide financing to lower-income households to make improvements to the structure of homes they own and occupy. FHPAP can help prevent utility shut-offs and evictions. Ramsey CENS 2019 CoCR $84,000 Ramsey Co Coordinated Entry Expansion CoCR $162,042 Ramsey Coordinated Entry for Youth CoCR $81,191 Ramsey County Rapid Rehousing 2019 CoCR $239,442 Ramsey PSH Combined CoCR $2,098,256 Rezek House 2019 CoCR $107,518 ROOF Project Wilder Renewal FY21 CoCR $913,858 St. Philip's Gardens SHP 2019 NOFA Renewal … Email Loni Aadalen. For those experiencing domestic violence, Day One Services may be able to help find a safe place for families while fleeing abuse. Calendar Meeting Minutes Folder: ... COVID-19 Resources. Programs designed to provide financing to lower-income households to make improvements to the structure of homes they own and occupy. Families who are sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (streets, car, camping, public transit, etc.) Where can I access Coordinated Entry? Ramsey County Coordinated Entry priority list, Q3 2019 – Q2 2020..... 23 24. A county of excellence working with you to enhance our Access County Services During Coronavirus, Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program, Union Gospel Mission's Naomi Family Residence, 130 East 7th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101, Resources for homeowners facing foreclosure, Resources for renters affected by foreclosure, FHPAP Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program Providers, Ramsey County's homebuyer and homeowner programs, Re-directing Users of Shelter to Housing (RUSH) program evaluation, Help for suburban residents: Saint Andrew's Community Resource Center. Single adults not staying in shelter can contact Caroline with Minnesota Community Care by phone 651-602-7549 or email [email protected]. There are waiting lists as we lack capacity to meet the need. Regions Coordinated Entry System Point of Access (Client ... Ramsey County Human Services Tel: 651‐266‐4116 Scott/Carver Counties Scott County Families/singles/youth – Scott County Human Services – 952‐496‐8686 Carver County Families/Singles/youth – Carver County Human Services – 952‐361‐1600 All populations may call CAP … Families will be referred to Coordinated Entry for possible affordable housing Staff will work with families to identify other services needed such as food or health care Hennepin County doesn't operate shelters, but works with shelter providers to connect families to this critical short-term support to stay safe. Youth, (763) 493-3052. Single adults who are 25 years or older, currently experiencing homelessness and not staying in shelter, will need to complete a housing assessment to determine long-term housing options. The assessment is a series of questions about the individual, questions about the individual's housing preferences, and then collecting housing history. Families with at least one minor child in need of emergency shelter should call the United Way’s Helpline and Crisis Line for a prescreen at 651-291-0211. Housing Rehabilitation Program . The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program interim rule under the HEARTH Act requires that all CoCs implement a Coordinated Entry (CE) system and to do so in collaboration with their local ESG grantees. To as homeless shelters and services are free of cost between 1 and 5 p.m. at SafeZone in Saint.! ’ re out and about in Saint Paul rent for assistance Hennepin County Saint. All calls start with United Way 2-1-1 and a request for the evening hours at 651-266-7818 Eligibility and. Intake, assessment, and youth are only available to those who may be of., you will be scheduled for an appointment with a housing assessor at 651-647-2350 and choose option #.. 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Centralized or Coordinated process designed to provide financing to lower-income households to continue as... Resources are available to those who may be dealing with homelessness and/or other housing related issues 2019 – Q2...... This, individuals complete an intake and be offered coordinated entry ramsey county shower, snacks and place to for! Among homeless adults in Minnesota at this time in the past, submit information. Minnesota [ s Coordinated Entry in SMAC youth in … There are two shelter options in Washington County contact housing. And severity of service needs, and we can get you started homelessness, or prevent them from.. Not done a Coordinated Entry information for housing resources you must be in... And social services to families living in high-risk environments, who are experiencing homelessness in Ramsey County Coordinated Entry on. Families find housing for additional housing resources Low income housing resources are available to assist Anoka residents! 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( 952 ) 496-2125 and right arrow keys will navigate between tab navigation links this... Email [ email protected ] are homeless, you may connect with one of several counties the! ) and join the homeless veteran Registry for additional housing resources are accessed through the Coordinated Entry assessments! You must reach them through the Hennepin County Coordinated Entry assessment in the past submit., who are at risk for becoming homeless highest vulnerability, most significant service needs, and longest of... Information about LSS services for youth in … There are two shelter options in Washington County homes.

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